Friends Forever..? Part I -Taegikook

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Three boys were inseparable, knowing one another since their first conversation until now, seventeen, fifteen and fourteen. They lay in the open field on an early night in November, chilly but comforting. They all look up at the darkening sky as they conversed and laughed. "You guys really think we'll be friends forever? As in, until we die?" The youngest asked, looking at the two others. They didn't break their sight at the sky when the oldest took his cigarette out between his lips. "Hell yeah man. Friends like us ain't never driftin' apart." He said, sucking in more of the nicotine and blowing out smoke when the second oldest spoke up. "We be friends until we're old and wrinkled, we'd wipe one another's asses." He laughed. "You really think so? What if someone gets married and has kids?" "Man since when did you get these ideas? No way in hell Taehyung goin' down the road to get married, not even the damn mirror he got goin' to marry 'em" The oldest said, laughing as he got elbowed in the shoulder by the middle oldest Taehyung. "I don't know, I mean our parents ain't even stayed with their friends. Hell, mine don't even got any now." The youngest paused, looking back up at the sky before continuing. "Old man said that he was best friends with someone, always hung out and such. Even helped him cheat on exams and bail him out when he lied about somethin'. And now, heaven above only knows where he is now. Dead, in jail, livin' the dream, kids, wife, nothin'. Do you guys really think we'll be this close until we dead six feet under?" He asked keeping his eyes at the sky, the oldest finishing his cigarette and flicking it away. "I'm sure of it Koo. Now quit your worryin' nearly got me bummed out. Shit, nearly made me feel emotion." He chuckled. "I ain't five anymore Yoongi, when will the nickname stop?" The younger asked as he rolled onto his side. "Fine then, your top of a husband will call you that when you two be doin' it." The oldest teased. "Hell no! Out of all of us you seem to be the most downward. Just because you can fight a big eighth grader don't mean shit." The younger argued. The oldest rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Jungkook~" Yoongi said, sitting up on his elbows. "You ain't gotta worry bout anything, nothin' will be in our way of one another." Yoongi turned to look at Jungkook, smiling softly. "Yoongi's right, we be best of friends forever." Taehyung said looking over at him as well. "Yeah, Forever~" He smiled.


Jungkook jolted awake with a small gasp and opening his eyes, closing them and releasing a heavy sigh as he felt the bed shift and dip as his husband got out of bed. "G'morning Koo." His husband grumbled. Jungkook only grunted, rolling over slowly as his heavy bump made it difficult. Sitting up on his elbows and pulling his tight pajama shirt down as it had rolled up in the middle of the night. His husband had already gotten into the shower, rolling his eyes and looking away. "Yeah, totally don't need help or anything." He groaned. Jungkook's husband Hyun-Bok (?) used to be a sweet caring man when they first started dating and the first of their marriage. Slowly over time he drifted away, Jungkook understood in some way, married three years, just turned twenty nine and Jungkook twenty five, things got a bit old after time. But at the same time, Jungkook just doesn't want to deal with everything anymore, the empty feeling that he used to have full of love and passion. Now it's an empty void, parched and in need of something it so desperately needed. He sat up slowly, rubbing his side the best he could. "I know your father won't do it, so I have to go down to the basement to get the stepladder to finish your room darling. Not much longer before you're here." He mumbled to himself, reaching over to unplug his phone from its charger. No notifications, text messages, or calls, he sighed, a bit disappointed. He set it back down and got out of bed, looking at the bathroom door. "Spare bath it is." He said, walking out of the room to the spare room down the hallway. He stared at himself while washing his hands, his hair much longer and a dark brown rather than the undercut and blonde highlights he had from when he was younger. Not necessarily a glow up, but not a glow down either. He made his way down wooden, creaky stairs that led to the basement. Cold and dark, only ilumimated by the crappy build that was nearly dead. He groaned at the state of the basement, messy and cluttered. Nonetheless he had a task at hand, find the ladder. He made his way past the mess, looking around ever book and crany until something caught his eye. Big bold numbers that spelt out '20XX to 20XX' the years that Jungkook was twelve to seventeen. He raised his eyebrow and went over to it, clearing everything on top to open it. It was mostly filled with photos of him and his family, all but one and that one picture was of him, Yoongi and Taehyung, his best childhood friends. On the back of the photo was everyone's name in their own writing, Jungkook smiled sadly as he has not seen the other two for around five years now after he moved from Busan to Daegu for his at the time boyfriends work. He sighed and look through the box some more, picking up a dusty beer bottle, he laughed as he remembered. The three of them had found it by the train tracks they used to walk on. One time they even jumped on the train for a small ride, that was an adrenaline rush for sure. No matter how much they tried to break the bottle it just wouldn't budge, so they decided to let Jungkook keep it. He missed them, missed them so much. He hated himself after he left for a man, after he was reassured that the trio wouldn't split, he ended up splitting it. It was his fault. He didn't realize he was crying until he felt his tears land on top of his bump. He quickly wiped his tears and closed the box with the photo in his hand. Maybe it was time to reach out and search for his once beloved friends. Now another, more important task at hand, he scurried up the basement stairs to get his phone. Social media was the best option being that he didn't have their phone numbers. 'Kim Taehyung' was what he first searched, nothing so far, nothing on any social media. "Damnit.. " He mumbled. Then it was 'Min Yoongi' he searched and found nothing again. Wait, one detail he missed. Both Yoongi and Taehyung had a specific nickname he used to call them. He searched 'V' and finally found an Instagram account. He sighed out of relief. Of course it would be V, Taehyung always went by V unless it was his parents calling or a serious conversation. V for victory, Taehyung always wanted victory. Kim._V was the username and it was verified. But no pictures of his face, only pictures of meals and different places in Korea. He had a lead, now time to analyze the pictures, the places he recently took pictures of. He did in fact recognize a photo, Daegu park, blocks away from where he lived. Maybe Taehyung was in Daegu, maybe both were in Daegu. He quickly decided to message them, even though he had a thought that this was just a random person, better to take risks. 'Hello, if this is Kim Taehyung, please meet at the Daegu park. I know this is odd but my name is Jungkook. Please come.' He mentally cringed at the message before sending it. "Hyun! I'm going out! See you after work! " Jungkook shouted while changing his clothes and smoothing his hair out. He heard a faint 'Okay' on the other side of the door. "Please come. Please god." He mumbled while sliding his shoes on, taking the photo with him and out of the house to the car. "I know it's been a hectic morning sweetheart, I promise to make it up with a big meal after everything is done." He told his unborn child, keeping a hand close to them as he drove to the park. He kept his phone on, glancing at the message from time to time to see if had been read. At a stop sign he noticed it had been seen, three minutes ago. No response. Maybe it was a random person. The park wasn't so far away so he decided to continue, parking in a parking spot near the entrance of the park. Still no response from them. He felt the sting of years in his eyes, blaming himself for leaving. Wiping then roughly while thinking about the memories he had. One time the three of them went to Yoongi's house when his parents went out, they ended up in trouble for the feathery mess they made with a very intense pillow fight. He laughed bittersweetly at the memory. They also on time made a sheet rope together so they were able to sneak out the two story window during a sleepover.


Jungkook jolted out of his thoughts and turned to the window to see a big torso and broad shoulders. He took off his seatbelt and slowly got out of the car, slowly the persons face got into view. "T-Taehyung?" Jungkook mumbled. The person smiled a boxy smile. "Shit you didn't grow an inch." He joked. Jungkook's bottom lip quivered as he stared at his once best friend, reaching up to poke his chest just to see if he was real, jumping back as his finger pressed against him. Tears rolled down his cheeks, trying his best to hold in his sobs. "Do you need a hug, Koo?" Taehyung asked, arms open for him. He didn't have to ask twice before Jungkook sobbed into Taehyung's chest. Taehyung's arms wrapped around him perfectly, rubbing up and down his back slowly. "I missed you Koo." Taehyung whispered gently. Jungkook sniffles and whites his nose. "I-I'm so sorry. I left you guys when I said we would never leave one another. I-I didn't know what I was thinking, I'm a fool-!" "Okay, okay. Koo, first off. Don't blame yourself. A lot of people split up, and you did leave, but look at you now. You made an effort, and not a lot of people even try to." Taehyung explained. "So don't apologize, I'm happy to see you again. You barely changed how you look, except the obvious-" Taehyung laughed, gesturing to Jungkook's baby bump. Jungkook laughed too. "Yeah, me and my husband- uh yeah. I'm pregnant. Very much so." "Shit, you got married too? Yoongi just had his second year anniversary-" "Yoongi? He's in Daegu too?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, but he lives a little ways downtown but he said he was going out with his husband and daughter for breakfast." Jungkook looked down. "I've missed so much. He's married now, has a daughter, next this you tell me is that you got married and have kids." He sighed. "Actually no, no kids, no partner. Single and happy." Taehyung said. "Oh- that's surprising.. Um, I'm sorry I- just things have happened so quick I don't really know what to do.. I wanna have our trio again.. I want us back together.." Taehyung smiled softly while listening. He took his phone out and went through it for a little bit and then handed it to Jungkook. "Here." He simply said, Jungkook took the phone and put it up to his ear. "Hey Tae, we just finished. What's up?" Yoongi's voice echoed through Jungkook's mind. "Yoongi?" He said. "Hello? Who is this?" Yoongi asked. "It's Jungkook." The end went silent, Yoongi probably in shock. "Meet me and Taehyung at the park? Please?" Jungkook asked in a small voice. The other end shuffled. "I'll be there in fifteen." Yoongi said. "We'll wait here" Said Jungkook before he hung up, looking into his friends eyes.

Part II coming soon.


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