Dumbledore's will

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"Are you watching me sleep?" Rigel asked opening his left eye.

Today was July 31st, Harry and Eliza's seventeenth birthday.

"Obviously not." She said, smiling.

"Happy birthday Red," Rigel said kissing Eliza's nose.

"Thanks, doesn't feel any different." She said snuggling back next to him.

"It will when you do your first spell, what's it to be?"

"Don't know, what did you do?"

"Tickling charm on Ron, him falling out of bed is hilarious!"

Eliza laughed. "No, I was thinking something along the lines of transfiguration."

"Why don't you transform? It will be a surprise to everyone"

"Good idea, I'll do it outside though, need to wake up properly first."

When they arrived at the breakfast table Harry and Ron had not yet arrived.

"Happy birthday Eliza!" Mrs. Weasley gushed pulling Eliza into a hug. "Arthur told me to wish you a happy seventeenth, but he had to leave early for work, but he'll be back for dinner. That's our present on top

Bill, Fleur and her family, and Ginny all wished her a happy birthday and Rigel disappeared for five minutes returning later with a large bunch of tulips and a box of chocolates.

"That's not your present though, I'll give it to you later." He said as she smiled, she wasn't comfortable talking with the Delacour's present, not that they appeared to have noticed.

"Happy birthday, Eliza!" Hermione said, coming into the room and hugging Eliza before passing her a present.

She smiled in thanks and put the present on the pile that was by the fireplace.

"So how does it feel to be able to do magic, Eliza?" Bill asked as he passed her a cup of tea.

"She hasn't done it yet." Rigel said and Bill looked shocked.

"Really? I waited till one second past midnight and then tried to apparate into Charlie's room to scare him." He said, his ears -much like Ron- turning red.

"Oh, what happened then?" Hermione asked.

"No dear, but I was in Charlie's room giving him a cough Potion and he apparated on top of me, rather ruined the rest of your day didn't it Bill?" Said Mrs. Weasley primly, the table laughed and Bill nodded solemnly.

Harry and Ron came down the stairs and more birthday greetings were exchanged and Harry started opening his presents.

"Let's take yours to the orchard, Eliza?" Rigel suggested. Eliza nodded and he levitated the pile outside.

After Eliza had opened her presents Harry, Ron and Hermione walked out to join them and Harry demanded that Rigel and Eliza transform. She complied and they also clapped.

"Have you decided how to look for the wedding yet?" Hermione asked, Harry was to take Polyjuice Potion but Eliza had decided to simply use transfiguration to alter her appearance.

"Yeah I was thinking of changing my hair to black and making my eyes blue, what do you think?" She performed the magic.

"Yeah I wouldn't know you if you weren't pulling that face," Rigel said, looking slightly uncomfortable. Eliza laughed and removed the alterations.

"Better?" She asked, smiling at him.

"Beautiful." He said, pulling her onto his lap.

As Harry and Eliza's birthday dinner would have stretched the Burrow's kitchen to breaking point even before the arrival of Charlie, Lupin, Tonks, and Hagrid, several tables were placed end to end in the garden. Fred and George bewitched a number of purple lanterns all emblazoned with a large number 17, to hang in midair over the guests. Thanks to Mrs. Weasley's ministrations, George's wound was neat and clean, but no one was not yet used to the dark hole in the side of his head, despite the twins' many jokes about it.

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