Taekook- Tornado warning.

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"As you can see, there will be a massive tornado coming our way, what I suggest you do is carefully grab the needed items and move to the farthest point in your home. Take all of your family members and pets and move carefully. We don't know how long it will last, so take as much items as you can" The news lady had just finished giving out the information. 

Taehyung looked behind him, seeing his husband leaning on the counter staring at the TV. "Where do we start Kook?" Taehyung asked, clearly worried about the situation. " We do what they say, I'll get some food and water, you get some blankets and things to pass the time. Then we'll put all of it in the basement, and be careful, don't pick up heavy items." Jungkook went over to kiss Taehyung's cheek and bump.

Taehyung nodded, going upstairs to their shared bedroom. He opened a closet full of blankets and pillows, grabbing two of each. He then heard the pitter patter of  Yeontan's feet hitting the floor. "Hey Tannie, today is going to be a bit weird ok, what I want you to do is go find daddy down stairs, can you do that for me" Yeontan then left the room, going down stairs. 

Taehyung looked out the window, seeing the grey clouds forming. His nervousness made his baby kick within him. Being nine months pregnant, a big storm coming, made Taehyung feel a lot of pressure in his chest. "Alright Tae, I put some food and water into the basement and Yeontan is also there. Hey, are you alright?" Jungkook asked. "I'm....I'm just thinking" Jungkook walked over to Taehyung, wrapping his arms around him.

 "Don't worry, everything will be alright, just calm down it's not good for the baby." Jungkook had a calming voice, it made Taehyung calm down and to take deep breath. "Come on, I'll get the blankets and pillows, and can you grab some of those board games please?" Taehyung nodded and grabbed random board games. 

The couple made it down stairs and went down into the basement. There were other needed objects like flashlights, a heater and a small mattress in the corner. They set everything down, checking everything one last time, then got comfortable. 

They could hear the thunder coming from the outside, making Yeontan run to Taehyung, cuddling against his bump. The dark clouds from the outside, made the inside look darker. The couple used the flashlights, so they are able to see. "It seems to be calm before the crazy" Taehyung sighed. "I'm nervous"  Taehyung looked over at his husband, worry in his eyes. 

"Don't be nervous sweetheart, it will be over soon, you shouldn't be worrying, come here" Jungkook pulled Taehyung towards him, snuggling up together. "You need to rest, I'll stay awake, just rest" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead. "I love you kookie" "I love you too, Tae"

Taehyung soon fell asleep, Yeontan laying below his bump, and Jungkook.

~'Time skip'~

Jungkook kept watch, hearing the thunder cracking and rumbling.  Suddenly he heard Taehyung whimpering beside him.  "Taehyung, are you alright?" Jungkook shook Taehyung awake. "Ah~" Taehyung moaned in pain. "Tae, wake up" Taehyung opened his eyes, tears threatening to fall. "Kookie, I-I think I'm having c-contractions" Taehyung whimpered.

It was thunder storming outside, a tornado was coming, and Taehyung is having contractions. "It hurts Kookie, this is the worst time!" Taehyung started breathing heavily. "Ok, Tae, calm down ad take deep breath, I don't think you're in labor, just contractions, we'll wait a while, and if the storm is over, we can take you to the hospital." 

This whole situation made the pressure return in Taehyung's chest. Then feeling another contraction, he held his bump from below. Jungkook stood up to look out the small window from the basement. "Damn, can't see anything." The window was blurry and leaves and sticks were floating in front of it.  wait- floating?  Jungkook's eyes widened, there was a flood, it must have rained so much it caused a flood. 

"Ah, shit" Jungkook cursed.  "W-what's wrong?" Taehyung said, just finished going through another contraction. "There's a flood, I don't think this will end any time soon Tae." Taehyung's eyes widened out of fear, the pressure in Taehyung's chest felt like a twenty pound bricks were laying on him, breathing heavily, then feeling yet another contraction. 

Taehyung then felt something wet under him, looking he saw a wet patch all over his pants. "Kookie, my water just broke!" Taehyung screamed. Jungkook ran towards  his screaming husband, taking his hands and trying to calm him down. "There's so much pressure, I feel like I have to push" Everything was going crazy, a tornado was here, a flood covering the windows, Yeontan was barking like crazy, and Taehyung was in labor. 

This was overwhelming for Jungkook. "Ok! Every one be quiet!" And just like that, it was silent, except for Taehyung's heavy breathing.  "Taehyung, take my hand, and trust your body, if you need to push, then push. I'll take off  your pants." Taehyung nodded, tears streaming down his eyes. Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead, then moving down to remove Taehyung's pants.

"Ok Tae, Just push slowly, and take deep breaths" Taehyung took a deep breath in and pushed, his face turning red in the process. After about ten seconds, he grunted, taking a breath before pushing again. (This is gonna sound so gross, if you don't want to read it, skip this paragraph)  Blood was coming out of Taehyung's privates', going all of the mattress he was sitting on. It felt like he was being ripped open.

"Push Tae, I can see the head, you're almost done" Jungkook encouraged. "It burns!" Taehyung yelled. To be quite honest, Taehyung thought this would be easy, boy was he wrong. He had said that he would want at least two kids. But now, he never wanted to do this ever again. 

"Argh- OW- shit!" Taehyung's legs were getting weak, he wanted this to be over. He never knew that he would be giving birth during a tornado. "Come on Tae, just push a few more times, we have the head. Now it's just the shoulders."  Taehyung wanted to just give up, wanting the pain to be over, but he couldn't, he had to do this for his baby.

Suddenly, Jungkook felt the house shake above him. "Ah, shit! Tae, I'll be right back" Jungkook got up, going to secure the basement door. Then, he heard it. A baby cry. Jungkook ran back down stairs, seeing Taehyung with a small baby in his arms. Taehyung looked up, happy tears in his eyes. "We have a daughter Jungkook, a little girl" He whispered, barely audible.

Tears threatened to fall from Jungkook's eyes, the sight of Taehyung holding their daughter in his hands was beautiful. The baby was covered in god knows what, but it was still beautiful to see.  He went up to Taehyung, sitting down beside him seeing his daughter more clearly. 

He then realized that it was silent, beside the newly born baby's little cries. Going to check to basement window, there was no more flood. "Tae, I think it's over. Can you stand?" He asked. Taehyung nodded weakly, standing up with the baby in his arms. 

Jungkook going up first, grabbed some scissors to cut the umbilical cord. After cutting it, he grabbed some towels, cleaning off the baby, and handing it back to Taehyung.  "Ok, I don't know if the street are open, we'll stay here for a while, are you alright?"

Taehyung took a deep breath. "Yeah, I think so, what should be name her?" Jungkook, looked at his daughter, seeing her beautiful green eyes. "How about, Kim Reina" Taehyung smiled. "Kim Reina, Perfect." 


Oh mah gah, guys I wanted to get this out yesterday, but my laptop was being mean to me and wouldn't work. Thank fully I go this out, and I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for the reads, and votes. I love you my peeps.

word count: 1344

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