27 | The old me

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Kamukura had gotten curious. He wanted to know who this body initially belonged to.

Komaeda had mentioned that he looked like Hinata once or twice. He'd also said that Hinata was a reserve course student who'd been insecure about being talentless.

So... could it be? They never did find his body.

Kamukura still had access to the lab he was made in. There were security cameras so he decided to just check the footage.

He typed the date he was 'born' into the computer and waited for it to finish loading. When it did, the results didn't dissapoint to say the least.

"Subject #03 Hinata Hajime," A scientist said. "Hinata-san, are you ready?"

A boy walked into the room. He had brown hair and was wearing a hospital gown.

This was Hinata, huh? This was who the body belonged to... This was the one Komaeda missed so much.

Hinata nodded. "Yeah, I am," He couldn't hide the shaking in his voice.

They told him to lie down in the pod and he did as he was told. They connected wires to his head and asked him one more time.

"Are you ready? This is your last chance, Hinata-san,"

Kamukura noticed something.

Hinata moved his body, trying to get comfortable, when a picture could be seen in his hand.

Kamukura paused the video and zoomed in.

It was a photo of Komaeda. He was grinning with his eyes closed as he held both hands up in peace signs next to his head. Around his face, there was a heart drawn with a red marker.

Kamukura gasped slightly. He felt weird. He felt really, really weird.

He didn't like this.

Hinata sighed. "I'm ready." He stroked Komaeda's face on the photo with his thumb and slightly smiled at it.

Kamukura felt a pain in his chest. His throat felt tight and his eyes
stung. What was this..?

"Alright. Let us being the Kamukura Project," The man said. Another man nodded and closed the pod.

Kamukura skipped through the footage. It was hours and hours of nothing interesting.

Then, the pod opened.

He was there. He looked bored.

Kamukura felt his cheeks become wet. Slowly, he raised a hand to whipe his tears.

He couldn't stop crying.

He went back a few hours to see Hinata again. Then, he went back a few days. Hinata had been in that room a lot.

There was one day he had a talk with a scientist. Though, he'd left and Hinata was waiting in the room alone. He got a phone call.

Hinata smiled as he saw who was calling him.

He picked up and giggled as the person on the other end probably greeted him.

"Hey, babe,"

Kamukura's eyes widened. Hinata was speaking to Komaeda.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon. I won't ditch you. I just have an appointment. Did I forget to tell you?"

Hinata smiled again as Komaeda spoke.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, Nagi. Mhm. Love you, see you then!" He hung up.

Kamukura looked at more of the footage. Almost every single day Hinata was there, he was talking to Komaeda on the phone.

"Bye, love you!"

Kamukura shut off the computer. He let out some sort of groan.

He'd never felt like this before and it was terrifying.

The next day at school, Komaeda looked at him weird. Like he was confused. During the break, he finally told Kamukura what was worrying.

"Have you been crying?"

"How did you know? That was yesterday,"

Komaeda smiled. "I've know you for a long time now, dummy. You're an open book. I always know when you've been crying, Hajime-" He cut himself off by putting his hands over his mouth.

"What did you say?"

"I'm sorry! I-I don't know why I said that!" Komaeda apologized.

"You just- I don't know, you looked so much like him just now, I... I'm sorry,"

"You've said that before. What part of me looks like him?"

Komaeda looked down at his lap. "Doesn't matter..."

"Komaeda, please tell me,"

The other man shook his head and Kamukura sighed. He gently lifted up Komaeda's chin and made him look him in the eyes.

"Tell me, please,"

"Your whole... face and... everything. You move the way he did too,"

Kamukura noticed something. A lot of the time when Komaeda had talked about his boyfriend in the past, he used present tense. He never said. 'Hajime was...' He said 'Hajime is...'.

"I see." Kamukura got up and left.

"Kamukura-kun!" Komaeda called out, running up to him. "Don't just leave!"

But he was already gone.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now