32 | Footage

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Komaeda went to the bench he and Nakamura were gonna meet up at.

He was nervous. He had no clue what kind of plan the other boy had in mind, but he was ready to avenge Hinata's death.

Finally, he showed up.

"Komaeda-san, sorry I'm late,"

"It's okay. Uhm... what now?" Komaeda asked.

"Look, come with me. I'm gonna lead you to the people at fault,"

Komaeda hesitated to follow him. "But... are you really sure it's true? I mean... it sounds pretty unrealistic,"

"Dude, those scientists talked to me too. I know it's real!"

"I mean... what if it was just a prank? Maybe they were just bunch of random men who wanted to scare you. That sounds.... more realistic, doesn't it?"

Nakamura grabbed his wrist and dragged him along.

"It does, sure, but there's no way it's not true! Just 'cause it's unrealistic, does not mean it's untrue!"

"I-I know that! I just... I can't believe it,"

Nakamura lead him to the basement of the school.

"Can't believe it, huh? I'll prove it then. Do you have a hairpin?"

"Uhm, yeah." Komaeda pulled it out of his hair, making it fall in front of his eyes a bit. He gave it to Nakamura.

"Thanks." He began picking the lock of a door and lead Komaeda inside. "This, Komaeda-san, is the lab your little friend was made in," He explained.

Komaeda didn't want to touch anything. He didn't want this to be true. He had just begun to move on from Hinata! He just wanted to be in a happy relationship with Kamukura! He deserved it, didn't he?

Nakamura gestured him to sit down at a desk. He turned on the computer.

"Someone recently looked at the security camera footage on here. We're lucky it's still opened or we wouldn't be able to look at it. I'd need a code for that,"

On the screen, there was Hinata, on the phone. Nakamura skipped forward a bit.

"Subject #03 Hinata Hajime," A scientist said. "Hinata-san, are you ready?"

Hinata walked into the room.
He nodded. "Yeah, I am," He could hide the shaking in his voice.

They told him to lie down in the pod and he did as he was told. They connected wires to his head and asked him one more time.

"Are you ready? This is your last chance, Hinata-san,"

Hinata moved his body, trying to get comfortable.
He sighed. "I'm ready."

"Alright. Let us being the Kamukura Project," The man said. Another man nodded and closed the pod.

Nakamura skipped through the footage. It was hours and hours of nothing interesting.

Then, the pod opened.

Kamukura was there. He looked bored.

Komaeda gasped. "No! That can't be true!"

"But is," Nakamura said. "Believe me now?"

"I-I think I'm gonna puke..."

"H-huh?! Dude, calm down!" Nakamura quickly rushed to get a trash can and ser it on Komaeda's lap.

He held his hair out of his face when Komaeda began to throw up.

When he was done, he put the trash can away and whiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Why... did you show this to me..?"

"You didn't believe me,"

"I don't... wanna do anything anymore,"

"What?! You have to-"

"I don't. And I'm not gonna. J-just leave me alone, I don't care about any of this..." He got up.

"Komaeda-san, wait!" Nakamura grabbed his arm.

"Let me go! I'm not gonna help you!"

He got pulled closer. "Yes, you will! Don't you care about

"Of course, I do, I just-"

The door opened and a bunch of men stepped inside.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now