First task

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When Rigel woke up on Sunday morning. He noticed that Harry and Ron still haven't made up for frustrating Percy to no end. And to make matters worse,  none of the Gryffindors in Eliza's year (Bar Hermione) believed her. 

"Write to dad," Rigel suggested as they walked around the grounds. "You've got to tell him what's happened. He's your godfather Harry, Eliza. He has a right to know."

"Okay, okay, we'll write to him," said Harry, throwing his last piece of toast into the lake. The four stood and watched it floating there for a moment before the giant squid took it. Then they returned to the castle.

"Let's hope the other houses believe you lot." Rigel signed.

Apparently, the rest of the school, thought Harry and Eliza himself had entered the tournament. But unlike the Gryffindors, however, they did not seem impressed.

The Hufflepuffs, who were usually on excellent terms with the Gryffindors had turned remarkably cold toward the whole lot of them. One Herbology lesson was enough to demonstrate this. It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that the twins had stolen their champion's glory; a feeling exacerbated, by the fact that the Hufflepuff House rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any, having beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch. Ernie Macmillan and Justin FinchFletchley, with whom Harry normally got on very well, did not talk to him even though they were repotting Bouncing Bulbs at the same tray — though they did laugh rather unpleasantly when one of the Bouncing Bulbs wriggled free from Harry's grip and smacked him hard in the face and Eliza and Rigel laughed when Ernie's bouncing bulb hit Justin.

Ron also wasn't talking to Harry or Eliza. Hermione and Rigel did try making conversations but though the three answered her normally, they avoided making eye contact with each other

Predictably, Malfoy arrived at Hagrid's cabin with his familiar sneer firmly in place died.

". . how long d'you reckon you're going to last, Potters? Ten minutes into the first task's my bet."

"Well he's not going to last ten seconds now," Eliza growled taking out her wand but Hagrid emerged from the back of his cabin balancing a teetering tower of crates, each containing a very large Blast-Ended Skrewt. To everyone's horror, Hagrid proceeded to explain that the reason the skrewts had been killing one another was an excess of pent-up energy and that the solution would be for each student to fix a leash on a skrewt and take it for a short walk. The only good thing about this plan was that it distracted Malfoy completely.

"Take this thing for a walk?" he repeated in disgust, staring into one of the boxes. "And where exactly are we supposed to fix the leash? Around the sting, the blasting end, or the sucker?"

"Roun' the middle," said Hagrid, demonstrating. "Er — yeh might want ter put on yer dragon-hide gloves, jus' as an extra precaution, like. Harry — you come here an' help me with this bygone. . . . you too Eliza."

But Rigel knew Hagrid wanted to speak with them personally.

"It's really not that difficult, guys," Hermione tried to reassure him as they left Flitwick's class. Because Harry and Eliza did so badly in Flitwick's class (something that they rarely did) that they were given extra homework.

Hermione and Rigel on the other hand had been making objects zoom across the room to each other all lesson

"You just weren't concentrating properly mate —"

"Wonder why that was," Eliza said darkly as Cedric Diggory walked past, surrounded by a large group of simpering girls "Still — never mind. Double Potions to look forward to this afternoon. . . ."

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