Stressful Day -Taegi

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Taehyung worked as a kindergarten teacher. He did love kids but sometimes this got a little out of hand.

"Mingi don't fling the pain brush!"

Taehyung groaned in frustration as he tried to wash out the blue paint off of his white button up. "I told you that you should have gone for the older kids. But guess who didn't listen." Taehyung   sighed, gripping the sides of the sink. "Don't even Jungkook. I've had a bad day and I don't need your input on anything." Jungkook let out a chuckle. "I know you're stressed out with everything. I mean, working all day with the little kids, having a baby of your own soon. Getting everything the way you want it before it arrives."

"How do you do it?" Taehyung looked down at the sink wondering how his friend is dealing with everything. "You know, you're basically going through the same thing as me." Jungkook shrugged and leaned against the wall while crossing his arms. "Well Jimin isn't as far along as Yoongi is. He's still working next to me but when I have a stressful day, I stay with Jimin. Maybe you need Yoongi. Cuddle up with him and give him stomach rubs or something. Talk to the baby you guys created." Taehyung hummed. "Everything is just going downhill. And I don't know what to do."

"Have you ever thought about taking a few days off work to spend time with your family?" Taehyung shook his head. "Give your family some love. I mean, it won't be just you and Yoongi for much longer am I right~?" The two men chuckled. Taehyung standing up straight. "Thanks Jeon. You always have my back." "Eh, I'm just here to help everyone who needs it."

The door of the teachers lounge opened. "Are you boys done gossiping or do you need more time to talk about your feelings?" Jimin said with a smile. Jungkook chuckling and giving Jimin a small peck. "I've been standing by the door for the past five minutes listening to you. Never knew you were so soft honey." Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully. "Listen Taehyung. You shouldn't stress out this much. I get that being a first time father, a kindergarten teacher, and a husband is a lot of work. You should see Jungkook when he gets stressed out. Always glued to me or the baby. Just take things slow." Taehyung nodded and received a tight hug from Jimin. A sweet moment if it wasn't for Jungkook breaking the hug. "Okay, precious cargo here. Very fragile. Don't wanna squish the baby now." Jungkook rested his hand on Jimin's twenty six week baby bump. Jimin rolling his eyes. "Go speak with the boss and ask for a break until a few weeks after your baby comes. It should really help out."

Taehyung nodded saying a quick thank you before leaving the room to ask his boss for a break. Luckily he said yes and allowed Taehyung to go home. Waving to his friends before getting in his car and driving home. A soft smile spread across Taehyung's lips. Finally getting to spend some time with his husband and baby.

Yoongi sat up in bed while his glasses sat at the bridge if his nose comfortably as he read his parenting book. He then looked up with a confused expression as he heard the front door open. Taehyung then walked into the bedroom taking his coat off. "Hey honey. Was today a half day or something? It's quite early for you to be home." Taehyung chuckled and nodded. "Yes it's early but I asked my boss if I could come home and spend some time with you before the baby comes and everything."

"Really? Well I'm glad you came home. The baby and I have been missing you so much." Yoongi smiled and held his arms out for Taehyung, making grabby hands. Taehyung immediately getting in bed next to Yoongi. "You have no idea how stressed out I have been today. It was a bad idea to give the kids paint while wearing a white shirt." Yoongi pouted while listening to Taehyung talking about his day. Going on about how he felt on dealing with so many kids at once. Although he loved his job, he definitely needed a break. "Honey, how long have your days been like this?" Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but no words were ever spoken. "Honey..?" Yoongi started to frown, that was Taehyung's one weakness. "Well, most of my days are stressed out. I mean we don't even have a name for our child yet. I have to make sure you're okay and that I'm working hard at work and–" Taehyung shut his mouth as he heard the soft sniffles of Yoongi, looking up to see tears is his eyes. Quickly getting on his knees to find out what was wrong. "Yoongi? What happened? Are you hurt?" Yoongi shook his head and wiped his eyes. "W-why did you tell me?"

"I just.. I just wanted you to stay calm and rest before the baby came. I wanted to work hard and do everything right." Yoongi looked down in his lap. "You know I'm always going to be there for you. I mean, I know I'm just a few weeks from having them but I can still be there for you." Taehyung sighed but nodded at Yoongi's words. "I know, and I'm sorry for not going to you. I love you with all my heart." Taehyung wrapped his arms around Yoongi, humming softly as he felt his baby kicking against his stomach. A soft smile spreading across his face. "And I love you too little one."

The couple then fell asleep, Taehyung holding Yoongi close to himself. The couple were at peace.

"Jeon Jungkook!! Why is my leftover kimchi fried rice missing!?" Jimin yelled from the kitchen, Jungkook looking up from the couch with a red sauce around his lips. "U-um, Bam ate it?"

Yeah, I don't think we can say the same for Jimin and Jungkook.

Y'all– I need some ideas. I literally just pulled this plot out my big head. I'm also thinking about updating a different story. Tell me what book I should update.

Word count: 1046

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