Chapter 18 "Mr. Sheng, you make the decision. Wherever you go, I go."

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Sheng Qingrang followed the voice and turned his head, what he found was a blood-stained face in the rubbles.

Gray mud covered his body, he couldn't move because he was crushed by heavy rubbles, only a voice through his trembling lips could be heard, it was too weak to distinguish who he was.

Sheng Qingrang recognized him, and hurriedly bent down, struggling to remove the heavy object that was pressing on him, and the blood gurgled out.

His pair of legs were blurry blood and flesh, white bones were exposed, crushed.

"Big brother?"

"Third brother, help me..."

He only murmured and repeated the sentence, his voice getting lower and lower.

In the face of this situation, Sheng Qingrang was obviously unable to do anything, so he could only turn to Zong Ying, and called out to her, "Miss Zong."

Zong Ying was still standing at the entrance of the stairs and did not notice the sound of help.

She has been out of many accident scenes and contacted a large number of bodies, but they are different from the current situation. Someone rushed down from upstairs and bumped into her. She recovered and heard Sheng Qingrang's voice.

Zong Ying pursed his lips tightly and walked over the corpse on the ground to him, and saw the eldest brother of the Sheng family who was lying on the ground almost unconscious.

"Please give me some space," she said.

Sheng Qingrang moved to the side and listened to her instructions, "Find some clean towels", he immediately went upstairs to look for them.

The eldest brother was seriously injured, Zong Ying squatted down to check, and silently raised her head to scan the hall. In this era, medical conditions were not very optimistic, even in a metropolis like Shanghai, medical resources may not be able to cope with such a big incident, and the possibility of waiting for timely rescue was very slim.

Sheng Qingrang quickly went downstairs and handed the towel to Zong Ying, only to see her pressing down the wound for the eldest brother quickly - it is necessary to stop the bleeding.

The hall gradually became chaotic, some people came in and some went out, and others went out to vomit. The smell of burning seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

Zong Ying pressed her hands on the towel, turned her head and told Sheng Qingrang, "Mr. Sheng, your eldest brother must have an amputation and need immediate surgery. Please contact the vehicle and send it to the hospital as soon as possible."

The hotel manager crawled out from behind the bar at this time, picked up the phone with trembling hands, and called out over and over again - after a few busy responses, he finally got through.

"Send an ambulance! Ambulance! Peace Hotel! Ambulance! We need an ambulance!" He shouted incoherently, shaking more severely, keeping the receiver tightly to his ear, even after the other party had hung up.

Sheng Qingrang walked towards him and stretched his hand over the counter, took the telephone receiver in his hand, and quickly dialled out.

He called a doctor friend in the concession hospital, but a nurse answered the phone, the nurse said, "Sorry, Mr. Sheng, we just received requests for help. There was also an explosion in the Grand Theater, where there are more casualties, ambulances were dispatched there first. Dr. Carl has gone into the operating room to make preparations."

The Grand Theater was also bombed.

A rescue centre had just been set up there, and thousands of refugees received food and supplies there. They escaped from the war zone into the concession, but did not expect to meet a more cruel fate—a bombing massacre.

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