20 | confession

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Thanks for 1k reads!! As for the confession, a few comments have said that it was wrong of him to do which is absolutely true. I just wanted to clarify that I do not agree with Izuru's actions in this chapter and of course he apologizes later on, so please don't think this is something I agree with.

"Kamukura-senpai!" That girl, Enoshima, yelled.

She had been spending a lot of time with Kamukura today.

It annoyed Komaeda. He didn't know why though.

He wasn't jealous, right? No way, Kamukura could spend as much time with her as he wanted!

Though... he didn't seem like he actually wanted to.

"Leave me alone, Enoshima,"

See what I mean? Totally uninterested.

Komaeda's thoughts were interrupted by Enoshima's voice.

"Oooh, hey, Komaeda-senpai!"

"Oh, hello, Enoshima-san,"

"Wanna hang out with Kamukura-senpai and I?"

"Hm... didn't we promise Souda-kun to go to the amusement park with him today?" Komaeda asked Kamukura, furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ah, correct," Kamukura said. "Enoshima wants me to spend time with her though. Come with us, Komaeda,"

"Huh? I just said I was gonna-"

"Come with us, Komaeda,"

"What's going on with you..? I told-"

"Come with us, Komaeda,"

"You're freaking me out, Kamukura-kun!"

"Come with us, Komaeda,"

Suddenly, Kamukura's head exploded.

"Wh-what the hell?!" He screamed.

"Hahaha!" Enoshima laughed. "Yout totally fell for it, Senpai!"

"Wh-what was that?!"

"Don't worry, Koko! Kamukura-senpai's fine, this is just a livesize robot of him,"

"Where did you get that..?"

"There's all kinds of weird people at this school, let's leave it at that. Your face was priceless, by the way," She gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"See ya, senpai!" With that, Enoshima left.

Komaeda felt... uncomfortable to say the least. He knew Enoshima was like that with everyone, this was just the first time he'd been her target.

Still... the way that robots head had exploded had scared the life out of him.

Komaeda sighed, shaking his head and making his way towards his classroom.

He immediately began searching for Kamukura. Even though he knew his friend was alive, he still felt nervous.

"Kamukura-kun?" He called out.

"Yes?" Komaeda let out a sigh of relief when the other walked towards him.

"Ah, there you are! I was worried,"

"Why were you worried?"

"Well, uhm, a girl from another class kind of played a prank on me and it... doesn't matter." He smiled. "I'm fine."

Komaeda sat down in his seat. He sighed.

Komaeda missed the time when he knew Hinata was waiting for him at the water fountain. He missed going on dates with him.



"Have you ever lost someone you loved?"


"Huh... how lucky," He sounded a bit jealous. "You really... are lucky, Kamukura-kun,"

"I think you might just be unlucky,"

"Maybe... maybe not." He stood up. "I'm not feeling well. Can you tell Yukizome-sensei I left early?"



Komaeda felt bad. Really bad.

He thought he'd finally accepted Hinata's death, but... perhaps noticing how long it had actually been since he died made him realize the seriousness of death.

He would never, ever see him again.

Komaeda couldn't even manage to get off of the school ground before he began crying.

"N-no..." He whiped his tears. "Stop... I hate crying..."

"Soul bro?" Komaeda tensed up. "Kamukura told me you not feeling well so I convinced him to go look after you. What's wrong?" They

both walked up to him and saw his tears.

"I-I... I'm so... sad... I'm miss Hajime and I can't pretend I'm fine anymore..."

"Hey, it's okay." Souda put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not... you know, Hajime's g-gone... forever,"

"Hm." Kamukura hummed. Was this a good time to confess?


Souda had managed to calm him down after a bit and they walked outside and sat on a bench.

"Look, I think-" Kamukura cut Souda off.

"Komaeda, I love you,"

"Wha-" He was interrupted by a kiss.

Kamukura liked the feeling. Komaeda's lips were soft and he liked holding him.

Komaeda shoved him away, but didn't seem angry. Instead, he pulled him closer and cried into his chest.

"Please don't say you love me... never again, I can't hear those words anymore..."

"Kamukura, I told you not to confess!" Souda scolded.
Komaeda looked up.

"You knew?"

"I did, yeah. I thought it'd be better if you got over Hinata's death first,"

"No... I can't. I don't want to love anyone again, not ever... They all die... they all die. Every single time," he said. "I can never, ever love without attending a funeral after,"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now