40 | Wedding | last chapter

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Kamukura held back tears. He couldn't stop smiling. He wasn't even listening to whatever the registrar was saying.
Komaeda just looked too pretty. He was beautiful from head to toe.
He only began paying attention again, when his name was said.

"Kamukura Izuru, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in harmony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

He nodded. "I do,"

"It is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss. I am so pleased to present the newlyweds, Kamukura Izuru and Komaeda Nagito,"

Kamukura cupped Komaeda's cheek and they shared a kiss.

The crowd applauded and Komaeda whiped his tears.

Later, at the party, Souda walked up to the two.

"Hey there! Congratulations, soul bro!" He hugged Komaeda.

"Thank you!"

Souda gave Kamukura a tight hug too.

"Congrats, man,"

"Thank you, Souda," Kamukura said.

Nanami and Mioda walked towards them.

"Congrats, guys! Ibuki's so happy for you!"

"Thank you, Mioda-san,"

Nanami handed Kamukura a gift. "I wish you guys the best,"

"Thank you,"

Mioda hugged Komaeda. "Kyaaa! You're so cute in that outfit,"

Kamukura frowned. "In case you haven't noticed, he's my husband, Mioda,"

She giggled. "I know, I know,"

"Komaeda-kun?" Nanami titled her head.


"When will you throw the bouquet? I wanna try and catch it,"

"Ah, in a minute or so. When everyone's here,"

After they'd cut the cake, Komaeda threw it and Nanami was able to catch it.

"Yaaaa! We're gonna be next!" Mioda squealed, holding Nanami.

They celebrated until late in the night.

"Congrats, Komaeda!" Nidai grinned, patting his back. He gave him a dumbell. "There, you gotta work out more, my guy,"

"Ah... thank you,"

Koizumi shouted for Komaeda.

"I need to take some more pictures, Komaeda! Come over here!"

He made his way over to the spot she and Kamukura were at.

"Alright." Koizumi got onto one knee and held the camera in front of her face. "Kamukura, pick him up," she ordered.

He did as he was told and Komaeda yelped.

"Komaeda, smile for the camera!"

Said man put aside his embarrassment to get a good photo and smiled.

A while later, a couple came to the place they were celebrating at.

"Komaeda-kun?" The man called out, holding his wife's hand.

"Yes?" He looked at them. "Hinata-san?" His eyes widened. "What brings you here?"

Hinata's mother laughed. "Your wedding of course, Komaeda-kun,"

"Oh..." Kamukura put a hand on his shoulder, "I... apologize if this upsets you, I-"

"Nonsense," Hinata's father said. "We're very happy for you, no one expects you to cry over your high-school sweetheart forever, right?

We came to congratulate you and give you our gift." He handed Komaeda a box.

"Thank you so much,"

"It's nothing big, but we wanted to let you know we still care about you," Mrs.Hinata said.

Komaeda opened it up. It was a picture frame. He smiled.

On the photo, there were both his hand Hinata's family. When his parents were still alive, they'd been close friends with Hinata's.

Komaeda and him were holding hands on the photo.

He pulled Hinata's parents into a hug.

"Thank you..."

Mr. Hinata pat his back. "You're welcome. We wish you both the best of you in your marriage." He walked towards Kamukura. "Treat Komaeda-kun well, will you?"

Kamukura raised an eyebrow. "I've been doing that for years,"

Komaeda giggled.

"Just wanted to make sure," He said.

An hour later, everyone left.

Komaeda and Kamukura stayed in a hotel. Komaeda was already asleep, so Kamukura carried him.

He changed both their clothes and got into bed with his husband.

"I love you so much, Nagito." He pulled him close. "I hope you know that, my dear,"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now