13 | sleepover

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Kamukura had stopped trying to figure out what Komaeda was making him feel and why. He was fine with just feeling without questioning it.

"Boo!" Komaeda put his hands on Kamukura's shoulders from behind.

Kamukura let out a slight chuckle as Komaeda looked over his shoulder.

"What are you making?" He asked.


"Huh? Is mine not good enough? I apologize..."

"Your food is amazing. Do not apologize,"

"A-amazing? Don't waste so much praise on a worm like me..."

Kamukura frowned. He knew Komaeda had low slef-esteem, but today it seemed even worse than usual.

"A worm?"

"Ah, don't take it literally. Though it's true that I-"

"Stop that. You are good,"

"Don't say things you don't mean..." He sighed.

Kamukura turned around and grabbed Komaeda's shoulders.

"You are my favorite person in the world." Komaeda's cheeks heated up.


"Yes. Now, be quiet. This isn't up for debate." Komaeda smiled slightly.

"Thank you!" He gave Kamukura a quick kiss on the cheek, before walking away.

"Wha... huh?" Kamukura questioned.

That was truly unexpected.

When he was done and had calmed down, he brought the food into the living room where Souda and Komaeda were waiting.

They had started looking for a film to watch. Kamukura looked around and spotted a picture frame.

The photo inside showed a boy around the same age as them. He had brown hair and green eyes. Next to the picture, there was a vase with roses inside.

Who was that boy?

On the drawer the frame stood on, there was a jacket, which seemed to belong to a school uniform.

"K-Kamukura-kun?" Komaeda asked, obviously nervous. "Aren't you gonna sit down with us?"

"Of course, apologies." He sat down next to Souda.

They put on some movie and Komaeda fell asleep during it. He had flopped over and his head was laying on Souda's lap now. His friend had began absentmindedly twirling his locks between his finger as he kept staring at the TV.

"He kissed me," Kamukura said.


"He kissed me. On the cheek. We were in the kitchen," Souda grimaced.

"Sorry to break it to you, but... Ko does that with all of his close friends. It's just the kinda guy he is,"

"Huh?" Kamukura frowned.

"He kisses me too sometimes. Only on the cheek though,"

"Kisses are a romantic sign of affection," Kamukura stated.

"Not if Komaeda wants it to be platonic." Souda shrugged.

"I... see."

After a while, Komaeda woke up again and they went upstairs to eat snacks and talk.

They had gotten into more comfortable clothes.

Komaeda was wearing a hoodie that was a bit too big on him and a pair of sweatpants.

Kamukura didn't really care about Souda's clothes. It was probably just an oily jumpsuit anyway.

Souda had asked Komaeda to throw flips at him, hoping he could catch them in his mouth.

It hadn't worked out so far.

After they had stopped, Komaeda walked over to his desk to grab his phone because he wanted to check what time it was.

He tripped over the edge of his carpet and bumped into the desk, making a picture frame fall down. Kamukura caught it in a matter of seconds.

"Huh?" Komaeda looked at the frame Kamukura held in front of him. He then took it, smiling.

"Thank you,"

On the photo, there was the boy again.

This time, he was kissing Komaeda, who was also in the picture, on the cheek.

Kamukura felt a pain in his chest. His eyes began itching slightly.

He was so dissapointed, so incredibly sad. All he'd ever wanted was to be with Komaeda, but he loved this other boy.

Kamukura took a deep breath.

"You're welcome,"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now