End of first year

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Exam results came out the Wednesday after the feast, on the eleventh of June. Rigel had done rather well passing all of his exams. There was even a small note from professor McGongall that he had one of the best transfiguration scores she had ever seen which made Rigel beam. 

The end of school came and Rigel was waiting with Ron and Hermione in the doorway to one of the cars on the train. All of their stuff was already in a compartment and they were ready to go - they were just waiting for Harry and Eliza who were talking to Hagrid a little off to the side on the Hogsmeade train station platform. Hagrid handed them two small red books and wiped a tear from his eye. The twins smiled, said something, and made their way over to Rigel and the others.

"Hey, Hagrid said this was for you." Eliza smiled as she gave him a book. Rigel raised an eyebrow but took it nonetheless.

Then the train started moving, the wheels squealing and smoke coming from the chimney up in the first car. Hagrid waved to the four of them from where he was standing and they waved back, smiling and yelling goodbye. Soon the platform, along with Hagrid, was out of sight. They all retreated into their chosen compartment and sat down, ready for the long train ride. About ten minutes in, Harry told them about the books. "They're books of pictures. They're all about our parents. You guys are in here too."

It was true. Harry showed them a picture of baby Harry with his mum and dad. Rigel found a picture of his own parents also. There was also a picture of just Eliza Potter and Rigel's arms around each other's shoulders, faces grinning and there was one of all five of them. They looked happy in the picture, Rigel messing with Eliza's hair and another of her chasing him yelling bloody murderer, Harry, Ron, and Hermione laughing next to them, and Fred and George pulling the classic whip cream prank on him. It made Rigel loathe leaving even more. There were more pictures of the five of them and some other people, but they all blurred together. At the end of the book, there were still quite a few empty pages, ready for more pictures to be added.

The rest of the train ride passed by relatively quickly. They talked some, ate sweets from the trolley pushed around the train by that little old lady, and just had fun in the others' company. All too soon, the train screeched to a halt and everyone started getting off. It took a couple of minutes for the four of them to fully exit (it was much more crowded on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters than it was on the Hogsmeade platform) and once they were off the train they looked for their guardians. Not to Rigel's surprise, Mrs. Dodds didn't even come which slightly relieved Rigel. She didn't even know his plans.

Rigel nudged Ron, pointing out the redheads. "Is that your family there?"

Ron nodded."Yeah, that's my mum and dad, and my sister, Ginny, is with them."

Fred, George, and Percy had already found their parents and were waiting beside them, Fred and George fooling around and Percy scolding them.

Hermione perked up a little. "I'll be right back, I found my mum and dad." She ran off, dragging her trunk with her. The three boys and girl made their way over to their respective families once she was gone.

"Thanks for the jumpers, Mrs. Weasley." Said Rigel politely.

"Oh, it was nothing dear, thank you for the note Eliza, it was a lovely surprise. I only wish my own children would be so grateful!"

"Harry and Eliza are you sure you two will be alright." Mrs. Weasley glanced at the Dursleys as if they were expecting to go berserk.

"Don't worry Mrs. Weasley," Eliza said mischievously.

 "After all she doesn't need to know that I'm not allowed to magic outside of school," Harry said equally mischievous.

Rigel let out a bark-like laugh. "Nicely done."

If there was one thing Rigel Black had learned from his time at Hogwarts, it was that the castle really was his home. Not the orphanage, but Hogwarts. That was where he belonged, where he had friends and a proper family.

Hogwarts is his home.

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