Draw Your Sword -Taekook

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"With child?! How could you be? You have never laid with anyone!" My father bellowed, it shook the floors beneath my feet. "Father, I–" "Shut your mouth! You are with child, and yet you have never been married. Who is he? Who did you lay with?" He asks from his throne. I feel like a child again, and yet I am a full adult. "Who is he?!" He yells. I flinch, my hand going down to my lower abdomen. "Won't say hm? Then you shall stay in your chambers. You will stay there until that child is born and gotten rid of. Then this will be forgotten about, and you will be wed with a person of my choice." I look at him swiftly. "What? Father–" "Now get out of my sight. With child, no marriage, I raised you better than that." I feel a strong hand wrap around my wrist before taking me away. "Unhand me, I am able to walk on my own." I yank my hand back, walking beside the tall guard. He scoffs and turns to me. "Majesty, so distasteful." He shakes his head, pushing open my chambers door. I sigh and walk into my chambers, it feels uncomfortable from the last time I slept here, last time I did, I was in a world of pleasure. Now the room feels empty, quiet, and cold. The door closes slowly behind me, sealing the deal my father just told me. My fingertips reach my lips as my stomach churns. I whimper, my hand fully covering my mouth as I rush to my bathing room to empty my stomach in the toilet, gagging and gasping for air. I cough and lean against it while pulling the chain to flush my stomach waste. Soft sobs release from my throat as my head falls on my arms. My father had always raised his voice at me, but never this loud, or this much. He always told me it was for my future, making me the best I can be. I never knew my mother, not much anyway, father told me it was because of me, birthing me was a challenge and she had gotten sick.

"Head up straight son! Why can't you do something so simple?" His fist pushed deep into my shoulder blades, forcing me to sit up straight.

"Quit messing around! No one wants to have you as a husband if you act like a child!" He smacks my hands away from my wooden toys, who belonged to my mother before me.

"You complain about anyone huh? I married your mother already when I was your age. So ungrateful for your father!" He shouted from his throne, I had only been at the age of twenty.

I had woken up in the cold floor of my bathing room, my eyes we're dry from the shedding of tears. I blink slowly, sitting up and looking around. The moonlight streamed through my drapes as I looked out to my bed. This couldn't be my life, but I'm not dreaming. My bedding was cold and uncomfortable as I laid under them, last time I was under these covers they felt warm and comforting. His hands grazed my waist softly, as if I was a thin sheet of glass, afraid of slightly cracking me. He whispered soft words in my ear, never failing to send a shiver down my spine. His natural scent was calming, earthy yet clean. I found love in him, but deep down I knew my father would never accept my choice of husband. His right arm was inked from the tips of his fingers to his collarbone. He would describe each design to where only he and I could understand. His eyes we're dark pools of brown, you could see your own reflection in them. His lips were a light pink, soft and never cracked or dry not matter what weather it was. I would kiss his small scar on his left upper cheek which he distasted, just to make him feel like he was beautiful. As time would go by of seeing him, I slowly fell more and more in love with him. He came to my window near every night to show his love towards me, hot, passionate kisses along my neck and chest, his hands feeling every part of my body. And every morning I woke to an empty room, besides a long, beautifully written note inside of my drawer, never leaving his name for the safety for both of us. He only didn't come is when he was sick with a fever or it was too risky to come. This night must've been too risky for him. I sigh, pulling the pillow he would lay on to my chest. I could still smell the scent of his hair in the fabric. I whimper, feeling the tears clouding my vision again until I hear the soft knocks on the glass of my window. I gasp quietly and sit up, flinging the bedding off of me. His dark locks come into view before his face. "I didn't see you all day outside. I heard you fell sick. What happened?" He asks as I unlatch the lock, pulling the window open so he can climb through. His shoulders arms were so big and full of muscle he barely fit through. As he stood, his eyes concerned eyes met my own, worried ones. "Jungkook.." I whisper, his hands trailing to my wrists, holding then gently. "Yes? What's wrong my princess?" My shoulders tense at the nickname he gave me months ago, I always blushed at it, now I feel dread. "I.. I am not ill.. But I must stay in my chambers for the next several months.." My voice only gets quieter. "Princess, you're worrying me. Please tell me what troubles your sweet mind?" My breath is shaky as I look deep into his eyes. My throat feels like it's closing. "I am.. With child.." I whimper. "My father.. He had arranged I get a physician to look over me.. And that's.. That's when he found out.. I didn't tell him it was you.. I was too afraid.. I am.. So sorry.." My voice comes out weak and frightened. I feel my stomach churn again, my hand moves to cover my mouth as I dash to my bathing room once again just to dry heave. My stomach was empty, but nausea washed over me like rain made the ground pool. I felt Jungkook's hands rub along my back, even in the most tense situation, he found the heart to take care of me. "Did they tell you how far along you were?" He asks gently, afraid of speaking too loud. "I–I.. They said around one month.. But it would be too early to tell.." I spoke from the toilet. I sit up again, my head feeling light and dizzy. "I'm so sorry.. I.. I don't want to ruin anything.. But it feels like anything I do.. I ruin it.." I whimper into my hands, the way my father raised me, it made me feel like I never did the right thing. Jungkook's hands embraced mine, his much bigger and rougher. "Don't apologize princess. I am not a stupid man, I understand what we were doing and now we have a child to be expected. Please do not cry, it hurts my heart to see you in such a state." He pulls me in, kissing my forehead ever so softly. "We will figure something out, I will change for you. I will skin every inked matter off my body just to be able to touch you." I shake my head, squeezing his hands. "No.. I couldn't– wouldn't ever let you rid the parts of your body I love. I fell in love with a man that made mistakes and learned from them. A man that loves to ride horses and train alone until his clothes stick to him." I run my fingers over his callused hands. "A man that is real.. A man that is you.. Jeon Jungkook.. Not anyone else.. And I shall fight my father from arranging me with someone that I do not love.. " I ramble to him, pulling him by his hands to kiss him, soft and smooth just like last time. He reaches up to hold my face in his hands, these are the moments I feel loved. Treated well but not babied. Jungkook treated me like I was human, someone with emotion and a heart. Made my imperfections feel like beauty marks. Moments that only Jungkook could provide me. I will love him, and only him. I pull away from the kiss, my hands falling to my lap. "My father doesn't deserve to run this kingdom, so many.. So many people are suffering and yet he sits on his throne stuffing his gob full while people starve and shiver.." I mutter. "He sleeps in his bed, soft with pillows while people sleep on the streets.. On hard concrete under their heads.. So many sick with fever and yet he does nothing.." I sigh, moving my hand over my pudgy stomach, ever since I found out I was with child, it seems that I now notice that I was. Soft skin, sensitive senses, suddenly feeling ill.. And now noticing that my child should never be raised in a place like this. I start for sit up straight, inhaling deeply, filling my lungs full of air for the first time ever since I've been locked in my chambers. "I am the heir to the throne. My father doesn't deserve to treat me like I am filth at the bottom of his polished shoes." Jungkook cocks his eyebrow. "Princess, what is there to do? I cannot just stand and watch as you risk yourself for that man." I feel determined, my hands clenching the soft fabric of my nightgown from the morning. "I will find something, anything that I can use on him. No matter what it takes, I shall rip this castle brick by brick if I have too." I suddenly stand, walking back to my bed, Jungkook closely following. "Princess, how will you ever get to the kings Royal office without being seen?" He asks, speaking much quieter now that we're near the door. "Hoseok, he is one of the guards that I have gotten to know. I've known him for years now as a guard. He trusts me, and I trust him. Every morning he comes to my chambers to wish me a good morning." I pace around my room, Jungkook stares, he must think I've lost my senses, I don't blame him though. "But now you are under lock and key. Would he really still come?" He asks, I nod, looking into his eyes deeply. "Like clockwork. I have been under lock and key before, not for this long of course, but he still came and wished me a good morning." I sigh, running my hand through my locks of hair, trying to think of a quick plan. I pace back and forth before looking through my drawers, notes from Jungkook spilling to my feet. "What are you doing?" He asks, moving to stand beside me. "I will write a note, he will understand and will help. He has every key to the castle strapped to his waist, if anyone can get to my father's Royal office, it's him." I pull out a clean sheet of thick paper before sitting at my desk, dabbing my pen into blue ink. "Princess, this is a risky plan. More risky than anything we've ever done together." He sounds worried, causious about every word spilling from my lips. I stand from my seat, turning to face him. "Jungkook, I know this is risky, but think about it, if we find something to use against him, he will be removed from the throne. I am the only one in line and we will be able to be together, raise our child together. We will be freed from this, hiding away, keeping our love a secret. People of the town helped from starvation and fevers, life will be completely different." I tell him, my hands on his shoulders. "If we find something– no, when we find something, my father will be punished, it be sent to the dungeons or sentence to death, our lives will turn for the better. I will let you swing that blade down his neck, I know you've always wanted that." I whisper to him, moving in closer. "You feel rage and sympathy for those people sleeping on the streets. You wish he were dead, I see it in your eyes. I know it's the reason you train, you imagine those dummies as the king, slaying him to be free. I know it because everytime I see it in your eyes, you smile. Not your normal smile, a smile of satisfaction, satisfied that you finally set yourself free." I feel his breath against my lips as he exhales. His eyes are wide, his pupils dilated so I can barely see the whites of his eyes, he knows I understand him. "I shall make him suffer, just like he made you. Every insult, every injury, and every damned time he set his fingers on you is a slice of skin that I will damage. I swear to you my princess." He grips my hands, and my shoulders relax. "I don't know how long this shall take, but I know that we can do this." I whisper against his lips before connecting them. His hands trail down to my waist, he pulls me closer, our chests pressed up against each other. He leads me to my bed, laying me down gently while still having our lips connected. The walls were thick, but we still did our best to remain quiet. That night went from feeling pain in my chest from the feeling of self pity and hopelessness, to pleasure and determination in just a short amount of time.
That next morning I had woken to the sunlight streaming through my drapes. My eyes blinking open slowly as I turn my head. A note sat on my desk, folded perfectly. I reach for it, opening it to read, knowing it came from Jungkook.

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