I Wanna Feel -Vmin

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"Can I touch now?"


"How about now?"


"What about-"

"If you ask one more time then I'm cutting off your baby maker and stapling it to your forehead. Try me."

With that Taehyung shut his mouth. He needed his baby maker to get Jimin pregnant again. And he must say, Jimin looked good. His bump was nice and round perfect for Jimin's figure. How his hands rested comfortably on the top of his bump. Although, Taehyung never know the answer to one question.

"Why can't I feel our baby kicking? Or even see your stomach?" Jimin rolled his eyes and sighed. They were in the mall but that wouldn't stop Taehyung from feeling his baby. He never felt his baby. It was sad that he couldn't feel what he had created.

"Tae, we've been over this. Stop asking already. I know I married you and you got me pregnant. But there's a reason why I don't let you touch me." Taehyung was only allowed to hold Jimin's hand. It wasn't enough. "Honey. This is our baby. You get to feel them kick all the time. Why can't I feel it, I mean, I'm the baby's father."

"Taehyung. I don't wanna talk about it here. I'm tired and my feet hurt. Let's just go home so I can rest. Okay?" Taehyung sighed in defeat. Carrying the bags of what Jimin wanted. Jimin knew he was sad. It broke his heart that he wouldn't allow his husband to feel their baby's strong kicks. There was a big reason that Jimin didn't allow things. Not even letting his husband stay in the room for the ultrasound. When they got home that day Jimin heard Taehyung crying in their bedroom. Missing the most important moment in a father's life.

Once the couple got home setting all the bags down. "I'm going to lay down for a little. I'll help put everything away later." Taehyung nodded as Jimin walked upstairs to their shared bedroom. Trying to find out the answer to his question. He called the most reasonable option.

"Yoongi hyung, can I ask you a question?"

Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, hearing Taehyung's words through the other end. "Uhh, sure. What's up?" Taehyung took a deep breath before speaking. "If you were to not let Hoseok feel your baby kicking, or even see your stomach, what would be the reason?" "Still not letting you feel huh?" Taehyung sighed again. "I've tried everything. He always knows when I'm getting ready to touch it!"

Yoongi rubbed his bump on the other end. "Well if it were me, I think it would be the way I looked. I mean, all the stretch marks, the way your stomach looks after you give birth. That would be my guess." Yoongi answered as he felt his own baby kick in his womb. "But he knows I don't care how he looks. I think he looks amazing while pregnant. He carrying the baby me and his created. He was even happy about being pregnant. Why the heck would he think he looks bad?"

"Tae, when pregnant your hormonal and you crave weird stuff. You know that. You need to understand that there's a lot going through the mother's mind when having a baby." Taehyung let out a whine, stomping his feet like a toddler. "I wanna feel my baby! When Jimin sits on the couch watching TV, I can see the baby's movements. And it sucks that I can't feel it." Yoongi only let out a sigh. "I can't help you Tae. Just give him some space okay? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to empty out my bladder for the seventh time this hour." "TMI Yoongi. TMI."

Taehyung set his phone down. Disappointed over the fact that there was no answer to his one problem. Thinking about his life while walking up the stairs to his bedroom. Jimin slept soundly. He lips slightly parted as he breathed softly. Getting down on his knees in front of him, he was beautiful. He was a goddess carrying his child. Taking a deep breath and carefully moving the blanket down. Jimin's beautiful bump exposed, a smile appeared on Taehyung's face.

Moving his hand slowly, trying not to make any noise to Jimin's stomach. Gently laying his hand on it, Jimin's sweater was soft and fuzzy. His bump wasn't hard, but not entirely soft either. He couldn't explain it. Then he felt it, then kick of his child. It brought tears to Taehyung's eyes. It was a soft tap, nothing too crazy. A year fell from his cheek into his lap. He never thought that he would get to this moment.

With a soft voice, Taehyung whispered to his baby. "Hey baby.. It's your daddy. I don't think you've ever heard me before. I'm sorry I never got to feel you." Hearing their father's voice, the baby's kicks started to get more harsh. "Don't kick so hard sweetheart. We don't wanna wake your mommy." Smiling softly as the kicks softened.

Closing his eyes and gently kissing Jimin's bump. It was a beautiful moment to remember. As Taehyung opened his eyes, he heard something strange. It sounded like, heavy breathing. Opening his eyes, meeting the dark and angry eyes of his husband breathing heavily. How long had he been watching?

Jimin pushed Taehyung back. Getting out of bed with an angry expression. "You had one rule. One fucking rule. And you broke it. You stupid idiot!" Taehyung was taken back by his husband's words. It was as if a knife had stabbed his heart with every word. "J-jimin.. W-what–" "Shut up! There was a reason why I never let you touch!"

That's when Taehyung snapped. Clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. "Why Jimin!? What's the damn reason!? You have no idea what it's like to be told that you can't feel your own baby! Or even be in the room when at an ultrasound! You're the one that's causing pain! You're the one hurting me!" Jimin's face softened. Hearing Taehyung's outburst brought tears to his eyes. He did realize how much pain he had caused his husband.

"I-i never let you touch.. Because I've thought that when you saw me.. You'd feel disgusted. I know you tell me that I'm beautiful and perfect. But that's not how I feel. I feel like a cow." Taehyung calmed down. Sighing as Jimin explained how he felt. "Jimin. I don't care how you look. You're my husband. I didn't marry you because of how you looked. It was because I loved you. There is nothing in the world that would make me not love you. Understand?"

Jimin had tears running down his cheeks. He felt loved and cared for by Taehyung. He loved him too. All the thoughts in his head would block out all the positives in his life. Taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around his husband, rubbing up and down his back and whispering soft and soothing words in his ear.

Jimin then doubled over holding his stomach. Taehyung setting Jimin down on the bed with a worried expression. "Jimin? What's wrong?" Jimin couldn't speak. He never felt this kind of pain before. That's when it happened. The nightmare that Taehyung prayed that wouldn't happen. Blood came from in between Jimin's legs.

Quickly picking him up and taking him to the car. The blood got everywhere on the seat, Jimin and Taehyung. Praying that everything was okay Taehyung floored it to the hospital. Jimin whimpering in pain with tears running down his cheeks.

Once the two got to the hospital room. Jimin was put into a hospital gown and sent to do an emergency C-section. If they had gotten to the hospital any minute later the baby would have been gone. There was stress on Jimin and that is what caused the bleeding.

As Jimin layed in the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully. Taehyung held his baby boy in his arms. Kim Jae-Min. He was their miracle baby. Looking just like Taehyung. Although he didn't feel most of his kicks. He still loves his baby no matter what.

Okay. I'm very sorry if this was rushed. I love y'all. Stay happy.

Word count: 1375

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