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"You know we don't blame you right?" Harry asked as Eliza practically dragged an uncomfortable Rigel. 

"I know. I just... lost it." Rigel signed. "I always thought that there was some bullshit reason that my dad was imprisoned. I thought he was juts a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time but hearing what he did." Rigel shook his head. "It's unforgiveable.

"Did you know?" Ron asked hesitantly.

"That my dad betrayed the Potter's? no. That James and Lily Potter were my godparents. No. " Rigel shook his head. "From the pictures I just thought they were friends. That's all. Not some sort of brotherly relationship." 

"Wait doesn't that mean you're godsiblings?" Hermione spoke

Rigel grimaced. "At least we're not blood related 

After a long period of silence through the passageway, they were finally in the castle. Making sure nobody was watching, the twins ran out of the passageway and into the tower. 

"You know I haven't see them yet, but I have a vault full of my dad's childhood pictures." Rigel said hesitantly . "Most of 'em are from his Hogwarts years and I can owl them if you want-"

"Its fine." Eliza said abruptly. "Its been a long day. Let's just go down and eat."

Neither of them argued. 

On Christmas morning, Rigel was woken by Eliza throwing his pillow at him.

"How did you get in!" Rigel yelled.

Eliza giggled "That's for you to find out and for me to know" she said running out f his dormiotry. 

"Cheeky little bugger."

The girls have instead brought their gifts to the boy's dormitory and distributed them out between themselves. Ron tore into him like an excitable terrier.

Rigel had surprisingly got a sweater from Mrs. Weasley which this time had a black dog knitted on it. (When he practiced his Patronus charm, it formed that of a Scottish deerhound) Eliza had probably told her because she was the only one there. He had also gotten a dozen vanilla latte cupcakes, plum cake, and a box of nut brittle. Hermione had given him a book about animagus, Ron the usual sweets, and Eliza a sketch of him summoning his dog Patronus. Funnily enough, Rigel gave her a self-portrait of her.

As the group made their way down to the common room they noticed three new presents that had appeared under the tree, Hermione walked up to them and bent down to read the labels.

"They're for Rigel, Harry and Eliza, doesn't say who they're from though." She passed the presents over. Their unknown presents were long boxes. When they opened their boxes, they all gasped. 

"Oh my God-"

"FIREBOLTS!" Shouted Ron dropping a struggling Scabbers on the floor, the three boys stood in awe of the broomsticks, while Hermione and Eliza looked at each other in slight confusion.

It was a Firebolt, identical to the dream broom Harry had gotten. Its handle glittered as he picked it up. He could feel it vibrating and let go; it hung in midair, unsupported, at exactly the right height for him to mount it. His eyes moved from the golden registration number at the top of the handle, right down to the perfectly smooth, streamlined birch twigs that made up the tail.

"That's supposed to be a really good broom, right?" Said Hermione, walking over to them.

"Hermione, it's the best broom in the world!" Exclaimed Ron, not taking his eyes off the levitating broomsticks.

"So, it would have cost quite a lot of money?" She continued, sharing a glance with Eliza.

"Price on request." Said Rigel quietly.

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