Yoonjin- Fellow teacher pt.2

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'~'~A few weeks later~'~'

You're probably wondering how Yoongi's and Seok-Jin's date went. Well, it surprisingly went pretty well, besides Seok-Jin freaking out about what he should wear. He ended up going in a white button up with a black coat, black jeans, and black shoes.

Seok-Jin wasn't the only one freaking out, Yoongi was too even going to his close friend Jimin for help. He wanted to dress his best for Seok-Jin. He left the house wearing a white shirt with light and dark roses at the ends, a white shawl over his shoulders, blue jeans folded at the ends, and white sandals. (A/N I'm very descriptive when it comes to clothing)

 When the two had gotten to the restaurant they ordered and made small talk. Once the two had finished eating, Seok-Jin payed and they both went for a night walk in the park. They walked under the trees, Yoongi taking Seok-Jin's hand feeling protected in the dark.

Seok-Jin leaded them to a bridge under the stars.  They heard  the water from the river below them flowing. Yoongi stared at the stars twinkling above them, Seok-Jin wrapped his arms around Yoongi bringing him closer. Yoongi and Seok-Jin looked in each other's eyes, seeing the stars in each others.

Seok-Jin leaned down to Yoongi, finally connecting their lips together leaving them in a long, loving kiss. They had stayed in that position for a while, in each others arms. The two had ended up going to Seok-Jin's house to enjoy each other's hold. (A/N Don't pretend that you don't know you perverts! >:(  )

 The next morning they woke up in each other's arms, they had called the school saying that they were 'sick' but in reality they just wanted to be with each other. The two snuggled up against one another.

~'Present Day'~

Seok-Jin and Yoongi were teaching their last class of the day, waiting for the school day to end. They wanted to get out of school, they were in the process of moving Yoongi's things into Seok-Jin's home. They knew that they were moving their relationship quickly, but they loved each other, and wanted it. 

Yoongi seemed a little bit more excited then Seok-Jin, he kept fidgeting in his seat. He had a smile on his face, thinking about today. Yoongi took a glace at the clock, about fifteen more minutes until dismissal. He continued to tach until the school bell rung.

Once the bell had rung, Yoongi and Seok-Jin started packing their papers that they had to grade, and went to Seok-Jin's car. "Is something happening today, I hear you giggling over there" Seok-Jin said, still looking at the road. Yoongi smiled. "It's nothing, I'll talk about it when we get home"

Seok-Jin chuckled, but inside he was questioning what Yoongi was going to talk to him about. Once they had gotten home, put their bags on the counter and plopped on the couch. Yoongi sat next to him, crisscross and faced Seok-Jin. "So.." Yoongi started. Seok-Jin looked up at him a small smile on his face.

" I know that our relationship is moving fast but..." Yoongi paused, smiling to himself. "What is it, Yoon, is something wrong?" Seok-Jin was now concerned. "Seok-Jin, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby" Seok-Jin stared at Yoongi with wide eyes, processing Yoongi's words in his head.

"What?" That was the only thing Seok-Jin could say. This made Yoongi worried, was Seok-Jin angry at him? "We're having a baby Seok-Jin, I found out yesterday" Yoongi said. Soon Seok-Jin jumped up from the couch bouncing up and down happily. Then Taking Yoongi in his arms. "We're having a baby!!" Seok-Jin yelled.

Yoongi smiled, trying to calm Seok-Jin down from the excitement. "How far along are you?" He asked. Yoongi giggled. "I only found out yesterday, I don't know yet" Seok-Jin pulled Yoongi closer kissing him all over his face, and then his lips. 

Seok-Jin dreamed of becoming a father one day, but he never found interest in anyone until Yoongi came into his life. Yoongi dreamed the same thing, having a family of his own, taking care of his own children. 

'~Three month time skip~'

Today Seok-Jin and Yoongi went to the clinic to finally find out the baby's gender. Yoongi had a small bump on his small figure. "Ok, lay down on the bad and lift up your shirt." The nurse said kindly. Yoongi did what she told and got on the bed, lifting up his shirt.

The nurse came back with the ultrasound machine and turned it on. " This might be cold" She warned. She put some gel on Yoongi stomach and moved the wand around. The two could see a small baby on the machine, tears began prickling in Yoongi's eyes. 

"Alright would you like to know the gender?" the nurse asked. The two nodded. "Ok, It seems like you are having a baby girl" Yoongi covered his mouth with his had as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Yoongi looked up at Seok-Jin also seeing tears brim in his eyes.

The nurse printed out a photo of the ultrasound for the two, then they left. When the two had made it back home, the two cuddled against each other, excited that they were getting ready to have a baby girl.

~'Eight Months mark'~

The couple had been working on the nursery for a while now, Yoongi working on the decorations and Seok-Jin working on building the furniture. Yoongi's bump was passing far passed his hips, he couldn't see his feet anymore. 

Yoongi was about to take maternity leave, he had about two more weeks before his due date. Once Yoongi had told his students about it, they all were disappointed, they really didn't want a substitute, they enjoyed Yoongi being their teacher. 


A few days later, Yoongi and Seok-Jin took their maternity leave, getting ready for their little girl. Yoongi started feeling Braxton hicks contractions a few times during the day.  He knew it was almost time. 

That night, Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night feeling intense pressure in his lower abdomen. Once he made it to the bathroom, he felt his water break. He woke up Seok-Jin, and they got the baby bag to go to the hospital.

About halfway to the hospital, Yoongi felt strong contractions, and gripped onto the dash board. He tried his best to stay calm during this situation and took deep breaths. The doctors gave his a wheelchair to sit in. He changed into a hospital gown and laid onto the bed.

The sun started to come up when it was time for Yoongi to push, he was exhausted, he hadn't gotten much sleep from the contractions. He grabbed Seok-Jin's hand, and began to push for ten seconds.

After hours and hours of pushing and screaming, Yoongi held their little girl in his arms. Tears steaming down both of their faces as they looked at the little baby. She had Seok-Jin's eyes, and had Yoongi pale skin. She looked like an angel, and named her Kim Yoonhun. 

Yoongi and Seok-Jin's dream had finally became reality, they had their family.

Hello my peeps, I got chapter two out, I wrote it down in my journal first then typed it all out. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so so So much for 2k reads.

I love you my peeps.

Word Count: 1231


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