Meeting the witch

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Rigel was raised in a boy's home since he was five. His father was sent to Azkaban and his mother died from a werewolf attack when he was five. 

Rigel hated the summer.

It was always too hot in the little room he'd been given. Though he supposed that could be the fever. He always had a high temperature during this particular season, though it was probably because of hay fever. The bars on his window were gleaming, insulting him. Oh, how Rigel loathed those bars. He once had a room with a window but after he made it explode when he was six, he had not only received the worst beatings in his life but also the matron has installed bars. He'd heard them talking about restraining him as he got older. He tried not to shudder.

He ran a hand through his medium-length black hair. The matron had cut his hair so short, he was nearly bald and the next morning, his hair grew back. He was given one week off food and three days off the water.

Rigel heard footsteps at the end of the hall. He guessed it was the caretaker. She was not alone, there was someone with her. Even from a few yards away, he could smell that the person next to her was somewhat different (Courtesy of Fenrir Greyback). She smelt like.... cats? but somewhat felt like himself. Like magic.

"Are you sure you were the one?" Mrs. Dodd's asked the stranger. "He's one of our worst cases. I can't imagine Black of all winning a scholarship"

"Oh yes." the stranger said. her voice was strict like Mrs. Dodds though slightly softer. "His parents registered him the day he was born."

"Very well then." Mrs. Dodds signed though Rigel didn't know why she was disappointed, the two loathed each other and Rigel won't hesitate in pushing her off the Thames. "Black are you awake?"

"Yes, Mrs. Dodds." He replied. There was a jangle of keys and the door creaked open.

Mrs. Dodds was a short and stout person and though she was fifty years old, she wore a black leather jacket and always wore a nasty expression. Her dark beady eyes were regarding him warily.

"You got a visitor." She said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. It was grey, like all of their clothes.

"Who?" He asked, looking her in the eye because he knew she didn't like his bright grey eyes.

"A teacher. She's here to talk to you about the school," she said turning around "Up! Or else I'll lock you in with no food. Come on, now." She grabbed his arms and pulled him forward

Rigel scowled thinking of fighting her off but she might go on with the threat and might really lock him in. But One part of him was curious about the stranger. Especially as the scent of magic grew stronger as they moved down the shadowy corridor.

The women looked about Mrs. Dodd's age. Though she was tall and thin and was once a slightly pretty girl when she was younger. The woman wore an emerald green dress that sort of suited her. The woman had dark eyes but unlike Mrs. Dodds, this one had warmth and gave Rigel a thin smile.

"Mr. Black." the woman said in a very strong Scottish accent. "A pleasure to meet you. I am Porfesosr Minerva McGongall"

Rigel stared at her in surprise. No one had called him Mr. Black, in the face, he rarely heard the name hat Rigel he almost completely forgot it. the other boys called him 'freak' or the Black sheep.

"I would like to have a private conversation with Mr. Black," McGonagall said. "I hope you do not mind."

Dodds looked like she did mind however the aura of power McGongaall radiated even put the caretaker on edge. Dodds nodded and left the room.

"Do you know who I am Mr. Black?" McGongall asked looking at him critically.

"You're like me." He said, plainly. "Magic."

"Do you know your parents, Rigel?"

His own name sounded so foreign to him that he thought McGongall was talking to someone else.

"Not much," Rigel admitted. It was true. He could make out glimpses of his mother. Long blonde hair, sky blue eyes hugging him while she cried. The night she was attacked.

"I don't remember my mother much, but I know dad Sirius Black isn't he. Mass murderer. Killed thirteen people in a night. Dodds said the peeps he killed were normal." is he noticed, she would've seen McGongall slightly flinch.

"So you know about them?' McGongall asked though it sounded more like a demand.

"Of course, I bloody do." Rigel snapped. "

McGonagall didn't reprimand him.

"Do you like it here?"

Rigel raised an eyebrow as if to ask ya think!?,

"The caretaker told me you are some sort of a.... troublemaker." she said trying to find the correct word "Is that right?"

Rigel snorted. "You could say that?" Rigel shrugged. "We're orphans. Dr. Bernardo's boy's. We're supposed to be troublemakers, ain't we?"

McGongall looked slightly taken aback by this, which pleased Rigel. That did not happen to a lot of people. "I... see. Not what I have expected considering your father's reputation."

Rigel shrugged not caring about his father's rep. He could just make his own.

"I work at a school, you know. The same school your parents went to. They were wizards like me, Mr. Black, so I will be straight to the point, would you like to learn magic, Rigel?"

Rigel shook his head.

"I'm too thick." He said monotonously as if he had said the same sentence several times. "I won't get in."

"I'm sure that's not true at all."

"Ask her," Rigel jerked his head back towards the door. "And every boy who lives in this place. I'm stupid," he said holding tears back. "No one has ever complimented me nor did they treat me like a normal human being in a long time."

McGonagall looked at him for a very long time.

"You haven't had a very easy start in life, Mr. Black, and I'm sorry about that. I knew your parents and I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted-"

"Don't you dare guilt trip me!" Rigel snapped, tears flowing out. He did not like the 'what would your parents say' card. "It will never work!"

"My apologizes." McGonagall amended raising her hands in a surrender gesture. "But Hogwarts is the best place in Britain to control your magic. And I know what they're planning to do to you. I'm sure you do too know?"

Rigel paled. So his suspicions were right.

"How did you-"

"And you would fit in a place of your own kind." McGonagall continued. With a wave of her hand, she created tissue paper and handed it to a gaping Rigel. "Perharps a way to channel your emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, etc..."

Rigel wanted to flick the women off. What difference would it make? The kids at this magic school could be worse than the ones at the orphanage.

But the matron was getting pissed. His powers -Magic McGongall had said- were out of control. he needed some way to control it. Otherwise, they may send him to one of those asylums.

"I'll think about it?"

"Thats enough for me," McGongall said.

They walked back to the building in silence.

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