A Book Of Tales Part II -Yoonmin

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The breeze went by quickly, sending a shiver down Jimin's spine. He wrapped his arms around his body wishing he had brought another layer of clothing. "At least you're warm in there, you're not out in this weather thank goodness." He spoke to his unborn child. He shivered and looked at the sky, it was darker than when he first looked. "I don't know if I have enough time.. " He spoke to himself, he exhaled heavily while sitting down on the ground, exhausted from walking up the mountain. He closed his eyes, laying down on his back. "I don't have much time.. " Jimin was close to giving up, he didn't want to but there was no use, he didn't even know if he was going the right way. He could be doing this for nothing and being a waste of time, worrying everyone, worrying his partner, and even hurting his unborn child. A tear rolled down the side of Jimin's face.

He then heard a soft whisper, opening his eyes to see the small orb from earlier. It circled above him, letting out the quiet whisper. "I'm so sorry.." Jimin spoke quietly. The orb getting closer, whispering 'come' before floating away. Jimin sat up slowly, getting up to follow the small orb. He followed behind the small orb, assuming that it knew where the gem was. He then heard the sound of rumbling thunder, he looked up at the sky and then back at the orb, picking up the pace and following it a bit faster. The orb led Jimin to a steep wall of rocks, the orb going on top of it. "Up?" Jimin asked, the orb waiting for him to climb. He sighed before grabbing onto some rocks, pulling himself up. He grunted while climbing, his foot slipping under him letting out a yelp as jagged rocks scrapped against his leg. He let out a heavy breath while pulling himself up on top of the rock wall. The orb circled around him as he ripped a part of him clothes to wrap around his wounded leg.

He got up again, following the orb again. Grunting with each step but continued on. He did his best to follow, but fell to his knees out of breath. "I can't.. I can't do it..." The orb circled him again as if he tried to motivate him. Jimin looked at the orb, he's covered in dirt, injured and heavily pregnant. But he refused to give up this late. Using the last bit of strength of determination he had he stood up and followed the orb. They were almost at the very top, he started this journey and he shall finish. The orb led the way, Jimin following behind closely.

As what seemed like hours pass, Jimin finally spotted the ruined building, black bricks all over the ground and what was left of the building on top of broken brick steps. The steps were broken and high above the ground, if Jimin were to fall he wouldn't be able to survive as the fall was deep. He took a deep breath before taking the first step, they wobbled just a bit but held up. Just a couple of steps before his foot broke through, he gasped and stepped back as the entire step fell down all the way. "I have to jump." Jimin whispered. The orb was at the top of the steps waiting for Jimin. The sky was getting darker and the rumbling getting louder. He took a deep breath before getting ready to jump. Just as he was about to, something pulled him back, gasping as he was held.

"You want to risk everything everything for a stupid tale Jimin!?!" The voice of Yoongi shouted. Jimin looked up at him. "No, it's so close. Yoongi please." Jimin tried to explain as Yoongi pulled him back. "No, you have risked so many things. And I will not lose you or them. Now let's go!" The orb flew in front of Yoongi's eyes, giving Jimin enough time to push him away and make the jump across the steps, making it up. The rest of the stairs were stable, the building in front of him. "Jimin! Come down! Please!" Yoongi called out as loud as he could. "No! I'm almost done!" Jimin shouted back.

A loud crash came, rain drops coming down. The orb floated into the building, Jimin following quickly. "Do you know where it is?" Jimin asked the orb. He looked around as the orb went over to circle a pile of rocks, going over to them. He grunted as he pushed every rock, revealing a locked chest. Jimin grabbed a brick, smashing it against the lock, breaking it. His hands shaking and the rain getting heavier. As he looked inside he say the gem, the gem he had been looking for all this time. He grabbed it and quickly made it to the entrance of the broken building, raising it up at the dark sky. The gem shining brightly at the sky. Jimin looked away from the brightness, the sky slowly lighting up and the rain disappearing. The sky was now clear, the sun shining. Jimin fell to his knees breathing heavily while looking at the orb.

The orb slowly grew bigger, revealing the old man Jimin once saw before. His eyes widened as he saw the man and then smiled. "Thank you.. For showing me the way.." The old man nodded his head before disappearing. "Jimin? Jimin are you okay?" Jimin blinked and quickly got up to look over the edge to see Yoongi. "Yes, I'm okay." They both smiled at one another.

Jimin made it down the steps and into the arms of Yoongi's. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Are you sure you're okay?" Yoongi spoke softly, Jimin nodding. "I'm okay, I'm just glad this is all over." Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and started making their way back down the mountain climbing back down to the horse Yoongi left when he had the climb the rock wall. Making their way back to their own home.

The ride home was long, but eventually made it back safely where Jimin bathed and took care of his injuries. Everything was peaceful now and the storm was gone forever now. Jimin stared at the book of tales every now and then, he would flip through the pages and re read everything.

Jimin had given birth to a healthy babygirl shortly after everything was done. As she grew up into a young girl she became just as adventurous and determined as her mother. Jimin and Yoongi raised her to believe in whatever she thought was true and that if people say otherwise, prove them wrong. And they continue to live by that to this day.

"The End... "

"Is that a true story Umma?" A young girl asked. The mother hummed. "That's how I remembered it darling." Jimin smiled down at his daughter. "Now get some rest okay?" The girl nodded and pulled the covers up, Jimin blowing out the candle. Everyone laying down in their bed sleeping peacefully until a loud clucking noise was heard. The little girl shouted

"It's the chicken! The story's true!!"

Double post oh my goodness gracious who do I think I am. I wanted to get this out because I  just so excited to write the next story.

Okay love you my peeps.

Word count: 1238.

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