4 | Learning

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Kamukura had never felt before. He had never felt so much so quickly.

And all because of this unremarkable boy.

This was all going too fast. What were these strange emotions?

Kamukura didn't understand it at all. He knew this feeling was called love, but... could he be sure?


"Yes?" The other boy looked up from his book. The both of them were sitting on a bench.

"What is love?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Answer first."

"Someone like me wouldn't know. There's barely anyone out there who loves me."

"Have you ever loved?" He nodded.

"Then, tell me, how did you know you were in love?"

"I just felt... accepted and warm around him. He made me feel things I had never felt before." He began to smile. "I admired him so much..."

"And? There has to be more than that."

"He was so kind and caring. No one had ever worried about me before. He understood me." Kamukura nodded.

Okay, he was in love. Noted.

Now, Komaeda just needed to love him back. With this information, it would be easy.

He had to be the things Komaeda's lover was. Whoever that might be.

Kamukura already showed concern and acceptance towards him, so that wouldn't be an issue.

'I need to make him feel something he's never felt before. Hm.'

"Kamukura-kun, now you have to answer me. Why did you ask?"

"No reason at all."

Komaeda frowned. "What? That's a lie."

"You know I don't feel emotions a lot. That is why I asked."

"I see..."

"Goodbye, Komaeda."

"Huh? You're already leaving?"

"I have things to do."

"Bummer. But, I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

Kamukura nodded before leaving.

He went to a book store and went to the Manga isle.

"Sir, can I help you? What kind of genre are you looking for?" An employee asked.


"I see, those types are over there."

"Thank you."

"It was my pleasure."

Kamukura bought five different ones.

He had seen the sister of one of Komaeda's friends reading one while they hung out once.

She told him all about how romantic and awesome it was, so he decided to give it a go.

He was planning to use his newly gained knowledge on Komaeda.

That night, he read all of them. He took notes for almost every page.

He studied the emotions of all the characters.

Sure, Komaeda wasn't a girl, but that doesn't make any difference.

Kamukura wondered. Why were there no Mangas about two boys?

He would look for those tomorrow.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now