Snowball fight and Mirror of Erised

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"Rigel please!"

"No Ron,"

"Oh come on. I'll even pay you."

"You have to do your homework yourself."

"It's for Snape!"

"Fine, you dolt" Rigel signed in defeat before taking Ron's homework. He saw Eliza doing the same with Harry's homework.

He was thankful that Hary and Ron had dropped their search for Flamel. The two had become obsessed with Nicholas Flamel and Eliza and Rigel had to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Rigel also noticed that since Christmas, he, Ron, and Eliza had a fight but they won't tell him what they were fighting about.

Ron's a good friend to Harry but he is a bit of a sheep, he just does what Harry does. When Hermione gets back things will be easier to determine, at least she tells him what's going on. Harry said she'd be back tomorrow so he and Ron are trying to finish their homework so she doesn't have a go at them. This was the second time Ron had asked him to look at his homework,

Fat chance.

Rigel had wished that he had pictures of his parents or even how his parents looked like. Something the vault didn't have. He would've loved a photograph. Magical or not.

The following day Hermione and Neville walked into the common room together and Rigel smiled before pulling them into a bear hug.

They spent the evening playing exploding snap, it was a card game that Neville was very good at, Hermione and Rigel terrible, and Eliza somewhere in between. Ron and Harry had disappeared again and Rigel was starting to worry when they returned and dragged him out of the common room.

"But isn't nearly curfew-" Rigel protested

"I know, I got the cloak though. I need to show you something." Harry pulled out his new invisibility cloak and threw it over them, it was big and there was so much spare fabric left that the two had to walk slowly to avoid tripping over it.

Harry led his friend to a large room near the library. At first, he thought it was empty but when Harry removed the cloak and they walked further into the room Rigel saw that there was one item in the almost empty room.

It appeared to be a big, very old mirror. Harry pulled Rigel away from it for a moment, with a serious face.

"I know you've been worried about me and Alice arguing so I'm going to tell you why." Harry preceded to tell him about the discovery of the mirror, what Harry and Alice saw in it, how Ron's vision was so very different, and how they had argued about it. When he finished he looked at Rigel seriously.

"So, I need you to look in the mirror and tell me what you see, okay?"

"K," Rigel said uncertainly.

He walked forwards, looking at the frame of the mirror, it looked to be made of stone and had the following, unfamiliar words, carved into it; Erised straeh ruoy tub ecaf ruoy ton wohs i.

He had to clap his hands to his mouth to stop himself from screaming. He whirled around. His heart was pounding far more furiously than when the book had screamed — for he had seen not only himself in the mirror, but a whole crowd of people standing right behind him.

Rigel turned around and even put her hand out to find only empty space before turning back to the mirror. Harry said he saw their family in the mirror, looking at the people around her Rigel realized that he did too.

Only this time, his family.

He could see his mum she was beautiful and tall with long blonde hair pulled in a bun and deep green eyes. His mum was smiling and kissed the top of his reflection's head. The tall, handsome, black-haired man standing next to her put his arm around her. He looked exactly like Rigel.

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