Forbidden forest

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They were insanely outnumbered.

For every person fighting for Hogwarts, there were three Death Eaters. And that was with the students fighting.

Professor McGonagall who had her wand raised fiercely and then cried out, "Piertotum Locomotor!"

On cue, all along the corridor the statues and suits of armor jumped down from their plinths.

"Hogwarts is threatened!" shouted Professor McGonagall over the echoing crashes from the floors above and below. "Man the boundaries, protect us, do your duty to our school!"

"I always wanted to use that spell." Rigel said glumly.

The swarm of Death Eaters charged forward, wands high. Jets of light zapped back and forth as the two armies engaged.

Rigel threw up a shield charm over a group of Ravenclaws in response to a confringo. He cut down a Death Eater as he ran past McGonagall and Ms Weasley who were already engaged in duels.

Guessing that the castle was breached, Rigel ordered Neville to take charge while he roamed the castle around.

He wasn't wrong. Just when he entered the corridor, Rigel came upon a hooded and masked figure.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Rigel ducked the killing curse and pointing at the chandelier he yelled. "Confirngo!"

The part of the ceiling blasted and dropped upon him, instantly killing him

But Rigel  suddenly fell down with a yell as he felt a curse hit his leg. Rigel dropped to the floor, his whole body aching and a bleeding leg.

he turned towards his attacker who was Goyle. The inbred boy had brought up loads of memories and Rigel without a wand yelled "Bombarda!"

The result was satisfactory and Goyle was blasted off with horrible burns on his chest.

"Asshole." Rigel muttered. Waving his wand, he muttered ferule and his leg was covered link a splint. 

"Hello, Minister!" bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped hiswand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. "Did I mention I'mresigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. Thicknesse had fallen to the ground with tiny spikes erupting all over him; he seemed to be turning into some form of sea urchin. Fred looked at Percy with glee. None of them noticing the exploding curse that was flying behind them

 "You actually are joking, Perce. . . . I don't think I've heard you joke since you were —"

"FRED GET OUT!" Rigel yelled as he dived towards the redheads and just then the wall exploded and Rigels world turned black.


His name forced Rigel to wake up and he tried to get up despite his aching and if possible broken leg.

Hermione and Harry were struggling to get up to their feet, both of their faces bleeding. Fred and Percy were getting up both coughing and covered in dust. But thankfully alive.

"Rigel..." a red hair girl hugged him. It took Rigel a moment to recognize that it was Eliza. 

"I'm not leaving you red..." Rigel murmured. 

"Get down!" Harry shouted, as more curses flew through the night.

Hermione screamed, and Rigel, turning, did not need to ask why. A monstrous spider the size of a small car was trying to climb through the huge hole in the wall: One of Aragog's descendants had joined the fight.

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