7 | Cheer up

765 38 19

As much as I love Soumaeda, all their interactions in this story are purely platonic. The only person Komaeda likes romantically is Hinata.

"Hey, dude." Souda put a bag in front of Komaeda on the table in his living room.

"Souda-kun..?" Komaeda looked up at his friend.

"Yeah," He started. "You gave me a spare key a while ago, remember? Since I said I didn't like being at home all the time."

"R-right..." He nodded. "What are you doing here? And what's this?" He gestured to the bag.

"I'm here to cheer up my best friend, of course!" He grinned, sitting down next to him. "I know this must be really hard for you."

"It is... But you shouldn't worry about someone like-"

"Shut up! You're my friend, of course I'm worried," he yelled.

"Hehe..." Komaeda let out a weak chuckle and leaned against Souda's shoulder.

"Now then, I've got some stuff planned. I don't think you really wanna go out right now, so I looked up some movies we could watch." He grabbed the bag. "And here's a bunch of snacks!"

"Woah... even cola?" Komaeda asked.

"Yep, I know your tastes," He explained, pulling Komaeda into a hug.

"You're an awesome friend." Komaeda smiled.

"I know, I know." He turned on the TV and grabbed a blanket that he quickly pulled over the both of them.

"So? What movies did you pick?"

"I thought you might like murder msyeries, so I looked up some of those. There's this series of movies called 'killing harmony'. It's about a bunch of students who get locked inside a school and they're forced to kill each other and solve the murders later on."

"Sounds interesting."

"Cool." He searched for the first film and turned it on.

Komaeda grabbed his hand under the blanket and Souda gently caressed the back of Komaeda's with his thumb as they watched the movie.

After watching the second one as well, they decided to take a break and watch the others later on.

"Do you wanna order food?" Komaeda asked.


"Okay, do you want Sushi, Ramen or Pizza?" Komaeda asked.

"Ramen, I'm totally in the mood for that right now."

"Alright." Komaeda ordered their food and they waited for it to arrive. While they did that, the both of them went into Komaeda's room.

It was clean for the most part, but the bed was messy and there was a jacket and a hoodie on top of it.

"Wow, Komaeda, didn't expect you to make such a mess."

"It's not that bad..."

"What kinda jacket is this?" Souda picked it up. "Is it a blazer? Didn't know you owned a black one."

"I do own a black one, but that one's not mine." Komaeda said, taking it away from Souda. "It's Hajime's."

"Oh... sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's fine." He sat down on the bed, pressing the jacket to his chest.

"And the hoodie?"

"It's Hajime's as well... I never gave them back to him. He gave me the blazer one time at school when I forgot my jacket and it rained... he caught a cold because of it and I had to take care of him." He chuckled. "Hajime had really bad luck and the cold stayed for two whole weeks," he explained.
"It smells like him. Even if that sounds kind of creepy, I like... it brings me comfort."

"That's not weird at all, tons of people keep the stuff of their loved ones around after they pass away," Souda reassured him.

"You think so?"

"Mhm." He sat down next to his friend. "What about the hoodie?"

"He gave it to me when I stayed at his place overnight once. I forgot to bring clothes so he told me I could borrow it. It's a bit too big on me, but I like it," He said. "Hajime used to tease me about always forgetting to give it back."

Souda laughed.

Then, the doorbell rang.

"Oh! I'll go get it!" Komaeda quickly ran downstairs and got the food.

"There you go." He handed Souda one of the bowls he'd put the noodles in.

"Thanks." After a while of eating in silence, Komaeda spoke again.

"You know, Hajime didn't know how to use chopsticks. I was the one who taught him."

"For real?!"

"Yeah, he always wanted to eat sushi with a fork." Souda laughed.

"I mean, I'm in no position to shame someone for not being fancy, but come on! It's sushi."

"I know, right?" Komaeda giggled.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now