12 | Friends

548 27 11

"C'mon, Coach, you can do it!" Owari cheered.

"It looks like Kamukura-kun is gonna win this round. Again." Nanami said.

"You're right. He's really strong." Komaeda agreed. "Even if it doesn't look like it."
And with that, he beat Nidai at arm wrestling too.

"Who's next?" Kamukura turned around.

"Me!" Souda yelled. "There's gotta be some kinda tactic, right, Soul bro?"

"Either that, or Kamukura-kun really is perfect at everything he does." Komaeda nodded.

Souda sat down in front of him. In an instant, Kamukura had beaten him.

"Th-that was unfair! I didn't have time to prepare!" Souda yelled.

"Too bad."

"What about you, Komaeda-kun?" Nanami asked.

"If even Nidai-kun can't do it, I doubt I'll be a fun match for Kamukura-kun."

"Trying won't hurt." Kuzuryuu said.

"Ugh... Fine, if you guys wanna see me fail that badly, I guess I don't have a choice."

He sat down in front of Kamukura, grabbing his hand and getting his arm into position.

"One... two... three..." Owari counted. "Go!"

Komaeda had planned to use all the strength, but he knew he'd fail. That's why he was shocked when Kamukura's arm flopped onto the table.

"H-huh?" Komaeda looked up.

"You won," Kamukura stated.

"The hell?!" Kuzuryuu yelled. "You obviously let him win!"

"So?" Kamukura leaned back in his chair. "He's still a winner." He leaned forward again, looking into Komaeda's eyes rather intensely.

"A good one at that."

Komaeda's cheeks heated up slightly. "I-I'm not a good winner at all!" He sputtered out.

After school, Kamukura, Komaeda and Souda went out to eat lunch together. They had sort of become a friend group ever since they went swimming a few weeks ago.

"So, I've been planning to ask out Sonia-san, right? Kuzuryuu said-"

"Don't talk with food in your mouth," Komaeda said.

"Shut up. Anyway, he told me I shouldn't, because she'd 'reject me anyway' or whatever, but I think..."

Kamukura zoned out, staring at Komaeda. He was giggling at whatever Souda was talking about. His cheeks were a pleasant shade of pink.

His cheeks...

Kamukura really wanted to reach out and kiss-

"So, Kamukura?" Souda asked.


"Ugh, do you ever listen to me?" He rolled his eyes. "Komaeda said

we could have a sleepover at his place tonight. Are you on board?"

Kamukura smiled slightly.

"For sure."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now