Quidditch and the truth comes out

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"It's going to be a tough one," said Wood, who wasn't eating anything

"Stop worrying, Oliver," said Angelina soothingly, "we don't mind a bit of rain."

They mounted the broom and the match started. Rigel grabbed the quaffle and speed towards the goals and coerced a few red and yellow shapes, with no idea of what was happening in the rest of the game. He couldn't hear the commentary over the wind and hoped he hadn't scored his own goal. The crowd was hidden beneath a sea of cloaks and battered umbrellas.

"I called for time-out!" Wood roared at his team. "Come on, under here -"

They huddled at the edge of the field under a large umbrella; Harry took off his glasses andwiped them hurriedly on his robes.

"What's the score?"

"We're fifty points up," said Wood, "but unless we get the Snitch soon, we'll be playing into thenight."

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry said exasperatedly, waving his glasses. At that very moment, Hermione appeared at his shoulder; she was holding her cloak over herhead and was, inexplicably, beaming.

"I've had an idea, Harry! Give me your glasses, quick!"

He handed them to her, and as the team watched in amazement, Hermione tapped them with herwand and said, "Impervius!"

"There!" she said, handing them back to Harry. "They'll repel water!"

Wood looked as though he could have kissed her.

"Brilliant!" he called hoarsely after her as she disappeared into the crowd. "Okay, team, let's gofor it!"

There was another clap of thunder, followed immediately by forked lightning. This was getting more and more dangerous.

After a while, he drew back his arm to throw the Quaffle through the goal post one more time and then noticed that Harry was now racing towards something. It had to be the Snitch.

Then suddenly it was as if someone pressed a mute button. There was an eerie silence, and Rigel felt much more colder.


And then he saw Eliza was falling through the icy mist. He was no near stopping, or even slowing down. But Professor Dumbledore managed to stop Harry and Eliza from hitting the ground hard.

"Lucky the ground was so soft," said George.

"No, lucky Professor Dumbledore was fast enough," Fred said

"I could've caught her-" Rigel mumbled.

"Shut up Rigel, it wasn't your fault-"

"Harry already woke up, she should be waking up soon..."

"If she's dead, I'm gonna kill Sirius Black," Harry croaked.

"She's not dead!"

Eliza slowly open his eyes.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life." said Hermione.

"Not the hospital wing," Eliza groaned, smacking her head with her hand. Everyone turned to her. "What happened?"

"Lily, you're awake!" Ginny squealed, she went for a hug but Rigel held her back.

"Ginny don't she has two broken ribs" Rigel said shaking his head.

"How do you feel?" Hermione asked, her eyes bloodshot and her tone anxious.

"Oh, I feel lovely." Eliza rolled her eyes.

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