Mistress to Wife -Yoonmin

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My body is changing, it doesn't feel normal. Something is wrong, I can feel it deep in my stomach, a heavy, sickening feeling. Every since that one night, I swear it never meant to get that far with him. I only had a couple glasses of wine, but his lips felt so soft, warm, and tasty. I just wanted more, the leftover wine taste on his lips, wet, and made me crave more. He gave me pleasure and comfort, his hands massaging the knots in my back and legs, his kisses remained on my body, I can still feel their warmth. It was weeks after that one, pleasure filled night and yet I still feel his big hands kneading into my thighs. "When was the last time you had a partner Jimin?" I blink away my thoughts and look at the physician asked me. I exhale a shaky breath, gripping the fabric on my legs. "Around three weeks ago." I answer quietly. "Your body is adjusting Jimin. Don't worry, it will be okay." My fingers release ever so slightly, my hands shake. No. It can't be. It couldn't. "What?" Is all I said. "You are with child. You claim to be feeling ill, but no fever, sensitive chest, and your skin is smooth and clear. You are with child Jimin. I am sure of it." I feel sick. I need.. I need to leave. My chest rises and falls rapidly, my breaths uneven and frantic. I place my hand over my abdomen, it feels soft and pudgy as I rush out of the door. So many people around me, stands with fruits, vegetables and meats being sold. Everyone looks regular, like nothing had happened, like I didn't just hear that I was with child. My head turns, my eyes slowly focusing on the biggest building this village has to offer. I can't believe this. I am with child, with that village king's child.


"Appa has pretty hair." I chuckle at her sweet voice. "Does he now?" I ask Hanuel, my four year old daughter who giggled while playing with my waist long hair. "Yes! Appa has pretty hair." She continues to braid, tying the ends with hair strings. "Umma doesn't let me do her hair. But I'm glad Appa does, Hannie likes to do Appa's hair." I hum, the hair strings in between my fingers, wrapping and rewrapping them. I imagine them as his hair, pitch black hair in between my fingers. "Why doesn't Umma let you Hannie?" I ask. "Umma says Hannie doesn't make her look good." I can feel her pouting behind me, her small fingers ceased in the middle of the braid. Yeji, my wife, the queen of this village that was arranged by my ill father. Only to produce an heir, Hanuel, my daughter, mine. I will never feel love towards that witch. "Done!" She cheered. My fingers follow the braids, two on each side going up into a thick pony tail. "Thank you my dear." My arm snakes around her, I kiss her cheek. "Appa loves it." I kiss her cheek again. "Hannie worked hard!" She smiled, one missing tooth at the front of her chubby cheeked face. She leans go kiss my forehead, her small hands on my cheeks. "You did my dear. You did an amazing job." I smile at her. "You look like a jester." I hear out on my left. I know who she is, her voice who had a slight english accent. Who called, who I didn't love. "Hello my queen." I tell her. I turn back towards Hanuel. "Go to Hoseok my dear. I will see you later." I kiss her cheek once more before letting her out of the room. I pick up the stranded hair strings and stand to face her. "I thought you weren't feeling well. Why are you up?" I ask her, not hiding the slight irritation in my voice. "I can't just lay down all day like a lazy lump. I need to keep active as queen, your majesty." She was bitter, I could tell in the way she carried herself, arms crossed and eyes shaking. "I am not like Hanuel, who sits and plays with wooden dolls all day. I need to be looked up apon in this village, just like your father said." I can't help but clench my fists. It only takes three steps for me to reach her. "You will not speak upon my daughter. You may have conceived her, but she is nothing like you. Unlike you, she's knows her manners." I bit out, walking past her swiftly into the hallway. I spot Hanuel at the very end. I take a deep breath and walk to her, crouching to her level. "Appa doesn't love Umma. Does Appa not love Hannie? Since Hannie is a part of Umma?" Her eyes meet mine, I sigh, holding onto her hands. "No my dear. She may be your mother, but you are you. And Appa will always love you. My sweet princess." I smile as her, cupping her cheek in my hand. "Let's go into the village, I heard they are setting up now. We can get your favorite fruit, strawberries yeah?" She nods quickly with a smile, taking a hold of my hand and leading me to the big opening doors. She was mine, my daughter, and my family. She's not the only thing that's mine though, he's mine as well, he just doesn't know it yet. But he's mine.

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