Ten Days Til Christmas -Yoonmin

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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you guys are spending time with family and eating yummy foods. Now in honor or Christmas and the fact that I haven't posted in a bit. I made a 7,000 word story. Longest story yet. 1,000 words for each BTS member you can say. I hope you enjoy reading. I love you all. 💜

Ten Days Left:

The weather was perfect for a hot cup of cocoa and marshmallows, curled up in a warm blanket with your loved one. But before the cuddling would be achieved, the man of the household finally brought the Christmas lights from the attic and decided to put them up for decoration. Although he hated to shiver, his red bright red from the cold and his shaky hands, he thought it would be a great surprise for his loveable boyfriend. As the man grabbed the tall ladder, setting it up on the side of their home he thought out loud. "Please do not let me fall, I don't want my cause of death to be 'Fell down ladder while putting up lights to surprise boyfriend' I don't want my future child to look at me like an idiot. Amen." He exhaled before climbing the ladder, lights in his left hand while a big stappler on his tool belt. "Don't worry Yoongi, I'm sure this work will be greatly appreciated." He said to himself. Yoongi began stappling the lights along the rooftop, quick and efficient, making wonderful progress. Snow hadn't fallen yet, so he didn't have to worry about snow falling down the roof top onto him. His tongue stuck out slightly as he was focused deeply on making sure everything was fixed correctly. "Finally putting up something huh!?" He jumped at the sudden shout, exhaling heavily while turning to look at his neighbor Mr. Kim. "Yes sir, wanted to finally do it to show Jimin!" Yoongi shouted back. Mr. Kim chuckled. "I'm sure he'll love it, has he been resting good, looks about due! Won't be getting a lot of sleep soon!" He laughed out. Yoongi smiled nervously, not knowing what to reply with. "Heh, yeah just about. Been resting a lot, finally put the final touch on the baby's room." Yoongi said, turning back to continue with the lights, pulling back as he couldn't reach any further. "Well congratulations, went from seeing you as a little boy, and now you're a big man. I'm proud of you son." Mr. Kim said before walking off, right before reaching the ground. Yoongi sighed softly, smiling slightly while moving the ladder over. He has come so far, moving into his own house at seventeen with his boyfriend Jimin. The two have known one another since they were fourteen and twelve, finally Yoongi asked Jimin out at nineteen and have started dating since then. Being together for a total of eight wonderful years. And now the two were expecting their first child, Jimin carrying them beautifully. They told Yoongi they were expecting as a surprise gift for their eighth anniversary, and Yoongi had never cried harder than he did that day. The baby was expected to come around christmas time, which to Yoongi was Jimin giving him a Christmas gift. It was a blessing, hoping his baby would be here by Christmas. As Yoongi finished the lights, he looked over his work, nodding before walking to the outside outlet to turn the lights on. "Get ready babe, you will be so proud of me you'll want to marry me so fast." He told himself while switching the lights on, smiling widely as the bright colors shined. "I am one hundred percent husband material aren't I? Yeah I am. Already got my vows ready." He snickered to himself, walking into the house. "Baby~~! I have something to show you~!" He hollered while running through the house, spotting his boyfriend in the kitchen with a Christmas mug most likely filled with hot tea. He had disheveled hair with his eyes squinted, his free hand resting on the top of his baby bump. "Give me a second, I have just arisin from my peaceful slumper." Jimin giggled. "I can tell, but I've been working on something this morning for you." Yoongi came over, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist as best as he could, resting his chin on his shoulder. Jimin looking back at Yoongi. "So I'm guessing that was you with the stapler hm?" Jimin asked while sipping his tea. Yoongi stood up straight, moving his hair behind his ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Yoongi said, trying to keep the surprise, you know, a surprise. "So the ladder right in front of the bedroom window wasn't you?" Jimin smiled, setting his cup down and facing Yoongi. "U-uh, no? Who put that ladder there? Babe, there might be someone on the property!" Yoongi was bright red, turning away from his boyfriend. "Don't worry, I'll act surprised baby~" Jimin smiled, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's shoulders. "I appreciate all the work you put in. And as a reward I'll give you a kiss for every staple." Jimin leaned in, placing a sweet peck opon Yoongi's lips. "I'm pretty sure I counted one hundred~" the two laughed, Yoongi leading Jimin to the side door and helping him out on his boots. "Alright, now close your eyes and trust me~" Yoongi said. "If I fall we're breaking up." Jimin expressed while closing his eyes and holding his hand out. "Well you already fell for me eight years ago~" Yoongi chuckled, Jimin groaning while slowly following Yoongi to the front of the house. "Alright, now open~" Jimin obeyed, smiling widely at the flashing yellow and white lights along the rooftop. "It's beautiful baby~ You did an amazing job." Yoongi held Jimin from behind swaying slowly. "I'm glad you like it, even if I kinda spoiled the surprise." Yoongi said, kissing along the side of Jimin's neck and face. "I love you babe~ and little fruit here~" Jimin rolled his eyes and the nickname Yoongi gave to the baby. "I love you too baby, but please, no more 'little fruit' they've become the size of a pumpkin, which isn't small or little." Again the two laughed together, enjoying the moment together swaying while watching the lights.

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