18 | Punishment

536 19 11

TW for s//xual hara////ment, you might wanna skip this chapter if it triggers you.

Komaeda heard Hanamura walk towards him.

He tried his best not to move and prayed that Pekoyama was already there.

He felt Hanamura place a hand on his cheek and tilt his head up.

He wasn't actually going to... do something, was he? He couldn't be, right? Right?

"Komaeda-kun, are you awake?" He kept pretending he wasn't until Hanamura shook him.

"Huh?" Hanamura was hovering over him. It was ridiculous that he was scared of someone his height, but he couldn't help it.

'Something good is gonna come from this, something good is gonna come from this, something good is gonna come from this, something-'

Hanamura's thumb stroked his cheek.

Komaeda wanted to throw up.

"Let go of me,"

"Oh, but why? You skin is so soft-"

"Because I told you to. S-stop it,"

"You don't seem very sure,"

"I-I am," Hanamura put a hand on his chest.

Pekoyama ran up to them and grabbed Hanamura's arms.
Komaeda let out a big sigh of relief.

"Thank God..."

"Komaeda-kun!" Nanami yelled, rushing towards him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Thanks,"

"Wh-what's going on?" Hanamura asked, the rest of the class slowly walked into the cave.

"We know what you did," Mioda's usually playful tone was gone.

"You piece of shit!" Kuzuryuu yelled.

"Wha..? But he allowed it!"

"He was trying to help us!" Owari said. "Because you constantly harass us! He never wanted to do this!"

"Damn right!" Souda agreed. "Don't think you can treat my soul bro like this and get away with it! O-or anyone for that matter!"

"You're gonna get your well-deserved punishment," Owari grinned.

"Punishment, huh? Are you gonna tie-"

"Shut up!" Komaeda yelled. "Can't you tell we're being serious?!"

Finally, Hanamura shut up.

"Let's get you to Yukizome,"

Pekoyama carried him away, followed by the others.

"He did what?!" Yukizome shrieked. "God, you little- Ahem, deep breaths, Chisa. Deep breaths," After regaining her composure, she spoke again.

"Who are all the people in this class that he harassed?" She asked.

"Well... you know what he did to me," Komaeda said.

"He kept trying to touch me," Nidai told her.

"H-he's always so w-weird when I trip!" Tsumiki cried.

"He was about to... you know. Nanami-onee saved me," Saionji said.

"That son of a bitch kept staring at my boobs and tried to touch 'em." Owari rolled her eyes.

"I suppose... he did try to make me do... something as well," Sonia told her teacher.

"God... that's so many..." She shook her head in disgust. "Hanamura, you'll clean all of their cottages every day until we leave this island. Do you understand?"


"I said do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am!"


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