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TW: Mentions of su1cide

Kamukura was extremely worried. Komaeda had been so sad when he'd last seen him and he talked about leaving and now he's been missing for four days.

Kamukura didn't really want to think about it, but he had to consider it as an option.

Komaeda might have killed himself.

Still, Kamukura didn't fully believe it. He decided to investigate.

Komaeda wasn't at home, none of their classmates or teachers had seen him and he hadn't called or texted anyone. He was just gone.
Kamukura decided it would be a good idea to ask Hinata's former classmates if they know anything.
He stepped inside the classroom during lunch break. Everyone stared at him.

There was a flower on a desk, presumably Hinata's.

"Uh... wrong classroom?" A guy asked.

"No." Kamukura walked towards him. "Have any of you heard of a boy named Komaeda Nagito?"

"Yeah, I have!" A girl said. "He was close with one of our classmates,"

"I know. Have any of you seen him?"

"I don't know the guy, what does he look like?" A boy asked.
"He has white hair, it's pink at the ends. His skin is pale, he has green eyes, his hair is curly and fluffy, he's as tall as me and he usually wears the main course uniform,"

The boy looked up. "I have seen him!"


"Uh... around a week ago? Maybe six days. He was talking to my classmates on the schoolyard,"

"What classmate?"

The boy sighed. "Nakamura-kun. He's been gone for a few days, no one's seen him,"

"How long has he been gone?"

"Four days, I think,"

"Ah! Komaeda has been, too. Has anyone seen them interact before or after that day?"

The girl from before nodded eagerly. "I saw them five days ago! They talked for a short time and the Nakamura-san dragged him somewhere,"

"Where did he drag him?"

"Somewhere in the main course building," She said. "I didn't follow them, obviously. I wish I had though, then they might not be missing right now." She sighed, rubbing her arm.

"Thank you all for your help. I will look for them now. If I find Nakamura, I will inform you,"

The boy stood up. "Can I come with you? Nakamura-kun's a close friend of mine. I'm really worried,"

Kamukura thought for a second, then nodded. "Very well,"

"Thanks!" Thr boy grabbed his bag and they left the classroom.

"So, who are you?"

"My name is Kamukura Izuru. Yours?"

"Matsumoto Kaito,"

They entered the main course building.

"Any idea where they are? The building is big,"

Kamukura looked around. Then, he had an idea.

"Follow me!" He ordered and began hurrying into the basement.
He went to search for the right door and quickly found it. It was locked, but he kicked the door open.

"Dude, you're hella strong!" Matsumoto admired.

Kamukura saw a sight he didn't like inside. The scientist were getting the pod ready. Well, they had been until Kamukura interrupted them.

"Where is he?" He asked coldly.

"Where is who?"

Kamukura gritted his teeth. He walked inside and grabbed the guy by the collar. "You know who I mean! Where is Nagito?!" He yelled.

"Why would we know?" Another guy asked.

Kamukura glared at him. "Because otherwise I'll make sure you can never perform any surgery ever again,"


"He means he'll cut of your hands or somethin'!" Matsumoto yelled.

"Who are you?!"

"I'm here to save Nakamura-kun!"

A man groaned. "We don't have any of those guys!"

"Yeah, you do!" Matsumoto argued.

All of a sudden, as if it was coordinated, one of them opened a window and the all climbed out. Kamukura quickly went to follow them, but they were already driving off in a car.

He ran behind the car, but, eventually, he lost sight of it. Kamukura gritted his teeth.

He would find Komaeda. He had to.

Kamukura went back to the school, where Matsumoto was still waiting.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

Kamukura lifted up a shelf and slammed it into the pod, destroying it.

"What we're gonna do now is hope they don't have another pod,"

"I don't mean that! We gotta find them!"

"Oh, we'll find them alright. I've already got a plan,"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now