21 | consideration

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Feelings are confusing. So incredibly confusing.

Kamukura hated feelings. He wished he was bored again.

That way, he wouldn't have to feel so, so sad. Komaeda had rejected him, obviously.

He hated this feeling. Komaeda had made him feel this way so did he... was it possible he hated him?

No, that couldn't be. If he did, he wouldn't be standing in front of his house, waiting for Komaeda to open the door right now.


No, he definitely didn't hate him. Seeing Komaeda again made it obvious.

He still loved him. He wanted to kiss him again. One more time.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I want to apologize for kissing you without asking first,"

"It's okay, no biggie," Komaeda giggled. "Would you like to come in?"

"Uh, yeah, thanks."

They sat down on the couch.

"Is it true that you like me?"

"It is,"

"I see... that's troublesome,"

"I know why you feel that way, but, I can assure you, that I won't die,"

"You can't. No one can,"

"Do you really believe your luck outweighs mine, Komaeda?"

"Who knows... I'm getting tired of thinking about hope and luck and whatnot,"

"That's understandable,"

"Kamukura-kun, can you check if I have cola in my fridge?"

"Oh, sure."

A minute later, he came back with a bottle.

"Thanks." Komaeda opened it and took a sip. "You know, I think you're pretty charming,"

"You do?"

"Mhm." He looked into his eyes. "Even if I don't like you back,"



"Can we be together in the future?"

"No... no, I don't... want to be with anyone,"

"What if I prove that your luck won't take me down?"

"K-Kamukura-kun, I don't want to think about dating right now..."

"Please, just answer," Komaeda sighed.

"Fine. If you prove that you'd make a good boyfriend, who won't get killed by my luck, I'll think about being with you,"

Komaeda agreed. Kamukura smiled and hugged Komaeda.

"I love you," Komaeda's cheeks turned pink.

"Don't get used to being all lovey-dovey with me just yet!" He huffed.

Thanks to everyone who read this story!! I appreciated all the comments!
Also, just like a question you do you guys prefer komahina or kamukoma? I like both, but I haven't decided on a new story I want to write just yet, so any input would help!

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now