Third task

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The past few weeks had been spent learning a variety of hexes, jinxes, and curses that might come in useful. Eliza had been learning the spells at an alarming rate -from confundus to a lightning generation spell- and Rigel found it hard to conceal his pride when she blocked one of Rigel's most powerful curses. They had been dueling each other every day, even in the corridors to try and surprise each other, it had turned into a competition and Eliza was enjoying the friendly rivalry. Mr. Filch however did not appreciate their preparations, Rigel had decapitated a suit of armor and Eliza had blasted out a window. They had both served detentions. 

The next day for breakfast, Hermione Ron and Rigel were doing a bit of last-minute revision for their History of Magic exam. Harry and Eliza had spent the exam period sitting at the back of the room reading and revising useful spells. 

As the owls swooped down Rigel grabbed Hermione's Daily Prophet and paid the owl, Hermione was too buried in her notes to notice. Harry had also received a post, it was a scrap of parchment with a muddy paw print.

Rigel opened the paper and his jaw dropped;


The Potter twins should be disqualified from the Triwizard tournament over fears for the safety of the other champions, according to an unnamed Ministry source. Harry and Eliza regularly has visions and hallucinations which they claim are due to their scars and-

Rigel shut the paper quickly and attempted to conceal it, unfortunately for him, Eliza spotted it.

"What does it say?" Eliza asked, in a voice of forced calm, Rigel gulped and handed the paper to him

"Looks like we've got a super fan, Harry," Eliza snorted. "Who is this... Rose Smith?'

"But how did she know about all of this?" Rigel said snatching the paper off Ron. "Someone in your Divination class must be tipping her off, unless she got you bugged or..."

"That's it!" Hermione shouted.

"What?" Rigel blinked

"Err, Mione are you ok?" Asked Ron, waving his hand in front of her face.

"I've just thought...but she wouldn't be....but then she could...I've got to go to the library!" Hermione flew out of her seat and her revision notes scattered behind her, Eliza picked them up and passed them over to Ron who had hungry desperation on his face.

"We've got an exam in ten minutes, she must really hate Skeeter," Rigel said looking down the hall at Hermione's running figure. Just then Professor McGonagall approached the table and addressed Harry and Eliza.

"Potter, Potter, you two need to go to the Entrance Hall after breakfast, you will get a chance to meet each other's families." She left the group without looking at Eliza. Ron turned to Harry with a confused look on his face.

"Is she expecting the Dursleys to come?" Rigel asked.

"They'd rather die than turn up at Hogwarts, trust me." Said Harry, Eliza nodded in agreement.

As they finished their breakfast, Harry wished Ron good luck and Eliza gave him a quick hug. The twins walked out of the hall and Harry was suggesting a trip to the library when Cedric stuck his head out of a doorway.

"Harry, Eliza, come on they're waiting for you!" The twins looked at each other perplexed, but nevertheless, Harry walked into the room with Eliza following behind.

"Surprise!" Came Mrs. Weasley's excited voice; she crossed the room quickly and hugged Harry and Eliza together, nearly banging their heads. Eliza grinned over Mrs. Weasley's shoulder as she saw Bill, Remus and a familiar black dog waiting quietly by the fire.

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