Hogwarts High Inquisitor

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"She's been a WHAT?" Said Harry loudly causing people around them to momentarily abandon their breakfast to look over at the Gryffindor table, Eliza kept her eyes on her eggs and gradually the chatter resumed a normal volume.

"Wait, there's more," said Hermione grimly as she continued to scan the rest of the article.

"Of course, there is" Rigel muttered ignoring Umbridge's almost predatory expression she was setting at him.

"The power to inspect teachers! I can't believe it, it's outrageous!" Hissed Hermione, putting down the article with clear disgust. Eliza looked up and saw a smile on Ron's face.

"What?" Asked Harry and Hermione together.

"Oh, I can't wait to see McGonagall inspected, Umbridge won't know what's hit her!"

Rigel couldn't help but give a thin smile. Oh yes.

Mumbling about going to the library, Rigel left the rest of her breakfast and walked quickly out of the Great Hall. There were still thirty minutes left until Transfiguration and if he was lucky Rigel would just about be able to finish his homework. The thought of how behind he still was with all his work almost made him feel sick. He pushed the doors into the transfiguration classroom feeling even more guilty.

"Good morning everyone. Mr. Weasley, please hand back last week's homework, Miss Johnson please give out these mirrors. Today we will be continuing our module on Human Transfiguration by changing our hair color and style, starting with..."

"Hem, hem." Umbridge's annoying cough came through the open door and the new High Inquisitor walked to the back of the classroom and sat down with a pink clipboard in her hand. Professor McGonagall ignored her,

"The instructions are on..."

"Hem, hem."

"Yes?" Said Professor McGonagall briskly looking over at Umbridge.

"I was just wondering, Professor McGonagall, whether you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspec-"

"Obviously I received it, or I would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom. As I was saying the instructions are on the board, try and start by simply darkening or lightening your hair by a few shades, when you have..."

"Hem, hem." McGonagall closed her eyes briefly and then looked at Umbridge.

"I wonder how you expect to gain an idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me. You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking."

Umbridge looked like McGonagall had just hexed her. Rigel bit his lip in an attempt not to grin.

Professor McGonagall continued to give her instructions and she then set the class to work. Rigel glanced down at his homework and saw, to his utter horror, that he got a P. He had never got anything less than an O in Transfiguration, ever and now he failed in an assignment.

The class worked in relative comfort for the next twenty minutes; Rigel and his partner Alicia Spinnet had both managed to lighten their hair and were now focussing on changing the color to a darker shade. Alicia was trying to get her hair to go as black as Rigel's who was trying to get his hair blonde.

"So Mr. Black, you're in this class are you?" Said Umbridge standing up and walking over to her, Professor McGonagall left Angelina and Fred and walked over to Alicia and Rigel so quickly that it was almost a run.

"Mr. Black, how are you getting on?" McGonagall asked, Rigel opened his mouth to respond but Umbridge cut across him.

"You have already received your OWL I take it?"

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