Leaky cauldron and Interrogation

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"You know, I am surprised that you're working," Tom admitted as he cleaned a mug. This summer Rigel had quit his job as a waiter in the leaky cauldron and shifted as a booking assistant for Flourish and Blotts. not that Tom minded since Rigel practically lived in the pub.

Rigel shrugged. "I like working here," he said as he ate his burger. "Besides, a job's a job, you pay me a decent amount so I don't see why I shouldn't work here."

"Most kids your age don't think about jobs," Tom replied. "besides, if you don't mind my asking, ain't the Black family rich? You should probably be able to last a good while without working."

"Yep, but the way I see it, is that my parents and ancestors earned all that money and I shouldn't waste more than necessary. I have seen people who went from being rich as can be to living outside shops in the rain." Rigel replied. "Don't get me wrong, if I need or want something then I'll make some money out of my vault but I'd like to at least contribute to it. Do you know what I mean? Like if I am taking galleons then I should try and provide my own."

"Ah, I get ya." Tom nodded. "That's a mighty fine attitude, Rigel," Tom said approvingly. "a lot of kids don't think about it like that and the others are fine just taking from their parents," Tom added in a disapproving voice. "I mean look at me, I volunteered for my father when he owned this place, then when I was sixteen I actually started working here over the summer. And kept going after Hogwarts, you might not know it when you look at me but I am not the kind of man who struggles with money Now what can I help you with?"  Tom said moving on to a customer who just arrived.

"Can I help you?" Rigel asked the women

"Excuse me." Rigel turned around to see familiar blonde women. "I would like- Oh! Rigel Black," she said not hiding her surprise behind an impassive mask.

"Lady Malfoy." Rigel nodded politely. Narcissa Malfoy nee Black wasn't exactly his favorite but they did enjoy complaining about Draco. "What can I help you with?"

"Oh I would like to buy this book," The woman said as she placed a green book on the counter that Rigel recognized as disciplining your children part III. "And I would also like to have the Hogwarts third yearbook set."

"Of course, do you want some of the elective books as well?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I do," The woman nodded. "I'll have the third year books for ancient runes, care of magical creatures, and..." The woman paused, a look of distaste and disapproval appeared on her face. "...divination."

"You don't like divination Aunt Cissy?" Rigel asked curiously before walking over to grab the books.

"I've heard plenty of rumors and facts about the current divination teacher at Hogwarts and I find her lacking in more than one way," Narcissa rolled her eyes. "I am well aware that many students simply take the class for an easy grade, though I had hoped that my son would take something reliable like arithmancy. Besides, even under a competent teacher, it's an imprecise brand of magic that very few can actually master," she complained.

"Really?" Rigel asked, putting the elective books on the till counter.

"Oh yes," The woman sighed. "I told my son the very same thing. What electives have you chosen, Rigel?"

"Oh Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and care of magical creatures." Rigel ticked off.

Narcissa hummed approvingly then smiled. "Your mother took the same subjects."

Rigel smiled back though it wasn't a true one. "Yeah, I remember dad taking muggle studies?"

Narcissa laughed. "Oh yes the argument with your grandparents-" she was about to speak but another voice interrupted.

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