29 | I love you

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Yeahhh the chapter we've been waiting for for 28 chapters now!!! yaaAAAAS gay rights KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE I've been going out with nick Nelson since I was-
Ok I'll shut up now you get it, they're gay

Komaeda stood in front of Kamukura's home. He rang the doorbell.
It was late and had began raining on his way there.

Komaeda was shivering slightly. He did get hit by the rain this time. Good luck was coming his way then.

Kamukura opened the door.


He nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to say sorry,"

"Sorry? What are you sorry for? I'm the one who should be sorry. I kept a secret from you,"

"A secret? What secret?"

"Ah... can I tell you another time? I don't feel quite ready,"
Komaeda nodded. "Of course. Do you accept my apology?"

"I do. Do you accept mine?"

He smiled. "I do,"

They stood in silence for a second before Komaeda let out a light chuckle.

"It's funny, isn't it? When I met you, you barely felt any emotions and now you ignored me for days because you felt too many at once,"

Kamukura smiled.

"Yeah, you...you helped me learn how to feel, Komaeda,"
"I'm glad,"

Kamukura reached out to Komaeda and tucked a wet stand of hair behind his ear. His hand lingered there for a moment as he hesitated to speak.

"You... you helped me learn how to feel. And... no matter what happens... just know that I'll always be grateful for that. You're... so incredibly precious to me, Komaeda,"

The other man put his hand on Kamukura's.

"You're precious to me too," He said.

Kamukura chuckled. "I love you..."

Komaeda looked at him. This time, he didn't hesitate. He didn't question it. He didn't feel regret and he didn't feel like a traitor.

"I love you too!" He smiled brightly.

Kamukura laughed and pulled him into a kiss. It lasted long and, even though Komaeda was still outside in the rain, he felt warm.

Eventually, they pulled back. Without saying anything, they kissed each other again. And again. And again. And again.

Instead of going inside, Kamukura put on his shoes and grabbed Komaeda's hand.

"Where are we going?" The other boy asked as he got handed an umbrella.

"Remember that small house on the playground we hid in once, when it rained? You tried to get me to feel and ended up falling asleep on me,"

"Yeah, I do,"

Kamukura grinned. "I wanna go there!" He felt excited. So incredibly excited! He felt like he could do anything!

Kamukura picked Komaeda up bridal style and ran to the playground. He held the other man tightly, making sure he wouldn't fall.

When they arrived there, he let him down again. Before going inside the house though, he picked him up by his waist and spun him around in the air.

Komaeda giggled.

"I love you so much, Nagito!" He let go of him and caught him in a hug.

"I love you too!" Komaeda smiled and kissed him.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now