Minimoni- Code Blue.

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Working in a hospital can be really difficult dealing with all of those weird patients and having to see many things that other people shouldn't see. There were even doctors and nurses that couldn't take it all in. But there was one that could handle anything, the patients, blood, you name it, he can take it. 

He was the most badass doctor you could ever meet. Dr. Kim was having his lunch during his ten minute break. "Hiya Chim, on your break?" Dr. Kim's best friend Jungkook said. "Yeah, I wish I had a longer break though. The last patient made me exhausted. " Jungkook chuckled. "Well, he had a seizure Jimin, we also had to use adenosine on him." Jimin leaned back in his chair scratching his arms. "And when are you going to take your maternity leave? All you do is focus on work."

"I'll take it in a few days, just because in close to the due date doesn't mean anything. Trust me, this thing is not budging." Jimin pointed to him bump, his tight dark blue shirt lifting up as he raised his arm.  "You know hyung, just because you don't feel like you're going into labor, doesn't mean you're not, it could happen any minute you never know."  Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Kook, you don't have to worry about be ever second of every day, we wen over this already. " Jimin started to get angry, well he never meant he just wanted to make a point. "I know hyung, I just worry that's all." Jungkook gave a small smile scratching the back of his neck. Jimin sighed heavily. "I know kook, it's just that I'm pregnant and everyone has to worry about me, you, Namjoon everyone. "

Just then Namjoon came into the break room. "Well, I worry about you because you're my husband, and you are carrying our little dumpling." Namjoon leaned down to Jimin, kissing his forehead and patting Jimin's bump fixing his shirt in the process. "Trust me Namjoon you worry way to much than you think, you get worried just from the baby kicking thinking that its going to break my water." Namjoon laughed, knowing it was true.

Namjoon freaked out when the two were at home and Jimin accidentally dropped his water bottle. Spilling on the floor looking like his water broke. 


Namjoon was in his office, working on some paper work. Jimin was in the kitchen getting a bottle of water. Looking at his phone looking at cute nurseries for ideas for his.

While leaning on the kitchen counter, Jimin's elbow knocked over bottle of water onto the floor spilling everywhere. "Aww, dang it" Jimin said to himself. He leaned down, picking up the water bottle off the floor. "Well, there goes all my water." 

Namjoon then walked into the kitchen. "Hey hun, what did you say- WHAT IS THAT?!" Jimin looked down seeing the water on the floor. "My water?" Namjoon's eyes widened, rushing over to Jimin to carry him bridal style to the front door. 

"Woah, Namjoon what are you doing?!" Jimin asked. " I'm taking you to the hospital-" "Why, my water didn't break, I just dropped my water bottle" 

~=End of flackback=~

Jimin was getting up to go back to his shift when Namjoon stopped him. "I'm serious Jimin don't over work and when you finish this shift, we are going home for maternity leave." Jimin sighed heavily. "Fine, but only because I love you." Namjoon smiled, pecking Jimin's lips.  Jimin left the breakout room, leaving Namjoon and Jungkook in silence. 

"Do you really think that he will listen, I mean not to be rude or anything but, Jimin is really stubborn." Namjoon sighed. "I know Kook, he's really stubborn." Meanwhile with Jimin, he was at the front desk looking at a patient's file. "Last one?" Seok-Jin, the deck owner asked Jimin. "Yeah, then I have to go on maternity leave." Jin raised an eyebrow. "You should be happy, you get to relax for a few days then you can come back to have your baby, then you get to stay home for a few months."

"Well I am happy but-" "WE HAVE A CODE BLUE. CODE BLUE." Jimin's eyes widened listening to the intercom. Code blue meant that there was something really wring and had to run to the patient. Jimin went to a metal rack that had two heavy bags with metical supplies. Jungkook already had gotten there, grabbing the two bags. "You know I am not going to let you carry these, Yoongi get over here!" Yoongi, another nurse came over to get the other back, then started running down the hall.

Jimin could see the patient down the hall, he was halfway down before he felt a pain in his lower abdomen. He slowed down a bit, putting his hand on the wall, the other going to the bottom of his bump. The other two notice, worry smeared across their faces. "You alright Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded slightly, doing a hand gesture meaning, 'go ahead'. 

Once the pain was over Jimin tried walking to the patient that had sent the code blue, but immediately felt another wave of pain come across him, bringing him down to his knees. Jungkook saw, worried for his friend, but had to focus on the code blue. "Kook, go check on Jimin, I'll focus on this." Jungkook nodded, getting up and running to Jimin.  Jungkook crouched down to Jimin.

"What's wrong?" Jimin was breathing heavily, holding the bottom of his bump. "Go get Namjoon, and a clear bay (Small hospital room), baby's coming now." Jungkook nodded, helping Jimin up before running to get Namjoon. Jimin slowly walked down the hall, hand of the wall for balance as he walked to the main area. 

Namjoon then ran up to him, helping his husband walk. "I knew that-" "Just don't Namjoon, okay I'm sorry." Namjoon sighed, getting Jimin to a clear bay. Nurses, Taehyung and Hoseok came into the room. "Finally you go into labor, contractions about five minutes apart, and you are dilated two centimeters.  You're going good so far." Taehyung smiled a Jimin.

Jimin leaned back on the bed, trying to get comfortable. "Jimin, look at me.." Jimin refused to look at Namjoon. "Jimin" Namjoon's voice became low, Jimin giving in and looking at Namjoon. "I know that I seem mean when I said that I want you home, that's because I care about you. You know that right?" Jimin nodded. "I just want to help people before myself, caring for others is better than anything."

Namjoon sighed. "Sweetheart, you need to focus on yourself sometimes. I get that you love caring for everyone, but that's not an excuse to not take care of yourself." Jimin looked away.  "I'm sorry...." Namjoon caressed Jimin's cheek. "Come on hun, we're having a baby. We're supposed to be happy."

~~Time Skip~~

Jimin held the baby in his arms, his hair sticking to his face from the sweat. "She's beautiful Jimin." Namjoon had tears in his eyes, looking at his newborn daughter. "Little Harmony." Jimin kissed the little girl's forehead.

"Well, Jimin you are now on maternity leave."

Finally got a chapter out, sadly my laptop went down again. I'm using my home computer.  I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry for being away for so long. I love you my peeps.

Word count: 1233

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