36 | Anger

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Sorry for the short chapter! I just needed a cliffhanger 😈😈

Komaeda was showering to get all the dirt off. Kamukura had cleaned his wounds already and was now making dinner for the other boy.

He heard the shower turn off ans a few minutes later, Komaeda walked into the kitchen. His hair was still slightly wet.

Without saying anything, Komaeda walked towards Kamukura and hugged him. Of course, the other man reciprocated the hug.

"Thanks..." Komaeda muttered.

"You can sit down at the table. Food'd ready in a minute,"

Komaeda nodded and sat down.

When the food was done, Kamukura put plates on the table and gave Komaeda a big portion.

"You're probably hungry,"

Komaeda simply nodded and ate.

When he was done, Kamukura got up.

"Should I leave now?"

Komaeda looked at him for a second. Then, he gave a slight nod.

"Alright, sleep well, Nagito." He leaned towards him to kiss his forehead, but Komaeda held a hand in front of his mouth and shook his head slightly.

"Ah... alright,"

"Goodnight, Kamukura-kun,"

Kamukura left after that. That was too much.

They were back to last names?! How?!

Was Komaeda breaking up with him? Why? Why would he?

Kamukura walked into his apartment and flopped onto his bed.

He was finally with him! He was finally with Komaeda! He did everything so the other man would fall in love with him and now it was over again?! It couldn't be!
Why couldn't he just be with him?! Why why why?! He deserved it!

Kamukura had to confront Komaeda. He was furious.

The next day at school, Kamukura would learn that it's never a good idea to confront someone when you're angry.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now