Yule ball

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"Weasley! Weasley! stop laughing!" McGonagall's voice cracked like a whip across the classroom.

Once everyone was silent she continued speaking. "Soon the winter holidays will arrive, many of you usually choose to go home, but this year there is an event that many of you may feel is worth staying for. A traditional part of the Tri-Wizard tournament is the 'Yule Ball', a ball which will be held here at Hogwarts. For the more simple-minded of you, it is a dance." she said.

Several girls began whispering to each other as a few boys groaned.

"Enough," McGongall called and the room went silent again. "If you wish to attend the ball then you must remember what and who you are representing, that would be yourself, your houses, and the house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries, I will not - I repeat, I WILL NOT - have you all exhibiting anything less than your best behavior.

In fact, I would appreciate it if any of you did better than your best, I'm aware I may be asking for miracles for some but for the love of Merlin, do not embarrass this house. Should you embarrass yourself or the house then expect to feel the full brunt of my displeasure. If you are attending then you will wear dress robes, you will be allowed to bring a date, you may only attend if you are a fourth year or above. Any younger students will only be allowed to go if an older student is accompanying them.

The ball will start at six pm on Christmas day and will last until midnight, any misbehavior and I will deal with you personally, is that understood?" she asked.

The bell rang, and there was the usual scuffle of activity as everyone packed their bags and swung them onto their shoulders.

The next day all classes were canceled and each house was supposed to meet in a certain room. All Gryffindors meet in the Transfiguration room. Chairs were lined up against the two walls across each other, and a huge record player was in the middle.

"Silence!" McGongall called out raising both hands."The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in one night, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!"

"Try to say that five times fast," Fred whispered.

"Bumbling band of baboons," George said. "Bumbling band of baboons"

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe." McGongall continued "Inside every girl a secret swan slumber, longing to burst forth & take flight!"

Ron turned to Rigel "Something's about to burst out of Eloise Midgen but I don't think it's a swan."

Rigel cracked a smile as Harry and Ron chuckled. But McGongall had the last laugh. "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepares to prance, Mr. Weasley."

"Yes." Ron squeaked.

"Will you join me please?"

McGongall didn't wait because she grabbed Ron's robes and dragged him to the center

"Place your hand on my waist." She said. Ron looked horrified.

"Where?" he asked horrified.

"My waist" she repeated. Then he reluctantly put it there.

Rigel wolf-whistled in a teasing way and he turns around to make so sign with his hand, but Professor McGonagall stopped him and all the boys laughed.

Then the two of them began waltzing and now Rigel was going to make fun of Ron for the rest of his life (Maybe he should even turn into a ghost out of spite). Borrowing Colin Creevey's camera, he took a few quick snaps.

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