28 | Advice

339 19 2

"Kamukura-kun, please don't just walk away again!" Komaeda pleaded. "You've been avoiding me for days!"

Kamukura kept walking.

"What did I do wrong? I wanna make it up to you!"

He kept on walking.

Komaeda took off running and grabbed his wrist. "Stop ignoring me!" He raised his voice.

Kamukura easily continued walking, dragging Komaeda along.

"Stop it! Why won't you talk to me?!" He yelled.

Kamukura ignored him.

Komaeda slowly let go of his wrist.

"Please just... talk to me,"

Kamukuras stopped when he heard the sadness in Komaeda's voice.

"Wh-why are you being so mean?" Komaeda asked.

Kamukura sighed and walked back towards him.

"I... didn't mean to hurt your feelings,"

"But why have you been ignoring me?"

"I can't tell you that," He said.

"Why not? Who's stopping you?"

"Komaeda, I think you should just stop worrying. Eventually, I'll get over it and we can hang out again,"

The other man shook his head. "No... I don't wanna loose you too,"

His eyes began watering. Kamukura couldn't see that though because he had his head ducked down.

"Komaeda, you're not loosing me,"

"B-But it feels like I am! God... why am I crying?" He muttered, whiping his tears. He hated crying, but he had been doing it a lot lately.

Kamukura reached out to him, but his hand got slapped away.

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Souda yelled, pulling Komaeda into a hug. "The fuck did you do to make him cry?!"

"I... didn't do anything,"

"Yeah? Well, Komaeda doesn't just cry over anything, I'll tell you that,"

Kamukura felt overwhelmed. That footage of Hinata had made him sad, seeing Komaeda had made him sad and now fighting with Souda made him sad too.

That was too much sadness.

He slowly backed off and walked home.

"Souda-kun..." Komaeda mumbled.


"You're not... leaving me, right? You'll keep being my friend, right?"

"Of course," He promised.

Later that day, Komaeda was spending time with Nanami and a few other classmates at the arcade. He wanted to get his mind off of things.

"Komaeda-kun, you're sad," Nanami said.


"You look upset. Did you and Kamukura-kun get into a fight? You didn't bring him here with you,"

Komaeda sighed. "I don't know if it was a fight..."

"Talk to him," She said. "I don't want you two fighting. You're close, aren't you?"

Komaeda sighed and sat down. "Kamukura-kun said he hasn't been feeling well. I don't know why though. He kept ignoring me and Souda-kun saw us and yelled at him. He left after that and I haven't seen him since,"

Nanami took a sip of her drink. "Kamukura-kun... is confused when it comes to feelings, isn't he? Especially when it comes to his feelings for you,"

"You know about that?"

She nodded. "He told me. He said he's noticed that most coupes consist of a boy and a girl. He asked if it's weird that you're both boys,"

"But... shouldn't he have noticed that most people are straight much earlier?"

She shrugged. "Maybe. Whatever. He said he really cares about you and he wants to make sure you're happy, but he has a hard time figuring out when you are happy,"

Komaeda nodded. "I see. I'm gonna try to talk to him. Thanks for your help, Nanami-san,"

"No problem." She smiled.

"Baaabe!" Mioda called out. "I wanna play with you!"

"Coming!" Nanami got up and walked away.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now