The last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black

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"You ready?"

Rigel nodded dressed solemnly and looking miserable, and Andromeda's heart broke for her nephew. She knew that he had no interest in what his father had left him and would gladly give it all back in exchange for Sirius' life, but Rigel understood how important Grimmauld Place was to the Order and the idea that Bellatrix -Andromeda's sister- could petition to inherit made him sick.

"Yeah, I'm ready," he said. "Just want to get his over with."

He, Andromeda, Ted, and Tonks apparated (Rigel side apparated with Tonks) to London. There they met the Weasley's and Hermione and the Potter twins who had also been summoned.

Diagon Alley was a shadow of its former self. Several shops were boarded up and shabby stalls had sprung up against the stores. Several stalls had signs for amulets and other supposedly protective items. Rigel was sure every one of them was fake. Andromeda herded him in quickly not with excitement but with fear.

Inside of Gringotts, they were directed to a side door leading into a waiting area near the offices of the higher-ranked goblins. A young goblin at a desk near the door greeted them and asked them to wait for the other beneficiaries to arrive. 

Tonks and her mother sat with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, chatting softly as they waited. 

"What are you doing here?" a voice all but demanded. Rigel turned around to see his two least favorite relatives. Draco and Narcissa Malfoy.

"Sit down Narcissa," Rigel said in a sour tone. "That includes you Draco."

The two blondes did not like being ordered but Rigel knew they would comply hoping that Sirius would leave a part of the family fortune.

"Andi." Narcissa greeted inclining her head towards her older sister. "It's been a while" she finished.

"Cissy" Andromeda replied using her childhood nickname for her sister.

"What are they doing here!" Draco repeated but this time gesturing to the Weasley and Potters.

"These are all the people mentioned in my father's will Draco," Rigel said flatly. "If you cannot stand them. Then leave and I will send your inheritance through mail.

Draco looked like they would rather leave but the door to an office opened. An old goblin was coming toward them.

"I am Gugrod, Senior Manager in charge of the Black Accounts. Follow me this way," the goblin said.

Everyone stood and followed him into a large conference room that was big enough to seat everyone except for Hagrid, who stood off to the side. The goblin took his seat and pulled out several documents.

"Now then, Mr. Black was unable to leave a Pensieve memory, but he did leave a record of his will. Are there any questions before we begin?" Gudrod asked.

Nobody said anything and the goblins set up the record player on his desk. A moment later, Sirius' voice filled the room. Rigel's eyes teared up.

"I, Sirius Orion Black III of 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not acting under duress, menace, fraud, or the undue influence of any person, potion, or spell, do make, publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament.

Article I

I hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint the goblin Gudrod, Black  accounts Manager at Gringotts Wizarding Bank as Executor of my estate.

Article II

I hereby revoke any and all former Wills and Codicils thereto made by me and declare this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the sixth day of July 1995.

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