A Book Of Tales Part I -Yoonmin

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Yes I'm alive. Here's Yoonmin because I'm addicted.

'In a small town, there was peace and quiet townspeople. Not much trouble had happened, except for that dreadful curse that seems to come every fifteen years. Every fifteen years a dreadful storm comes and destroys buildings and crops. The clouds covered the sun for days and days until the thunder crashed down. So many lives lost, but after the days, even weeks of waiting for the storm to end. Everything had been forgotten the next day. They say, legend has it that the curse will only be lifted when the sacred gem will be found and showed to the eye of the storm. But until then, the storm is to come and destroy more land.'

The older man chuckled and closed the book he was reading to his spouse. A thick book of legends and myths. His younger spouse spoke softly while he leans against the headboard of his bed. "I don't understand why you read such tales to our child. Those stories might scare them when they are older and believe they are true." The older man smiles while putting his book away. "That book has its tales. We might as well tell our child what happens in this town. Even if they are just legends, some might be true. We must never know." The older male sat at the end of his partners feet. "Do you believe they are true? The storm? The creature at the bottom of the well?" The elder looked towards the window to think. "I believe some are true. Definitely the the shadow at night~ I've seen the shadow of a great big monster with long legs and a chicken head. I still hear it's call every night." The smaller man listened closely while the elder bent his elbows to make them look like wings, jumping in front of the smaller's face, letting out loud clucks as if he were a chicken. The smaller covering his face and looking away as the elder laughed. "Yoongi! That wasn't funny! I'm being serious, you don't think the great storm is true don't you? I mean wouldn't we have remembered?" Yoongi chuckled and sat back down. "No one seemed to remember after the storm hit. Not even the elders, they all said it was just a bad dream. But, some say they do remember bits of what happened, even I do. I remember bits of what happened-" "Yoongi, I'm really being serious. How come you remember and I don't?" "Well, you were just seven years old while I was twelve. The thunder crashed down in the middle of the house, crushing it to bits." The smaller listened and nodded. "So it is true, the storm." Yoongi started laughing, wrapping his arms around himself as he leaned forward laughing. The smaller frowned and hit his back. "Stop it Yoongi! You're not taking me seriously! You got me to believe it was true and it scared them too!" Yoongi wiped under his eyes, sighing softly as he sat back down. "Jimin, my love I doubt the legends are true. My father read me the stories so I thought I would read them to our child. I didn't mean to scare them or you. Please forgive me." Yoongi gently set his hand on Jimin's pregnancy bump, where they child grew.

That night while the two laid in their bed, Jimin was restless as his thoughts were only onto the story Yoongi had read. As he thought about the storm, he saw light flashing and a loud crash of lightning. He gasped and sat up, sighing at it was just a dream. Looking out the window to just see the night sky. Yoongi was sleeping soundly next to him with his back facing his side. He sighed and got out of bed slowly, lighting a candle and going to the shelf the thick book was placed on. Looking back at the bed as he quietly took the book with him out of the room to the main part of the house, sitting down at the table. The candle lit a good enough amount of light for Jimin to see the words on the page of the book. Flipping through the pages until he found the chapter of the storm. He read quietly out loud. "Every fifteen years a dreadful storm would come, destroying buildings and crops." He paused for a moment. "A curse of a dreadful storm, only a sacred gem will the curse be lifted. It sounds made up, but seems true. But wouldn't I have remembered, even if it seemed like a bad dream- Ouch-!" Jimin hissed and held up his thumb where a paper cut had just appeared while turning the page. A small droplet of blood running down, dripping onto the page. He sighed and applied pressure to the cut, shaking his head while closing the book. "It's just a made up tale. If it were true then the storm would've come. And no damage can be seen for miles." He leaned back into his chair, sighing heavily. Suddenly the window bursts open, making Jimin jump back, the chair and him falling over to the ground and the book opening, flipping through many pages. The candle was now out, leaving complete darkness. Jimin got off the floor with a grunt, picking up the chair and went over to the now open window. Not a single breeze of wind, not even a sound of leaves rustling. He leaned out the window to look around, only to yell out of fear as he felt a big hand grab his shoulder, turning him around. He was breathing heavily as he looked up to only see Yoongi with a lantern, he must've heard the window too. "Jimin, love what are you doing up so early? And what were those loud noises coming from what happened?" Yoongi asked with a concerned look, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at his own hands to see a few drops only blood. "Are you bleeding? What did you do? " "N-nothing.. I came to get myself a drink, and then the window opened so it startled me. I cleaned up everything and I cut my thumb. I'm fine." Yoongi sighed and closed the window, wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist. "Come now. You need to get more sleep or else you'll be tired tomorrow. And tomorrow we're going to deliver goods to the next town over, so you must have you energy up."

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