Malfoy manor and birth

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They were brought through the gates to the Malfoy Manor. Once Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix saw the five, they looked thrilled. They couldn't recognize Harry and Eliza because Harry had been shot a stinging hex and Eliza's face had been transfigured into a random girl Rigel had once seen on muggle telly.

"Put them in the cellar, I want to have a little conversation with my nephew a little family reunion."

she grabbed Rigel by the back of his throat and looked at Eliza.

"And you can watch." 

Eliza's eyes widened and she stepped forward to complain, but Draco held her back. She looked helplessly at Ron, Hermione Harry as they were being dragged away by the snatchers.


"Where's Remus Lupin!" Bellatrix yelled. "Where's Nymphadora Tonks! Crucio!"

"Fuck you— ARRGH!" Rigel screamed again as Bellatrix dug the knife at him. 

By the end of that session, Rigel was a mess, with blood and bruises all over his clothes and a nasty-looking gash on his cheeks. His sleeves were ripped and he was still shaking badly from the after-effects of the Cruciatus Curse. Add on the fact that she practically carved a blood traitor on him.

"Please don't kill the baby." Eliza sobbed as Draco covered the scene but Rigel's screams were still loud enough to make her break down.

Eliza looked to Draco and his eyes were widened, he stuttered out trying to shield her eyesight from Rigel being tortured.

"Y-you're pregnant."

Eliza nodded putting a hand to her stomach protectively. Draco didn't know what to say.

"What a waste of blood," Bellatrix said wiping the blood off Rigel's sleeves. "It's a shame we have to kill your boyfriend." she grinned nastily.


Bellatrix was disarmed and was thrown off by a stunner from Hermione.

"Stupefy!" Lucius yelled, throwing the jinx at Harry who dodged. He and his sister took on Lucius while Ron and Hermione took on a reluctant Draco and Narcissa.

Harry finally got Lucius with a hex, and the blonde man was thrown across the room, hitting his head against the wall with a crack.

"Lucius!" Narcissa yelled but was knocked back by a stunner from Eliza.

"That was for Sirius!" Eliza snarled.

"STOP!" Bellatrix yelled and they all turned to see a barely unconscious Rigel being held by Bellatrix with a knife on his throat. 

"Drop your wands!" Beatrix ordered sneering at the four Gryffindors. "Or the boy gets it."

The four reluctantly dropped their wands. Bellatrix ordered Draco to pick up their wands. 

"Well well well little Rigel," Bellatrix whispered in his ears. "It's the Potter twins. they're all bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the dark lord."

"Call him," Bellatrix said as Rigel was exhaling much sharper than usual. "Lucius!"

Lucius pulled his sleeve revealing his dark mark and pointed his wand at it.

Rigel heard the shuffling of a sleeve and began to smirk to himself when he noticed Dobby on the chandelier, un-tightening the screws, and he guessed everyone noticed too because it began falling down. Rigel quickly swung his head back on Bellatrix's face and collapsed into Eliza's arms.

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