35 | rescued

353 17 3

"Stop it! Stop!" Nakamura cried out.

"Never. This little bitch annoyed me too much to just stop." The man gave a sadistic smirk.

"Stop hurting him! Are you insane?!" He kept on pleading.

Komaeda was passed out. He was beaten up and had bruises all over his body.

Right now, the scientist thought it was a fun activity to kick him in the stomach until he'd throw up. Komaeda hadn't done that though. He was passed out, after all.

Nakamura grimaced. "You're... disgusting..."

Half an hour later, Komaeda woke up.

"Are you feeling okay?" Nakamura asked.

Komaeda pulled his knees to his chest. He shook his head, crying.

"I-I just wanna go home..."

"Me too..."

"Ah, you're awake," The scientist said.

Komaeda's eyes widened in horror. "P-please, leave me alone! I'll do anything, I can't take it anymore!"

"Oh no, if your boyfriend should find you, which is unlikely, I wanna make sure you look so disgusting he'll throw up at the mere thought of you,"

"P-please, I swear, I'll stop talking! I'll do whatever you want me to! Just stop it! Stop!"

He couldn't suppress a groan, when he got kicked in the stomach.

Finally, the man left.

Komaeda began crying again. This whole situation reminded him of how he got kidnapped in middle school.

He remembered how Hinata would comfort him about it.

"I-I miss Hinata-kun... Even when we get home, I won't see him again..."

"When we get home? You still believe we will?" Nakamura asked.

Komaeda nodded. "Of course. Kamukura-kun wouldn't abandon me. H-He promised,"

Kamukura had remembered the license plate of the car they drove off in. He was able to track down the car.

Matsumoto and him stood in front of it. They had weapons prepared and Kamukura had told Nanami where he went in case he didn't come back so she would call the police.

He wouldn't need that though. He knew he'd make it, because he was motivated. He was furious. Nobody was allowed to hurt Komaeda.

"Matsumoto, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am!"

The car looked like it was standing at the side of a road, but Kamukura easily detected an underground bunker. He crouched down and tapped around in the grass for a bit, before finding the entrance.

Matsumoto and him went inside.
They tried to be as quiet as possible.

Kamukura looked for any sign of Komaeda. After what felt like forever, he heard something. The voices were muffled, but he could understand them since he had good ears.

There was a boy who was crying.

"Hey, it'll be okay," another boy tried to comfort him.

"I-I know, but it still hurts,"

Kamukura leaned close to Matsumoto to whisper in his ear. "I heard Komaeda. Follow me,"

They sneakily ran towards the voices. The door of the room the voices came from was locked. Kamukura knew he couldn't kick down the door this time, it'd be too loud. He looked around and saw that Matsumoto was wearing a hairpin. Kamukura grabbed it and picked the lock.

They opened the door and, finally, saw the two other boys.

Komaeda was on the floor, beaten and bruised. Both of them were tied up.

Kamukura sprinted towards him and picked him up.

"Are you okay, Nagito?"

The other boy just hid his face in Kamukura's chest, shaking his head. Kamukura quickly cut the ropes that were restraining Komaeda with a pocket knife.

Matsumoto was tightly hugging Nakamura. He'd already untied him.
"Put your hands up!" A man yelled. It was a scientist. He held a gun in his hands.

They all did as they were told, but Kamukura made sure to cover Komaeda with his body so he couldn't get shot.

"You've lost," The man said. "Accept it,"

In the blink of an eye, Kamukura had disarmed the man and destroyed the gun.

In a moment of distress, the scientist ran and grabbed Komaeda. He held a small knife to his throat.

"Don't move, or he's dead!"

Kamukura knew not to act so recklessly this time. He noticed Komaeda raising a hand to his chest and reaching inside his jacket.

He still had his secret weapon.

"You'll all do as I say-" A gunshot was fired. The man had let go of the knife in shock. Komaeda ran away from him.

"Don't move! Th-that was just a warning shot! I-I won't hesitate to shoot you for real!" His hands were shaking.

"Where did you get a gun?!" Nakamura gasped.

"I-I found it on the sidewalk a week ago, thought it might come in handy," He explained. "Now," He spoke to the scientist. "You're gonna get tied up and tell us where your friends are!" Komaeda demanded.

Matsumoto went and tied the man up tightly.

"S-so? Where are they?" Komaeda asked.

The man groaned and sighed. "In the room next to us,"

Kamukura went to get them and came back not even a minute later, holding three grown men.
They all got tied up too.

Suddenly, Komaeda dropped the gun and gripped his head. "O-ow!"
He hissed in pain.
Kamukura gently rubbed his back.

"I really don't... feel good..." He muttered, before passing out in Kamukura's arms.

When Komaeda woke up, he was in a car. Next to him was Nakamura, asleep. The one driving was Kamukura and Matsumoto was next to him.

"Where are those men?" He asked.

"In the back. We'll bring them to the police," Kamukura explained. Komaeda nodded.


"You don't have to be scared. You'll be fine, Nagito,"

When they arrived at the police station, Kamukura explained the situation. Matsumoto had decided to wear a body cam during the whole thing to prove it really happened to the police.

They took the captors in and questioned Komaeda and Nakamura.
The two were exhausted afterwards. Kamukura dropped Matsumoto and Nakamura off at Matsumoto house. Then, he brought Komaeda home.

"Stay with me?" He asked.

"Of course," Kamukura replied.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now