6 | Don't forget him

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Throughout his life, Komaeda had lost everything he loved.

He never had a moment to relax, because he knew that something bad was always around the corner, waiting to make him suffer.

He had never had the chance to just be happy.

But... through all that, Hinata had been there for him. The two had known each other since they were kids.

He had always been there for him and now he was gone.

Hinata had been missing for months and his parents had given up.

They hosted a funeral for him and, of course, Komaeda was invited.

He wasn't listening to the speech that was being held as he started down at his boyfriend's grave.

He couldn't stop the tears from falling. They just kept rolling down his cheeks.

His hands were shaking and he felt like he was about to collapse.

Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Hinata's father.

"Komaeda-kun, I..." He whiped away his tears. "Are you okay?"

"I-I..." He shook his head. Hinata's father nodded and pulled him into a hug.

Komaeda was crying into his chest. He couldn't hold it back anymore and began full-on sobbing.

After a few hours, the guests all left, except for Komaeda and Hinata's parents.

Komaeda sat in front of the grave, staring at the photo of Hinata that had been placed in a picture frame.

On the photo, he was grinning widely.

Komaeda loved him so much. He had been the only thing Komaeda had still had left and now he was gone too.

He let out a pathetic sob, gripping onto the fabric of his pants.

"Komaeda-kun," Hinata's mother started. "I know this is hard for you. It's hard for us too, he... was our son. I loved him dearly..." She sat down next to him. "But can you promise me one thing?"


"That you won't forget him. Hajime always wanted to be someone special in this world. He wanted to leave an impact on people and be in history books." She chuckled bitterly.

"So... don't forget him, alright? Grant him this wish."

"I-I know... I know he w-wanted to be special... he told me all about it ever since w-we were kids... He was always so sure he'd make i-it... I never would have imagined him going like th-this..." He whiped away his tears. "He was... amazing, I could never forget him. Not in a million years." He said. "I promise it. I-I owe it to Hajime after all." He laughed.

"Th-that's the spirit." She smiled. "Hajime would be proud of you."

"I-I... I sure hope so. I want to be someone he could be proud of. I-I would want him to be able to look back on the time w-we spent together and... not regret a second of it."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now