11 | Hangout

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Kamukura had planned this out perfectly. He knew how Komaeda would fall for him immediately.

They were on their way to the movie theater right now and he knew how it would go.

"K-Kamukura-kun, I'm scared..." Komaeda whispered.

"Do not worry, darling, you can hold onto me."

"R-really?" Komaeda's face heated up.

"Of course." Kamukura smiled.

Komaeda hesitantly latched onto kamukura's arm, gripping it tightly everytime he got scared.

"K-Kamukura-kun... You're my hero..." Komaeda sniffled, pressing his face against Kamukura's arm.

Maybe Kamukura would even get to kiss him... Ahem. Anyways.

"And two bags of popcorn," Souda said, interrupting his fantasy.

They sat down next to each other, Komaeda in the middle.

When the movie finally began to be scary, Komaeda grabbed Souda's hand.

"You okay?" He whispered. Komaeda giggled.

"That ghost looks like Kuzuryuu-kun when he's really mad." Souda had to surpress a laugh.

"Hey," Kamukura interrupted them, pulling Komaeda close. "Stop talking."

"You're no fun." Komaeda complained.

He let go of Komaeda. For the rest of the movie, Souda was clinging onto Komaeda whenever he got scared. At some parts, Komaeda let out a slight yelp or gasp.

"Souda-kun, the movie has been over for thirty minutes." Komaeda laughed. "You can let go of me."

"Y-yeah... I know..." He reluctantly released Komaeda's arm from his grip. "Anyway, let's go to the beach now. We still got enough time."

"Mhm... yeah..." Komaeda agreed.

When they got there, Souda dragged them into a beach house to change.

It was really hot outside, so all of them had already been wearing their swim shorts.

Komaeda got a white jacket out of his bag and put it on the floor.

"Don't tell me you're wearing a jacket in this weather." Souda rolled his eyes.

"First of all, my skin is very sensitive and secondly, I don't like showing much skin." Komaeda huffed, taking off his shirt.

"You can't swim with that jacket though." Kamukura said.

"I know..." Komaeda put it on anyways.

They were all done now and Souda immediately ran into the water.

Komaeda sat down in the sand, looking at the waves.

"Are you not going to swim?" Kamukura asked.

"That's, uh, not my thing."

"Are y'all seriously not gonna go into the water?" Souda yelled.

"You're both super lame!"

"Is that a challenge?" Kamukura asked, staning up.

"Heck yeah it is!" Souda grinned, before running off into the water again.

Komaeda smiled, pulling his knees to his chest.

"Komaeda!" Souda shouted. "That goes for you too!"

"Sorry, but I don't like swimming!" He yelled.

Kamukura quickly ran up to him.

"Come with us." He grabbed Komaeda's hand and dragged him towards the water.

"No! No! I don't wanna swim!" As soon as they reached the water, Komaeda latched onto Kamukura.

"Let go."

"No! I'm not swimming!" He yelled.

Huh. Kamukura noticed something.

Under normal circumstances, any 18-year-old boy would like this, right?

Komaeda wasn't wearing much and gripping onto Kamukura tightly. His skin was rubbing against his own. Should he like this..?
Ah, he was losing focus! Komaeda was upset.

"Why do you hate swimming that much?" Souda asked.

"Don't drop me, Kamukura-kun!" He whined. "I'm too young to die!"
He gripped onto him tighter.

Great. Now that Kamukura noticed the position he was in, he did feel slightly weird. He didn't know if it was a good weird though.

Komaeda's face was pressed against his bare back. His arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were hanging in front of his chest.

Kamukura let go of him.

"W-wait!" Komaeda fell down into the water. He looked up at Kamukura, frowning.

"You're cruel."

"You were doing strange things."

"Being scared of water isn't strange."

Kamukura didn't fail to notice Souda's cheeks heating up and him seeming slightly surprised.

"The truth is... I can't swim." Komaeda said, cheeks red. "I was too embarrassed to say it."

"Oh..." Souda laughed.

"No one ever taught me, it's not my fault!" Komaeda stood up. "And now I'm all wet."

He was. Kamukura thought it looked... pretty? Was that the right word?

Komaeda took off his jacket and wrung it out over the water.

"You just had to let me go, didn't you?" Komaeda rolled his eyes, lightly punching Kamukura's arm.

They decided to keep swimming and Komaeda promised that he was fine with staying on the sand. He took a nap while the others played in the water.

Kamukura had found out that Souda was fun to be around.

Later that day, they had dropped Komaeda off at his house and Souda had decided to walk Kamukura home.

"You've got the hots for Komaeda, don't ya?"

"I've got the what?"

"You're hard for him."

"Excuse me?!" He gasped.

"Dude. I saw your reaction when he was clinging onto you." Souda adjusted the bag on his shoulder, looking at Kamukura.

"I was nervous."

"'Nervous' my ass!"

"Why do you even care if I like him?"

"Here's the thing: You can't ask him out."

"Why not?"

"His boyfriend died a few days ago."


"It'll take him a while to move on. You shouldn't shoot your shot."

"I... see." Kamukura sighed. "Thanks for informing me."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now