9 | I miss you

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"Komaeda." Kamukura walked up to his desk.


"You missed school for two days. Why was that?"

"I wasn't feeling well."

Kamukura furrowed his eyebrows and held Komaeda's hands. Then, he let go of them and put his hand on the other's forehead. With his other hand, he opened Komaeda's mouth.

"H-hey, stop that!" Komaeda pushed his hands away. "The heck was that about?" He frowned.

"Your palms are sweaty, your forehead is warm, you're shivering slightly, you're easily irritated and your mouth is dry. You most likely have a fever, Komaeda."

"I do..?"

"Tsumiki!" Kamukura called out.

"Y-yes?" She walked up to them.

"Do you have a thermometer with you?"

"I do! Wait a sec!" She quickly pulled it out of her bag. "Th-there you go!"

"Thank you. Komaeda, open your mouth."

"I-I can do that myself!" He grabbed the thermometer and put it in his mouth.

"39° C. That is quite high. How are you not feeling unwell?"

"I guess... I do feel a bit dizzy, but it's alright!"

In an instant, Kamukura had picked him up and left the classroom.

"You're going home, you need to rest."

"Huh?!" Kamukura was running fast. Really fast.

He had arrived at Komaeda's house quicker than a car and entered it with the keys he had swiftly snatched out of Komaeda's bag.

"Kamukura-kun, really, I'm fine!" He chuckled. Kamukura didn't believe him, obviously.

"Komaeda, I want you to be healthy." He said, gently grabbing Komaeda's hands.

"Do you want to sleep in the living room or your bedroom?"

"Either is fine..." He muttered, finally letting the exhaustion he'd been hiding seep through his voice.

Kamukura brought him upstairs and Komaeda sat down on the bed, yawning.

The other took off his jacket, overshirt and began unbuttoning his shirt.

"I-I can do that myself!" Komaeda yelled, face bright red. "Wait outside!" He demanded, crossing his arms and looking away.

Kamukura left and Komaeda changed into more comfortable clothes.

"I'm done." As Kamukura walked back inside, Komaeda got into bed.

"Sleep well, Komaeda. I will wait here."


"Hajime!" Komaeda grinned, running up to his boyfriend.

"Yeah?" Hinata asked.

"I, uhm, was wondering if, well, we could maybe... k-kiss?" His cheeks heated up as those words left his mouth.

"Sure." Hinata smiled, gently placing a hand on Komaeda's cheek, which he gladly leaned into.

They closed their eyes and their faces inched closer and closer until they finally touched.

Hinata put his other and on Komaeda's waist and pulled him closer, making the other put his hands on Hinata's shoulders.

They pulled away from each other and Komaeda put his head on Hinata's chest.

Then, he woke up.

He was laying on someone's chest. They had their arms wrapped around him.

What..? No way, this couldn't be him, right? He was gone... he couldn't...


"No, apologies." The person sat up, revealing their face to Komaeda.

It was Kamukura, of course. That made sense.

"Oh..." Komaeda averted his gaze. "U-uhm, why were you in my bed?"

"You were shaking during your dream. I wanted to calm you down."

"Oh... thanks. I, uhm, I'm feeling better. You don't have to take care of me."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm... I'm alright, really."

"I will take your word for it. Have a nice day, Komaeda."

After that, he left.

There was complete silence in Komaeda's house. He was all alone.

He hated being alone with his thoughts, especially ever since Hinata had been gone.

Komaeda had lost his parents at a young age, but Hinata had been his friend since a few years before they died. After they were gone, he was always there for Komaeda.

He knew Komaeda didn't like being alone and he knew Komaeda didn't like himself, so he did his best to always be by his side and support him.

"H-Hajime... I-I need you..." He whispered. "P-please, if you can hear this, somehow, j-just send me a sign, please, I... can't do this on my own." He pleaded.

"I-I can't do it!" His voice got louder. "Ple-please just- help me! Someone! Anyone, I can't- I-I'm all alone..." He cried.

"Y-you can't be gone, right? There's no way you're actually dead, because... you wouldn't go this way... I just... want to be okay... I want you back..." He let himself fall back on the bed.

"I know you're here..." He whispered again. "I miss you... I miss you so, so much it hurts... I need you back, Hajime..." He whiped away his tears. "I-I miss you..."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now