Talk To Me -V-Hope

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"A-ah! Gentle please honey-! Especially on that spot- Ah-!" Taehyung whined out, digging his nails into the bed sheets. "I know my love, I'm so sorry. I'm going as soft as I can." Hoseok said softly, feeling bad for the pregnant latter. Taking his hands off of his husband. "I-i know,.. I know honey. I'm sorry, I know you're trying to help but it's just- it's so uncomfortable and painful." Taehyung sighed, pulling his shirt back down from when his husband was trying to massage the pain away. Currently the couple was experiencing a very complicated and rather an extreme high risk pregnancy. With Taehyung having a different anatomy and has never gone through a lot of physical stress, a pregnancy wasn't really easy going. "I can't imagine what you're really feeling my love. I hate to see you in this amount of pain. I would do anything to take it all away." Hoseok expressed, taking Taehyung's hand in his. "Honey, I'm thirty two weeks. The earliest I can be induced is around thirty six, four more weeks of this. Constant pain and being uncomfortable. I've been on bed rest most of this pregnancy, that stupid midwife or whatever- she comes in and scans me over and then leaves and gets paid for basically doing nothing!" Taehyung waved his hand and looks away. Hoseok sighed softly, placing his hand back down. "My love, deep breaths. I know you've gone through a lot. And I will never let you go through this again." Hoseok felt terrible for putting his partner in this situation, god did he feel terrible. "Hoseok if you felt even a minute of what it feels to be pregnant, trust me, you would hate it too. The heavy bump, constant back aches, swollen and puffed out and don't even get me started on the bathroom breaks." Taehyung took a minute to catch his breath before continuing. "When you're born with a special condition, such as me, where you have two different.. You know.. Areas.. I can produce children, but at the same time I can get a women pregnant. There is so much physically stress, but also mental stress." Taehyung exhaled sadly, shaking his head. "When people look at me, before I was on bestest, even while doing the simplest things of running a couple errands. People will stop and look at me, they see someone who is carrying a child, but you also see someone who is able to produce the stuff to make a child." Taehyung wiped under his eyes and looked away, sniffling quietly. Hoseok listened closely, taking in each word and remained quiet. Something he was very good at, listening and then gave the best advice. Never interrupted, just sat and listened closely. "I've become useless, the most I can do is just get up and use the bathroom, but even that can be difficult. So many accidents.. And then you come behind me and fix everything and it's not fair. You're taking care of a twenty three year old that acts like a two year old. Crying and complaining."

"When I first found out I was happy, but as the months progressed, I slowly started to feel like maybe doing this wasn't meant for me. Of course I'm not saying this baby is a mistake, I will always love them, I'm just saying that.. I don't want to carry another baby.. I know you have said that you want a perfect and big family. But I can't do this again Hoseok, I'm sorry." Taehyung said, looking up into his husband's eyes. Hoseok's didn't show any emotion, no anger, no sadness, just plain and dull. He then took a deep breath. "I completely understand. And I know I have told you what I want, but the thing I absolutely need, is for you to be comfortable and happy. And if you don't want to have anymore kids is okay. There are many other ways to have children, but you may not even want two, and that's okay." Hoseok took hold of Taehyung's hand with both of his. "I have sworn to take care of your and your needs. Through everything. I know you have been going through a lot mentally, physically, emotionally, all of the above. You are stressed and I may not understand every single detail, but I will never change the fact that I will be here." Hoseok smiled softly, reaching up to cup Taehyung's cheek. "I know it's difficult, but I promise I will be by your side, every step of the way." Taehyung leaned in to connect their lips, kissing softly and full of love and passion. They both knew that they were in this together through thick and thin.


"Seven.. Eight.. Nine.. And Ten. Okay take a few breaths now dear, you're nearly done." The doctor, a nice, younger women told Taehyung, who was currently in the process of birthing their child. Taehyung took a few breaths, tensing up as another contraction ripped through his body. "Whenever you're ready, chin to chest and I'll count to ten. Your baby is crowning, lots and lots of hair." Taehyung yelped before digging his chin to his chest and pushing, squeezing Hoseok's hand tightly to his chest. "You're doing absolutely wonderful my love. I'm so incredibly proud of you. You're almost done." Hoseok praised. "Nine.. Ten. We have the head, but the corn is wrapped around the neck so don't push anymore until we say alright hon?" The doctor instructed, Taehyung whining and whimpering. "I-it burns. I really n-need to push- please." Taehyung begged. "Just a second hon, I know it's uncomfortable but we're just making sure that you don't rip or choke the baby. Just a couple more seconds." She said calmly. "Almost done my love, just a little longer and we'll meet them. The bundle of joy we've been waiting for." Hoseok said, taking a damp cloth and dabbing Taehyung's forehead to clear the sweat. "Okay, whenever you're ready dear, push as hard as you can. Sir, take your partners leg and just pull it back just a bit. Nurse Kim please go to the other side." Hoseok obeyed and carefully took Taehyung's leg, moving it back the nurse doing the same. "Now while you push, take a look and see your beautiful baby coming."

Taehyung gritted his teeth as he pushed as hard as he could, taking just a moment to see his baby being born, gasping softly as he saw his baby. He sobbed, gasping softly as he felt a gush of fluid and a release of pressure being released. He watched as his baby was quickly pulled out and placed on his chest, his hands immediately going to the baby's back. The loud cries and squeals felt like a beautiful symphony to Taehyung. "H-hi.. ~ Hi baby.. ~!" Taehyung sobbed. The nurses and doctor congratulated the two on the beautiful little girl that was just born. "I'm so proud of you my love.. ~ So so proud. You went through so much, but you did it~" Hoseok said, his own eyes filled with tears. Taehyung looked up at him and then down at his daughter. The past nine months of being uncomfortable and in pain and it being oh so worth every second. He will never forget this moment no matter what. And even with the future issues still to come, he will know who to talk to and who will listen.


Hello everyone, I know I know I have been gone for so long and everything. But I will get in the flow of things again. Work has been stressful but I'll get through. Please forgive me. I love you all.


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