14 | Graveyard

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Komaeda was packing his bags for a field trip. Back when Yukizome introduced Kamukura to him, she told him they'd be roommates.

Komaeda was looking forward to it.

He grabbed his bag from a shelf, but it swiped a box off of it too.

"Huh?" Komaeda opened the box.

There were letters, stickers, empty boxes of chocolate and anything that Hinata had given him inside.

"Oh..." He had put everything into a box a few weeks into their relationship. Hinata had always liked giving him gifts.

Komaeda found a bunch of litte pieces of paper too. They had
compliments written on them. Hinata gave him one every day because of Komaeda's low self-esteem.
Komaeda would always get embarrassed, but he still liked them a lot.

They had cliché stuff written on them.

I love you.

You're beautiful.

You mean the world to me.

Stuff like that.

Komaeda's eyes began to water.

There was an empty chocolate box that Hinata had given him on their first date. Komaeda wasn't a fan of sweets, but he still ate them all.

Komaeda just wanted to hear Hinata's voice.

He wanted Hinata to tell him it was all going to be okay, that he would come back.

He wanted Hinata to kiss him again.

The tears wouldn't stop. Komaeda took a deep breath.

"Calm down, calm d-down..." He told himself, but he couldn't. He couldn't get Hinata out of his head.

"Ha-Hajime... I-I..." He trailed off when he saw his tears making the ink on the notes Hinata had given him wet.

"N-no..." He quickly put them in the box and closed it. "S-stop it," Komaeda cried.

He slowly stood up and went to the bathroom. He supported himself with his hands on the sink, looking at the mirror that was hanging above it.

His face had tear stains on it. Komaeda turned on the faucet and splashed water into his face. Then he dried it off.

"Why does everyone always die..? Wh-why can't I just have one good thing? What did I do to deserve this..."

He decided to leave the house, so he put on his shoes and jacket.

Komaeda went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of Gladiolus. They symbolize hope and he needed that right now.

He walked to the graveyard and made his way over to Hinata's grave.

Komaeda took a deep breath and placed the flowers in front of the gravestone.

He felt his eyes start to sting again. Komaeda didn't want to cry two times today, but he couldn't hold it back.

He began crying again, trying not to make a lot of noise.

His tears landed on the paper that was wrapped around the bouquet.

Suddenly, he felt like someone hugged him, so he turned around.

No one was there.

"Huh..?" He still felt a warm embrace around him.

Maybe it was Hinata's spirit. Komaeda chuckled.

"That's a silly thought..."

He still liked it though. The idea of Hinata watching over him.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now