30 | Kamukura Project

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The first few weeks of them dating were like a dream. Eventually, Kamukura started to feel bad about what he'd seen in the footage.

He decided to ignore the feeling.

They went on several dates and Kamukura fell in love with Komaeda all over again.

He honestly hoped Komaeda wouldn't find out about the Kamukura Project.

But, alas, Komaeda and Kamukura getting together was a lot of good luck and that couldn't happen without consequences.

Komaeda was watering the flower on Hinata's desk.

"Komaeda-san, right?" A voice asked. Komaeda turned around to see a boy standing there.

"Yes? Who are you?"

"I'm Nakamura Ryunosuke. Hinata-san was a friend of mine. I've been wanting to talk to you for a while,"

"About what?" Komaeda put down the cup he'd been using to water the plant.

"The janitors gonna come here and lock the classroom soon. Come with me, okay?"

Komaeda agreed and they went outside to the schoolyard.

"Hinata-san was insecure about not having a talent. You probably knew,"

"I did, yes," Komaeda agreed.

"There was this... Well, there is a group of scientists working for Hope's Peak. They talked to a bunch of reserve course students who were like Hinata-san. They talked to me too,"

Komaeda tilted his head. "What did they talk about?"

Nakamura sighed. "This might be a lot to handle considering your friendship with Kamukura-san," He said. "They talked to us about something called the 'Kamukura Project' or 'Hope cultivation plan', whatever you wanna call it,"

Komaeda raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

"Bascially, they offered a reserve course student a surgery that would give them one ultimate talent,"


Nakamura looked at the floor. "I... I heard rumors. They make sense. There were three subjects. A girl, Kinoshita Yuki. A boy, Junichiro Nakajima and Hinata-san. The first two subjects didn't... Well, honestly not sure if they died but I know the surgery didn't work. Anyway, Hinata-san got lied to. He was promised one talent, but instead got all of them. In exchange, they turned him into Kamukura Izuru,"

Komaeda gasped. "Huh?! The Kamukura-kun I know?!"

Nakamura nodded. "Yep. That same exact Kamukura-san,"
Komaeda shook his head. "You have to be lying,"

"Nope. I thought it was just a dumb rumor at first too, but think about it. I know the Hope cultivation plan was an actual thing. They talked to me about it but, fortunately, I declined. They actually told me never to tell anyone, but I don't care. They killed an innocent teenager. They don't deserve to get away with it,"

"No... it doesn't make sense,"

"It does! Hinata-san is gone and Kamukura-san looks like him, doesn't he? They have the same height and weight too,"

"N-no... no... Kamukura-kun is... in Hinata-kun's body?" He asked.

"It would seem so," Nakamura agreed.

Komaeda's hands traveled up his own arms and he gripped them tightly, shaking his head. "That's... that's horrible. How could humans do things like these to one another?"

"You're right. It's inhumane," Nakamura said. "Which is why we need to expose this injustice!"

Komaeda looked at him. "How?"

"I have an idea. I need you to trust me, Komaeda-san,"

"I don't even know you," Komaeda said.

Nakahara stood up and pulled the other boy up too.

"We'll meet here again tomorrow. Same time. See you, Komaeda-san."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now