Sweet Nectar - Namgi

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I am the pack alpha, I feel pride in my chest when I help my five pack mates. Helping them and caring for them, but yet, my heart felt empty. We lived in wooden shacks, kept warm with fires and animal skins that I have collected. I had my own shack while everyone else had one with their mates or pups. Jungkook and Seokjin had a childlike relationship, laughing and picking on one another, but they get along and love one another perfectly. They were expecting their second pup now, which Jungkook still carried high. Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung are a alpha, beta, and omega mating. It had only been Hoseok and Jimin before we picked Taehyung up while traveling to our spot now, Jimin and Hoseok couldn't bare leaving him alone. I accepted them, I couldn't hurt their love, so I helped expand their shack to make room for all three of them and their own future pups, whenever they decide to have then at least. Our shacks were kept just a few yards away in case of any emergency or needed to pass information. There was also a big fire pit in the middle of the small opening that was cleared out, that's where are during the warm months. It was the beginning of winter, grey clouds filling the sky and the winds growing cold. No doubt that it will start snowing soon. I sigh from the entrance of my shack, everyone was already out and doing things. Jimin working on weaving baskets we kept extra supplies in and Jungkook and Seokjin were working on lighting the fire pit. More Seokjin and Jungkook watching with their pup on Jungkook's hip. Eunji was a little girl pup, three years old now, she was a sweet thing, always polite. She had jet black hair like Jungkook but grass green eyes from Seokjin. "You wanna help Appa with the fire?" Jungkook cooed, gently bouncing her on his hip. Eunji only curled more into her mother, she wasn't the biggest fan of a hit fire, part of her hair was uneven and brittle from the fire pit being too big and she got curious when she was a two. "You sure you can carry all that?" Taehyung asked from my left, Hoseok was carrying a deer over his shoulders, most likely caught early this morning. "Where you think I get all these muscles from Sunflower~?" Hoseok chuckled. Taehyung turned, a red tint over his cheeks. He had been naturally born with light brown hair and yellow highlights, but the nickname sunflower comes from how yellow his eyes were, bright and round, as if he really had sunflowers for eyes. That was one of Hoseok's favorite things about him, he could stare into those eyes for days on end. Jimin had already made his way over to his mates, kissing both of them on the cheeks, he was the shortest out of the three, shortest out of all of us, myself being the tallest. He was quiet when he would be working, but in the group he's the one always laughing and talking, his eyes turning to crescent moons. "Ow! I nipped my finger." Seokjin exclaimed, sucking on the tip of his pointer finger. I turn and start walking to the middle, stopping next to Jungkook. "Don't hold the blade upside down on the stone then." Jungkook rolls his eyes. "If any of out pups take after you, we're all doomed." He sighs, crouching down to set Eunji next to him. "You distracted me!" Seokjin whined. "Oh shush, I may take up a lot of space now but I'd rather you not only hand nine fingers." Jungkook sighs again, taking the blade and stone out of his mates hand and stroking a fire with ease. I can't help but smirk and Seokjin's dumbfounded expression. "Daddy's funny~!" Eunji laughs. "Do as he says, not as he does pup. But do as mommy says and does for better." Jungkook nudges Seokjin's side as he's not laughing. "Don't worry alpha, I'm only saying these things because I know you're strong when you need to be." Seokjin then smirks, raising one of his eyebrows. I shake my head slightly before walking off to Jimin, who went back to weaving baskets. He looks up as my shadow covers him. "Hey Namjoon. Everything alright?" He asks. "Yes. How is the basket weaving going? Your fingers look like they're blistering." He nods, feeling his fingertips, they were red and raw from the stuff bark he used. "Yes, I'm just trying to make use of these last bits of bark. Maybe use the smaller pieces for covering holes in the ceilings of our shacks? Wind has been getting cold, could be useful yeah?" He suggests. I him, Jimin was always making suggestions, good suggestions at that. "Good idea, give your fingers a break. Soak them in some water." I nod, he smiles and turns away. "Hoseok I think is working on that deed he brought with Taehyung. Be food for a couple of days." He smiles. I sigh softly and nod before walking away. This is what I usually do everyday, walk around to everyone, then walk somewhere else to be alone. There was a river not that far from our opening, that's where I would usually sit and think. The water was much colder as my fingertips run through it. In the warmer months Jungkook let me take Eunji down here to pick the honeysuckle that grew here. Their juices were sweet and tasty, but the flowers were beautiful. That's all I could see when I sat here, leaning against the trunk of a tree. I close my eyes, letting the cool breeze flow over me. I had been in this pack for near eight years now, I had known all of my pack mates before we all decided to become one. We used to be in a much bigger pack, more of a village, but it had gotten so big, we couldn't get enough food for all of us, so my pack mates and I decided to leave together. I had been nineteen when I left, and Jungkook, the youngest, had only been sixteen, all of us raised him unto the man he is. I still think back on it sometimes, but had been long ago, I can't really remember details.
My thoughts drift away from me as I hear violent splashes from my right. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as I become alerted. I don't recognize the scent, it's unfamiliar and may be dangerous. I stand slowly, getting myself ready to pounce if need be. Soft whimpers accompany the splashes, and the current in the river turns into a light shade of red. "It's so cold.." I hear a quiet voice, it sounds weak and small. I exhale and turn my head, all I could see was the back of a person's head, white shiney hair. They seemed frantic to wash something off their body, dipping their hands into the water and scrubbing at his face. I slowly take steps to get closer, trying to see if they are a threat. His scent was getting more clear as I got closer, it was sweet but had a hint of a milk. My eyebrows knit together, confused and curious. He then raises his head slightly, he knows I'm behind him as he slowly raises his hands. His fingernails were dirty, a bloody substance under his nails. "Please.. I don't mean any harm.." They say, it was quiet, just barely a whisper. "Turn around." I command lightly, my hand hovering over the stone blade I kept strapped to my trousers, ready for use. I watch as they slowly turn, still having his hands raised. As he turns most of the way, I can see that his skin I as white as snow, his cheeks only slightly pink. His hair covered his forehead, which was wet from the river water. I could see that his face was dirty, dirty from blood. I could see the remaining blood on the sides of his face. His clothes were also dirty, his left shoulder was injured, a small gash across it along with a larger one across his left thigh. My eyes scan his body, going from his face down to his slightly protruding stomach. He senses my stares as his hands cover it, protecting the pup inside. His scent was turning sour, afraid of what I would do to him. "How far?" I ask simply, nodding towards his stomach. He blinks, looking down as if thinking of a answer. "I– Around four months. I didn't have a heat and no one discovered my scent until a few weeks after my.." He trailed off quietly. I hum quietly. "And where is your pack?" I ask. His eyes meet mine, bright green, sticking out from his white skin and hair. "I.. I left.. I needed to. Only to protect my pup.." He croaks, his eyes filling with tears. "Please.. I didn't know there was any of packs here.. I've been running for days.. Have mercy.." He pleads, his body was shaking, mostly because of the cold water and breeze. My chest squeezes, my heart filling with sympathy. And before I knew.. "Are you hungry?" I asked. His eyes widen slightly, a glimpse of hope coming over him. "What?" He mutters. "Are you hungry? We have warm food and water." I tell him. He exhales before nodding. "Yes.." He answers, nodding quickly. "Name?" I ask him. He meets my eyes, this time I get a longer look, bright green, like emeralds, and long, dark eyelashes. "Yoongi.." He mutters. I nod once. "Namjoon." I simply say. "Come on. Can you walk?" He looks down at his thigh, slowly sitting up to stand. His arms were shaky, favoring his right leg over his left. "Wait.. Not yet." I hold my hand out for him to stop. He sighs, crouching back down to his knees. I sigh, beginning to shift, my hands and feet turning into paws and my nose and mouth jutting out into a shout. I go from two legs to four, walking in front of him. I tilt my head, allowing him to get on my back. My wolf was much bigger than his small frame, even when I was human, I was much bigger. His hand grips onto my light brown fur. "I'm sorry.." He says, pulling on me to hoist himself up. I close my eyes, bearing my teeth as he pulls. He winces as he moves his leg over me, sighing heavily. He keeps one hand placed on my back with his other hand mist likely supporting his stomach. Not even a paperweight. He was light, couldn't even snap a twig. I take my time in walking, making sure to keep him steady. I can tell he's trying to keep his whines of pain quiet, but I know with every step I take it's moving his injured thigh. I try to go slowly as I reach a small incline. "Ah–.." He yelps quietly, I stop and turn my head. "S-Sorry.. I didn't expect it.." He rubs my back, patting it to let me know I can proceed. I try to make it quick, slowly reaching the opening of my pack. I can see Taehyung in the distance, assisting Hoseok with the butchering of the deer. They can already sense a different scent approaching them, their heads lifting up in my direction. Taehyung turns and runs off, most likely telling everyone else about the approaching new scent. I can feel Yoongi's hands fisting my fur tightly. I stop at the edge of the opening, Hoseok stood a few meters away. I motion my head, letting Yoongi get off of me slowly, keeping one hand on my back to lean on. I lean back, shifting back on two legs, my about coming back into my nose and mouth. Fur seeped back into my skin, I sigh and shake my shoulders, letting Yoongi keep his hand on my arm. "He's no treat. I found him by the river cleaning his wounds. He's hungry and cold. Please get hot water and some food for him." I say to Hoseok, behind him was Jungkook and Seokjin leaking out from their shack cautiously. "I would also like some stitching ware. For his leg, put up a fight before going to the river." I slowly help Yoongi limp to the fire pit, helping him sit on the large log. Hoseok had gone off to get the things I have asked for, coming back shortly with a pot of water, hanging it above the fire. "Don't– Jungkook." I hear Seokjin call out, I turn around, seeing Jungkook come walking up. "His scent it milky. He's pregnant?" I feel Yoongi tense beside me before I nod. "Yes. I'm sure the pup is alright, he just needs food and some wounds cleaned." Jungkook nods before glancing at Yoongi, then back to me. "He isn't a threat. Don't worry." Jungkook nods slowly, glancing back as Hoseok comes up with a flat stone and a chunk of deer meat. "Jimin is coming with the stitching supplies." He says. I nod and turn to face Yoongi. "We're going to clean your wounds and stitch your leg. Get some food in you." Yoongi looks up, his eyes unblinking and innocent. "Thank you." He breaths out. He sounds sincere and thankful for everything, even when I have done nothing much. Jimin's small shadow comes over us, holding out the small package of stitching supplies and a cloth. Yoongi raises his loose shirt, his trousers ripped from the gash. His hands are shaky, most likely cold. I take the cloth from Jimin's hand, dipping it in the warm water and ringing it out. "Here." I speak softly, taking his hands and wrapping them in the now warm cloth. He sighs softly, melting from the warmth. I can't help but letting the corners of my lips tilt up, relating to the feeling of warmth after being cold for so long. I allow him to keep his hands warm, grabbing the sharpened stone and cutting away at his trousers, exposing the jagged skin. He hisses softly, biting down on his lower lip. "I'm sorry." I whisper, grabbing another strip of cloth to dip in the water. "Just a little longer, then we can get you some food and a change of clothes." I tell him, gently dabbing his wound. "What happened?" Jimin asks. I remain quiet, letting Yoongi answer. "I was protecting my pup.. My old pack.. I didn't have a mate.. Nor did I have a heat. But I found myself loving someone.. Someone who I made love to.. And then I found out I was pregnant." His hand rubs his stomach gently, his thumb rubbing in circles. "He was happy, he made sure to take care of me.. But slowly.. I found out.. He only did it to have a pup in his blood.. Carrying his heir to make a pack alpha.. I didn't want to raise my pup in that pack.. Not with him as the pack alpha.." He sighs, shaking his head. "So.. I'm assuming you don't have a mating bite?" Jimin asked gently. "No. I don't." He answers, looking down into his lap. "Deep breaths." I say before entering the needle, Yoongi gripping at his shirt. "The first few are always the hardest. You'll get through." I tell him, stitching the start of his wound. "How did that happen?" Jungkook asked this time. "When I told him I was leaving.. He was a but difficult to let go.. He wanted for damage the only thing that could get me to leave.. But he wasn't quick enough.." His hand reaches to run against his shoulder, the gash much smaller than the one on his thigh, only needing a bandage. "I'm sorry that happened to you. You did good to get out of there. How far did you travel?" Yoongi hums, thinking of an answer. "Maybe three days..? Four counting today. I don't know how long I'll travel." I decide to speak up. "Well I don't think you'll be able to walk until your thigh is healed. And by the time it'll heal completely you might be close to labor." I say, sliding the needle through his skin before tying it off. "You're allowing me here? In your pack?" Yoongi asks wide eyed. "Well, you don't seem to have any weapons, don't seem like a threat, and if you're okay with following some basic rules then you should be perfectly fine." Yoongi sits up straight. "Anything. What are the rules?" I laugh quietly, wrapping his thigh with cloth and tying it. "Slow it down a bit. Haven't even cleaned you up yet. Jimin could you get a set of clothes for him please?" He nods before walking off, most likely to his own shack. I start cleaning the wound on his exposed shoulder, it must've stopped bleeding soon after it was made. Jungkook went to tent to the cooking deer meat Hoseok had left on the fire, flipping it to cook on the other side. "How far are you?" Yoongi asks to Jungkook, who turns and smiles, he's always was shy when other brought up his pregnancy. "Going on eight months. I know I look big, but my mate has always been on to make big pups." He laughs. Yoongi loosens under my touch for what seems to be the first time since I've met him. "My daughter Eunji was a big pup, couldn't tell you how long the birth was, but she's a sweet pup, as good as they get." He smiles, turning back to the cooking meat, taking it out of the fire. "You have a daughter?" Jungkook nods towards his shack. "Probably with her father. She likes his scent better than mine right now, says cinnamon and milk don't go good together but I guess to her cedar is better." He shrugs. "Your wounds will heal fine. Just clean them every once in a while. Let's get you changed and you can eat." I tell him, Jimin coming back with warmer clothes. "Here you go, nice and warm." Hey says. "Do you need help changing?" I ask Yoongi. A warm tint spears across his pale cheeks, embarrassed to answer. "Just.. The pants.. I can change my shirt.." He mumbles. "Let me help you to my shack, it's the closest." That's a lie. Jungkook's and Seokjin's shack was closer, but I didn't want him to go in theirs, I want him in mine. Just my scent.
"One.. Two.. Three.. I'm lifting now." I warn, picking Yoongi up in my arms, seemed better than to let him walk on his newly stitched thigh. "Thank you.." Yoongi said into my shoulder. I crouch slightly to enter in my shack, setting Yoongi down on my bed carefully and placing his clothes at his side. "Could you.. Turn around? Please?" He asks shyly. I sigh through my nose, turning to face the wall. Clothes ruffle behind me, his old shirt falling to his side and unfolding his new one. "Okay. You can turn back around now." I hum and face him again, Jimin's shirt being a bit more snug around his midsection. "Pants?" He nods, I crouch down in front of him. "Lift your hips gently, I'll take them off." I tell him, hooking my fingers on his waistband. He grits his teeth as he raises his hips slightly, taking my chance to move his pants down. "There, put them down." He sighs softly, sitting back down while I take the rest of his pants off, grabbing the new ones and sliding it up his legs. "One more time." He takes a deep breath, lifting his hips up and I slide his pants all the way up. "Okay. Much more comfortable yeah?" I move my hands away, my knuckles sliding under the curve of his stomach. It was smooth and soft from the shirt, but my knuckles did feel a slight mount, maybe the pup's foot or fist moving around. "Yeah. Thank you, so much." He smiles softly, his lips were a slight darker shade of pink, sticking out from his skin. I nod and stand up, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'll get you your food. Then you can lay down. Rest for a bit." He nods, my eyes glance to his stomach, his hand over it protectivly. He rubs gentle circles with his thumb, I hum. Such a gentle touch but his looks make him rough. He catches my stare, his hand spreading to cover more of his stomach. "They move a lot, makes me wonder if I'm hungry or it's them." He laughs gently, a soft sound that makes my heart leap. I need to get out of here, but yet I stay. "That's what Jungkook felt everyday when he was pregnant with Eunji. This pup doesn't move much, which is a blessing to everyone else, everyone can get more sleep now." I laugh with him, only silencing when we both here a slight rumble. His cheeks deepen with redness. "Not the pup, definitely hungry." He smiles shyly. I nod. "Yeah– I uh– I'll be back." I sigh, moving out of my shack into the open, Hoseok walking up with the cooked deer meat. "Your scent is off. Is it him?" He asks. "I'm fine. Just, he's pregnant. Maybe it's just me caring for the pup. Can't be injured and have a pup to care for." He hums quietly, glancing at Jimin, who was busy smiling with Taehyung and then back to me. "Is that all? Just the pup?" I shake my head and take the flat stone from him. "I don't know what you're talking about." I tell him, walking back into my shack. "Here you go. Do you want me to leave while you eat?" I set the flat stone on his lap while he shrugs. "I don't mind. I guess I'd like to know a bit more about the alpha who decided to help me." He smiles, popping a small chunk on meat into his mouth. "There isn't much to know. I'm not that interesting." I smile, sitting down on a stump of wood. "I doubt that. Why were you by the river in the first place?" He asks. I hum while leaning back against the wooden wall. "I go there to clear my head sometimes. After doing near the same thing everyday, I go there to just.. Think." I sigh. "Well.. I guess I changed your schedule today huh?" He smiles, I smile at his, genuine and soft. "You did. Very much so." I chuckle. He pops another piece into his mouth. "Your pack looks good, you do a good job taking care of it." He says while chewing. I hum while smiling, playing with my thumb nail. "You said you were in your fourth month, winter is about to begin. By the time it's done you would near be in your eighth. I don't think you should go out until the pup is here. Maybe a little longer so it's a little easier." Words come from my lips before I even think, his eyes widening. "You're allowing me to stay here? That long?" He asks. I don't think it over much before I nod. "Yes. I may not know you personally, but I wouldn't let anyone go wonder while pregnant and injured. I'm not that kind of alpha." I tell him, I could practically sed the tears welling in his eyes. "Thank you.. I-I I'll repay you somehow." I shake my head, standing up. "Don't. Just eat and then get some rest." I nod to the flat stone before walking back out into the open. Jungkook had Eunji on his lap by the fire, Seokjin next to him. Taehyung was tending to the fire, Hoseok creeping up to kiss his cheek, and Jimin was most likely in their shack. I walk out, sitting on the log, warning my hands near the fire. "You okay?" Seokjin asks, turning to me. I shrug. "I'm living I guess. Yoongi is eating and resting." Hopefully. "You seem worried about him. It's nothing to hide. It's nice to see you show more softness." Seokjin laughs. "I don't know. I'm sure it's just because he's pregnant. I care about the pup." Another lie. "Yeah? And when Jimin and Hoseok wouldn't leave Taehyung behind? Is that because he was low on supplies or because they cared about him?" He asks, smirking at me. "Give it time. You'll see that you did it because you cared. Wouldn't let a pregnant omega, who was injured, walk around dangerously." He hums, turning back to his mate to nuzzle into his neck. I sigh, looking into my lap. When I was in the shack with just Yoongi, his scent was the only thing I could smell, he was the only thing I could focus on, his voice the only one I heard, and I would go back into that shack as soon as his eyes open from his rest.
I went to check on Yoongi throughout the rest of the day, he had finished his deer meat and was laying on his uninjured side. He had slept through the day, leading into the night. I stay sitting out by the fire, not wanting to disturb his sleep. He looked too peaceful to wake. Everyone had gone to sleep in their own shacks, Yoongi in mine while I sat at the fire, warming my body from the cold wind. I sigh, glancing at my shack every once in a while to see if I could see or hear Yoongi getting up. I doubt he would, but he could surprise me. He has a hold on you. He did. I couldn't point my finger on it, his soft smile, the way his eyes squinted slightly when he laughed, his scent, sweet and delicious, it makes me want to nuzzle into him, tasting his scent gland. Taking care of him that will also take care of the pup. I never imagined myself in this situation, thinking about an omega who was pregnant with another alpha's child, that had my heart pumping at uneven paces. His emerald eyes hold much more than beauty, a story lies within them, a story that I desperately want to know. "Alpha..?" I tense at the weak voice, turning towards my shack. I blow out a breath as I see Yoongi standing on his stronger leg against the opening. I stand and walk over to him. "What's wrong?" I ask, worry laced with my words. "I'm sorry, the fire went out and.. I don't really like the dark.. I know it's childish but–" "It's okay. I can relight it." I place my hands into his wrists, helping him back inside. "Have you been sitting there ever since you left the shack?" Yoongi asks from the bed while I relight the fire, warmth and light spilling through the shack. "I have. I didn't want to risk waking you. Too peaceful." I tell him the truth, no point in lying to him. "I wouldn't mind.. If you stayed.. I think the bed is big enough.." He says, I could almost hear him sounding hopeful that I'll stay. A glint in his eyes as he looks into mine. "Do you want me to stay?" I ask gently. He nods slowly. "Please..?" There's another feeling in my chest, the way he looks at me, as if pleading me to lay with him. My legs take me to the bed, slowly getting behind him on the other side. He lays with his back to my chest, laying on his good side. His head comes up to my nose, stands of his hair tickling it. "Better?" I break the silence. He nods, curling up slightly. "Yes.." He mutters. He feels warm against my chest, his scent flooding my nose with his sweetness. I can't help but move my face closer, drinking in his scent even more, so sweet with a hint of milk. I could feel myself getting light headed, I could smell him for hours. My eyes close, breathing in his scent as sleep takes over me.
           When morning comes, the sound of birds chirping in the trees wake me. My eyes open slowly, adjusting to the bright light. Yoongi is still against my chest, sleeping peacefully. I lift my head, exhaling as my arm is wrapped around his waist my hand spread out on his stomach. I hadn't realized I had wrapped it around him. He feels small in my arms, I don't feel wrong with him against my chest, my arm keeping him close. What are you doing to me, Yoongi? My chest feels warm, not from his body, but from him in general. Don't. He will leave as soon as the pup is old enough. Don't want him. I tell myself. But I need him. My heart tells me. I set my head back down, leaning my nose into his hair. "Why do I feel these things towards you?" I whisper. My hand subconsciously start rubbing circles on his stomach, I never imagined feeling something like this. I never touched Jungkook's when he was pregnant, never felt the need to, but with Yoongi, I want to. I can imagine Yoongi's pup with his green eyes and white hair. His own soft smile and gaze. Yoongi will raise a perfect pup. I feel Yoongi start to stir in my arms, my head lifting up again. "Good morning." I say gently, slowly retracting my arm. "Don't. He hasn't moved yet. Keep it there. Please?" He mumbles into his arm. I nod, even though he can't see, I move my hand back to where it was. "Thank you.. For staying with me. Don't think I slept so well in a while." He moves his own hand to his stomach, our finger tips making contact. "Does your leg feel better? And your shoulder?" He hums softly. "Better than yesterday, could use a nice stretch." He slowly moves to lay on his back, grunting quietly while doing so. "Are you alright?" I ask. "Yeah, wasn't my leg. Just regular lower back pain. Pup is already heavy I guess." He smiles up at me. I hum before sitting up on my elbow. "I'll get you some food. Do you want to stay in here?" He nods. "I don't want to hang onto you all day, for your sake." He smiles. "I don't mind. I could carry you. I want you close." I say before thinking, Yoongi's eyes widening ever so slightly. His hand slowly climbing onto mine. "Then I won't mind.. If you won't.." His finger then hooks around mine, I don't stop him.
I ended up carrying Yoongi throughout the day to the fire pit, river and back to the shack, and I didn't complain once. Having him in my arms felt normal, as if he was the missing piece of me. "It's been officially a day. And you seem attached already. Is that true?" Hoseok whispers into my ear. I sigh, glancing at Yoongi, who ate beside me and over to Hoseok. "I didn't ask about you and Taehyung. I found Yoongi, he's mine." I say firmly. He shrugs and chimps down on his deer meat. Yoongi then leans forward to push away his flat stone, standing slowly. "Woah. Don't press down on that leg." I say quickly, setting down my own flat stone. "It's alright, really. If I just press lightly on it I'll be okay." He tells me, holding his hand up as he slowly limps to my shack. I see Jungkook giving me a soft gaze out of the corner of my eye. "You seen happy with him. It's nice to see." He smiles. Yoongi had already made it inside the shack. "I don't know, he just– has a hold on me.. But in the best way possible.. I want him in my arms.. I want the pup protected.." I mumble. "Do you really think you'll let them go when the pup comes?" Jimin asks from my right. "I don't know if I physically can now.." I glance up at the shack Yoongi is most likely sleeping in now, my heartbeat in my ears. He's more than just a visitor. And yet it's been a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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