Peaceful Garden -Jikook

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"Is it odd that we are going to this person's farm just go pick up a pumpkin? Why couldn't we just go to a market." I ask, cautious about this certain situation. "Because pumpkins aren't in season and this person grows them. We can't get them from the market, but we can from this person. I saw them in the newspaper, they sell all kinds of fruits and vegetables, animal products. Everything you can think of. And what if you find something you like, you like them fresh carrots you get. Bet ya this person grows them big." Seokjin, my eldest brother tells me. "You think they got some of those mushrooms you can dry up and make crispy. Little bit of seasoning, perfect snacking if I say so myself." My third eldest brother, Hoseok speaks from the backseat of the truck. "Why do we even need a pumpkin?" I ask. "Because I need to recreate that stew we had last year for thanksgiving. And it had pumpkin seeds, hence why we need a pumpkin." Seokjin answers while I roll my eyes. "Does every pregnant person have the cravings you do?" I ask, annoyed. "Hey, if you ever decide you want children, you'll have to deal with this too. That is if you ever meet someone. You've changed ever since you left for the city, all those piercings, tattoos, your attitude, everything. You have three brothers and about to have a niece. You need to focus on the good things of family, going out and having fun. Even if it's just to get a pumpkin." Seokjin sighs, glancing over at me and then back at the dirt road. I look down at my tattooed arm and sigh, I had gotten them done a few months ago, my last hurrah before coming back home after leaving to the city. I mess with my two lip rings with my tongue, which I had also gotten done in the city, same with my eyebrow. The truck remained quiet, even Hoseok sat quietly. "Sorry.." I mumbled, looking out the window at the passing houses. Seokjin sighed again. "Listen, I know the country side can be a bit dull. I know that you dream of the city, but I wouldn't tell my family I was leaving without a couple days notice. You left that same morning and didn't return until two years later. You missed my wedding, the announcement of your niece, Yoongi's proposal. My point is, I just want you to be a part of the family, I may not like a lot of things you like, but you're twenty four, you got a lot of life to still be able to see everything you want to see, everything you want to do." I nod slowly. "I'll do my best." I mumble against my fist. "It's okay kiddo. But there was a good part of you that came back from the city." He rubs my shoulder while I look at him. "And that is?" I ask. "All them muscles you came back with. Which is why you'll be doing all the heavy lifting today." He smiles and parks the tuck in front of a large red barn. "Why me?!" I whine as Seokjin gets out of the car. "Hoseok has noodle arms and I'm thirty and pregnant. You're a perfect fit for the job." He smiles and shuts the door. "Hey! I have muscles too!" Hoseok whines. I get out of the car and go to Seokjin, who was reading a small note he made. "They said over the phone to meet them in the back of the barn." He said. I him and start walking, the sun shining brightly over the land of different fruits and vegetables. Even in a tank top I could feel a light layer of sweat on my shoulders and forehead. Seokjin and Hoseok walk beside me, Seokjin using the note to fan himself. "Hey! Jimin right?!" He tells out. I look around the rows of plants, spotting a person crouched down with a farm hat on turn to face us. "Yes that me! You were calling about the pumpkin yeah?!" The person stands and starts walking up the row of what I think are peppers and tomatoes. "Yes, that's us." Seokjin walks ahead and shakes the ungloved hand Jimin held out and shook. "You got a lot of land here. Wonder how you take care of it all." Seokjin laughs. "I know. Takes a couple weeks to harvest and sell before winter. Then got to plant it all afterwards. It's just me here, but I manage." Jimin nods and smiles. "I apologize in advance, but the pumpkins may be a bit small, it is difficult to grow them in this kind of heat." Seokjin waves his hand. "It's alright, a pumpkin is a pumpkin. This one will be carrying them." Seokjin points to me, I grunt at the gesture and walk up to them, Hoseok following me. "Hi. Jungkook." I hold out my hand, Jimin looks up at me and I get a good look. A really good look. Brown eyes, pink lips, smooth skin, and a slight red tint to his cheeks, most likely from working outside all morning. He shakes my hand and smiles. "Nice to meet you, I'll take you to them, they're three dollars a pumpkin." He smiles before walking off. I look at both Hoseok and Seokjin before following him. He wore a white shirt with overalls and boots. He had a slim frame with thick thighs, I smile to myself, he was pretty, beautiful even. "So uh, how do you like the countryside?" I ask. "Hm? It's good. Something about going out and gardening, selling some products. It's peaceful, lonely sometimes, but peaceful." He looks back at me before stopping and crouching down. "Here you go. I'm sorry they're so small, again, it's hard growing certain things." He pats of them, feeling how soft or firm they are. "These ones are good. How many would you like?" I think for a bit. "Two please. Doesn't hurt to get extra huh?" I laugh softly while reaching for my wallet in the back of my jeans. "Alright then. Would you like anything else?" He asks, flipping a small knife to cut the stems. "Do you, have any of those big carrots?" I smile, maybe I just wanted to chat a little longer. "Sure thing. Got lots of those. Not many people come to get them, you can by them at any market really. I'm surprised my skin ain't orange from how many I've had." He laughs while holding two small pumpkins. I laugh with him, his laugh was soft and genuine. "How much do you charge for carrots?" I ask, smiling at him. He sighs, his smile dipping. "Two a carrot. I know, I know, everytime I set up a tent to sell at the markets people laugh. But everyone else don't even grow them themselves. I grow all my produce and milk my own cows, collect my own eggs, hell I could butcher my own meats if I wanted. I just think I should get what I give, months of growing and caring." He explains, I nod to him. "Only seems fair. I think you do a good job here. I take ten of em." He smiles again and nods. "Let me get you a paper bag. I'll meet you back at the barn." He hands me the pumpkins and walks off to what I assume his home, small and cozy with a wooden rocking chair on the porch. I hum and walk back to the barn, one pumpkin on each shoulder. "What took so long?" Hoseok asks, I can see beads of sweat running to his brow. "Seokjin went to the car for some AC, couldn't really handle the heat." I pout. "He alright?" I ask. "Yeah, he'll be okay. Namjoon probably not going to let him travel out this far now." Namjoon was Seokjin's husband, they got married not long after I left for the city. I saw pictures of them around the house we live in, Seokjin looked beautiful in his dress. "Probably. Been protective ever since the pregnancy I bet." Hoseok nods and takes one of the pumpkins. "Jimin look pretty nice for a produce farmer. Caught you staring at him." I sigh, I knew he would say something. "Yeah, he looks pretty good. Got a nice smile on him." I turn to see him walking up to us with a brown paper bag in his arms, his sun hat off his head, he has light brown hair, soft and silky. "Here you go, ten fresh pulled carrots." He hands the bag to Hoseok while I hand him the correct amount of money to him. "Thank you very much. Come again soon alright? I'd like to see these friendly faces again." I smile. "We definitely will. Thank you." I say before walking to the truck with Hoseok. "Think you found yourself a reason to stay in the countryside huh?" Hoseok snickers. I nod, looking down at the dirt while walking. "I think I did." We walk to the car, setting everything in the back with Hoseok. "What's in the bag?" Seokjin asks. "Some carrots, he said they didn't sell very much. So I bought some." I say while getting in the front, feeling the cool air on my sweating body. "That was nice. Gonna be having some boiled carrots for dinner tonight." Seokjin smiles while pulling turning the truck around to leave.
Six of us sat at the dinner table that evening. Me, my three older brothers, Namjoon, and Taehyung, Yoongi's, my second eldest brother's fiance. I was the youngest at the table, I didn't mind but being the 'kiddo' at twenty four was a bit different. My dinner was barley touch, my pork chop and carrots getting cold. "What's up kiddo? Usually you're the first one done. What's on that mind of yours?" Yoongi asks from the other side of the table. "I don't know. Just seems I can't keep my mind focused." I tell him. "Is it Jimin? Is that what's got your mind fogged up?" Hoseok asks this time. "Who's Jimin?" Namjoon spoke up. "He's the farmer we saw today. Real nice." Hoseok answered while I remained quiet. Namjoon hummed while forking some carrots past his lips. "I don't know if it is him. I mean, I enjoyed chatting with him. He works by himself with all that land, grows everything himself, gets all his eggs and milk. It was nice. He looked pretty too. Very pretty." I tell everyone, looking up at them. "Should've asked to call him. Seems like he's the only thing on your mind." Yoongi smiled, sipping at his ice water. I smile back at him and look at my plate. It was a peaceful silence until Seokjin let out a heavy huff while leaning to the side. "You alright honey?" Namjoon asks, reaching to hold his hand. "Yeah, I'm alright. I think I'll just lay down. My back is starting to ache." He stands from his seat and walks out of the room. I frown while watching him, he's been off ever since the farm. "Think baby might come soon. Hanging low ain't he?" Taehyung stated, standing with his and Yoongi's plates and silverware. "Thank you baby." Yoongi whispers, kissing his cheek. "Probably. Told him he shouldn't be going out, pushed him too far today." Namjoon sighs, collecting the rest of the plates. "It'll be alright Namjoon. I'm sure he'll be alright. Baby Maemae be here. Just another person to add to the family." Taehyung smiles, patting his shoulder. "Thank you. You guys go ahead, I'll wash these dishes and head to bed." I stand myself and finish my own water. "I'm gonna go ahead and hit the sack." I go to Namjoon first and give him a side hug. "Night Koo. See you tomorrow." Then I go to Taehyung and Yoongi. "Goodnight Hun. Sleep well." Yoongi just pats my back. "Sleep well Kiddo." I hum and finally go to Hoseok. "See you at the breakfast table, goodnight Jungkook." I nod and let go. "Tell Seokjin goodnight for me." Namjoon nods and says a quick 'alright.' before I leave the room, heading upstairs to my own room. I sigh and take my shirt off, throwing it over my wooden chair and lay flat on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I close my eyes, I see Jimin's looking back in mine, milk chocolate brown, long eyelashes that wave slightly as he blinks. His smile is sweet, pink, plump lips with a slightly crooked front tooth. I see him taking his bottom lip with his teeth before taking his tongue and licking those pink lips. My eyes dart open and I sit up, my heart is beating rapidly in my chest and my breaths are uneven. "I have to get back to that damn farm." I whisper to myself.

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