Overreact Much? -Namjin

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You know. Being married to Namjoon was great and all, but Seok-Jin did kinda get annoyed that he would break everything he touched. And how he would overreact when it came to there unborn babygirl. Being in a boyband, married to a clumsy person and thirty four weeks pregnant can be a hard thing to juggle all at once. BTS were on tour and currently relaxing in their hotel rooms. Namjoon and Seok-Jin getting the biggest room for obvious reasons. Seok-Jin using his RJ plus his to cuddle with.

"Are you sure you don't need another pillow? You can have min if you want–" "Namjoon. I told you a hundred times that I'm comfortable where I am. If you keep asking I'll not be comfortable." Namjoon nodded, sitting in a chair with his leg bouncing anxiously. "Are you just going to sit there or lay in bed with me?" Seok-Jin looked over at Namjoon. "I don't want to dip the bed and make you uncomfortable. I'll sleep in the other bed when I see that you have gone to sleep." Seok-Jin sighed heavily. "Namjoon, just come and lay in bed. How many times have we slept together while being pregnant?" Namjoon thought for a while, Seok-Jin getting impatient. "Just come lay in bed already!" Namjoon flinched and obeyed Seok-Jin's command. Wrapping his arm around his waist and gently resting his hand on his bump. "Comfortable?" Namjoon asked, getting a nod for an answer.

During the night Namjoon slept like a rock, Seok-Jin on the other hand had to get up every ten minutes to go to the bathroom to empty his bladder. Sighing softly as he leaned against the sink, his hand supporting his bump. "I love you sweetheart but can I sleep for an hour before you kick my bladder. I've been up four times already." Seok-Jin begged his babygirl for some relief only to get even more kicks in return. "I guess not. I'll wait until you sleep then." Seok-Jin walked out of the bathroom to the balcony. Quietly opening the sliding door and stepping out. The cool breeze flowing through his hair, calming him down. Closing his eyes as his shoulders relaxed.

"Babygirl giving you some trouble?" Seok-Jin jumped out of his skin quietly shouting an 'Oh my god' The quiet giggles of Taehyung could be heard. "Come on Tae. You know I'm easily frightened since I found out I'm pregnant." Taehyung giggles, leaning against the railing. "Sorry hyung. I couldn't get any sleep so I came out here." Seok-Jin closed the sliding door behind him. "And what's got you up? I know you aren't pregnant. At least I hope not–" "No hyung! It's Jungkook's and Hoseok's loud snoring that's got me up. Sounds like a car trying to start up." Seok-Jin laughed. "Well you aren't lying about that one. I could hear it through the walls." Taehyung sighed softly a soft smile on his lips. "And I'm guessing babygirl had you go to the bathroom again."

"Yeah. She's been kicking all night and think my bladder is a soccer ball." Seok-Jin rubbed his bump soothingly. "I haven't gotten much sleep so I came out here to get her to sleep for once." Taehyung nodded hearing his Hyung's words. "Hopefully she can go to sleep soon. I don't think Namjoon would be very happy you're out here by yourself." Seok-Jin nodded. "Yeah, he's going to be upset–" As seok-Jin was just about to finish his sentence Namjoon bursted out out to the balcony, pulling Seok-Jin back into the hotel room. "Oh.. Welp.. Bye Seok-Jin" Taehyung imitated Seok-Jin. "Bye Taehyung, nice talking to you, you're a good friend." Taehyung went back inside his hotel room.

"What is wrong you Seok-Jin? You could've gotten hurt out there." Seok-Jin rolled his eyes. "What would I get hurt by Namjoon? The wind? A bird?" Namjoon sighed heavily. "You could've had babygirl kick some where and you would be in pain." Seok-Jin rested his hand on his hips. "I'm not arguing with you Namjoon. Goodnight." Seok-Jin closed the sliding door, getting in the other bed. Just as Namjoon was about to enter the bed, Seok-Jin yanked the blanket away. "You sleep in the other bed. Go away." A frown appeared on Namjoon's face, sadly getting into the other bed.

The next morning Seok-Jin ignored Namjoon the whole morning. Ignoring him during dance practice. Ignoring him during the sound check. When nighttime came and the concert was about to start Seok-Jin ignored him. Seok-Jin never talked to Namjoon during the concert or after. Even asking Hoseok to switch with him so he did have to see Namjoon.

"So what did Namjoon do that made you so mad?" Seok-Jin sighed, looking up at Taehyung. "I was talking to you on the balcony and he yanks me into the hotel. And over reacted saying that I could get hurt, what the hell could I be hurt by?" Taehyung shrugged. "Maybe he's just worried about being a first time dad. I mean he's never been through this before. Talk to him about it tomorrow." Seok-Jin immediately shook his head.

"No I'm not. If I talk to him I'm going to stress out and I don't want babygirl to get stressed either." Jungkook then spoke. "What if something does happen to you? What if you fall and land on your stomach during a practice or a concert?" Seok-Jin then thought about it. What if he landed on his stomach and hurt his babygirl? Seok-Jin's hands moved down to his stomach, now feeling anxiety about loosing his babygirl. Namjoon did overreact that night. But in other occasions he did have a point. "I guess you do have a point. I'll talk to him tomorrow about it." Seok-Jin felt guilty for ignoring Namjoon now. He was just looking out for his pregnant husband.

The next morning Seok-Jin was the first to get up surprisingly. Getting out of bed and going next door knocking on the door. Namjoon answered the door and sighed as he saw Seok-Jin. "Hey Namjoon, um.. Could we talk for a little." Namjoon thought for a little before answering with a nod. Closing the door behind him and crossing his arms. "I wanna apologize. I'm sorry for being rude to you. I didn't understand what you were trying to do. You were only trying to protect me and babygirl." Namjoon nodded. "You know I love honey. You mean the world to me. And so does babygirl. I don't want you guys hurt." Seok-Jin smiled and hugged Namjoon. Chuckling as he wrapped his arms around seok-Jin's waist. "I forgive you Seok-Jin. How could I not?"

The couple soon went back to their original room. After their tour Seok-Jin had to take a break from dancing and singing. Sitting at home with Namjoon until the baby came. Namjoon was still protective and worry some but not as much as before. And Seok-Jin became a little less stressed out when Namjoon would look out for him. Sticking to the simple things would always help out. The weeks going by quickly as Seok-Jin gave birth to the most innocent looking baby of all time.

Namjoon was careful around her and always kept her safe. The rest of the members got to meet her shortly after and they all fell in love. Taehyung getting baby fever of course.

Both Seok-Jin and Namjoon learned something during the pregnancy. One: All the people in your life are just trying to look after you. Two: Don't be over dramatic. And you can tell which one Namjoon learned.

I'm so sorry it's rushed. I never really write Namjin. I'm quite bad at writing with that ship. I'll try my best to write better. Stay safe and happy. Love y'all!

Word count: 1338

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